Global Patent Index - EP 0875476 B1

EP 0875476 B1 20030827 - Winder with two mandrels for winding a web

Title (en)

Winder with two mandrels for winding a web

Title (de)

Wickler mit zwei Spindeln zum Aufwickeln einer Bahn

Title (fr)

Bobineuse à deux mandrins pour l'enroulement d'une bande


EP 0875476 B1 20030827 (FR)


EP 98400995 A 19980423


FR 9705409 A 19970430

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0875476A1] The winder has at least two rotary mandrels, each carried by a frame which allows them both to be placed in turn in a first position where winding is started and a second position where winding is completed and the mandrel is removed. The winder incorporates a permanent support for the end of each mandrel opposite the frame as it travels from the first position to the second. The support is in the form of a rotary member which rests on a fixed support (12). As each full mandrel is removed from the winder it is replaced by an empty one and the process is continued.

IPC 1-7

B65H 19/22; B65H 18/02

IPC 8 full level

B21C 47/28 (2006.01); B65H 18/02 (2006.01); B65H 19/22 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP KR US)

B65H 18/0212 (2020.08 - EP US); B65H 19/2215 (2013.01 - EP KR US); B65H 2301/41362 (2013.01 - EP KR US); B65H 2408/24153 (2013.01 - EP KR US); B65H 2701/173 (2013.01 - KR)

Citation (examination)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0875476 A1 19981104; EP 0875476 B1 20030827; AT E248115 T1 20030915; CN 1093076 C 20021023; CN 1203837 A 19990106; CZ 124998 A3 19990512; CZ 289414 B6 20020116; DE 69817437 D1 20031002; DE 69817437 T2 20040617; ES 2205400 T3 20040501; FR 2762831 A1 19981106; FR 2762831 B1 19990716; JP H10310294 A 19981124; KR 100533340 B1 20060330; KR 19980081844 A 19981125; RU 2208569 C2 20030720; SK 54198 A3 19990211; US 6065713 A 20000523

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 98400995 A 19980423; AT 98400995 T 19980423; CN 98107825 A 19980430; CZ 124998 A 19980423; DE 69817437 T 19980423; ES 98400995 T 19980423; FR 9705409 A 19970430; JP 12063798 A 19980430; KR 19980015430 A 19980430; RU 98108889 A 19980429; SK 54198 A 19980427; US 6698298 A 19980427