Global Patent Index - EP 0866194 B1

EP 0866194 B1 20030806 - Modular support for staircase steps

Title (en)

Modular support for staircase steps

Title (de)

Einheitstragelement für Treppenstufen

Title (fr)

Support modulaire pour marches d'escalier


EP 0866194 B1 20030806 (EN)


EP 98104121 A 19980309


IT BO970156 A 19970318

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0866194A2] A modular support for staircase steps comprising a vertical cylindrical body (3) having, at its top, a rigidly coupled horizontal supporting plate (4) for a corresponding step. The cylindrical body (3) is provided with two walls (8) which protrude in a vertically parallel fashion from the cylindrical body (3), below the supporting plate (4). A coupling element (12) is associable with the cylindrical body (3) and forms a sleeve constituted by a vertical cylindrical portion, suitable to duplicate the outer surface of the cylindrical body and from which two vertically parallel wings (14) protrude which are suitable to respectively couple to the walls (8) and to be crossed by screw means (16) for the vise-like clamping of the vertical cylindrical body (3) of an adjacent support. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

E04F 11/02

IPC 8 full level

E04F 11/035 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04F 11/035 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0866194 A2 19980923; EP 0866194 A3 19981021; EP 0866194 B1 20030806; DE 69816893 D1 20030911; DE 69816893 T2 20040708; DK 0866194 T3 20031124; IT 1292806 B1 19990211; IT BO970156 A0 19970318; IT BO970156 A1 19980918; IT BO970156 A3 19980918

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 98104121 A 19980309; DE 69816893 T 19980309; DK 98104121 T 19980309; IT BO970156 A 19970318