Global Patent Index - EP 0882830 A1

EP 0882830 A1 19981209 - Precision-stitch sewing machine

Title (en)

Precision-stitch sewing machine

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Machine à coudre de précision


EP 0882830 A1 19981209 (EN)


EP 97830324 A 19970630


  • EP 97830324 A 19970630
  • EP 97830271 A 19970603

Abstract (en)

A precision-stitch sewing machine (1) for attaching a welt (2) to an edge along a predetermined sewing line (X-X) comprises: means (7) for feeding the edge (3) to which the welt is to be attached, the whole of which means (7) are positioned upstream of the sewing area (15) to reduce the size of the machine (1); a draw unit (8) for advancing the welt (2) and the edge (3) to be edged along the sewing line (X-X) and a folding unit (9) for folding the welt (2) around the edge (3) to be edged upstream of the sewing area (15). In order that the welt (2) and the edge (3) to be edged can be advanced simultaneously, the draw unit (8) comprises a belt conveyor (23) that defines a supporting surface for the welt (2) and for the edge (3) to be edged, and a draw roller (16) that cooperates with the transporting member (23). <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

D05B 35/06; D05B 27/10

IPC 8 full level

D05B 27/10 (2006.01); D05B 35/06 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

D05B 27/10 (2013.01); D05B 35/062 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0882830 A1 19981209; EP 0882830 B1 20011128

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97830324 A 19970630