EP 0895253 A1 19990203 - Basic telecom cable and composite cable for high rate signals
Title (en)
Basic telecom cable and composite cable for high rate signals
Title (de)
Basistelekomkabel und zusammengesetztes Kabel für Hochratensignale
Title (fr)
Câble de télécommunication élémentaire et câble composé pour signaux à haut débit
FR 9709883 A 19970801
Abstract (en)
The telecommunication cable is made up of pairs of insulated wires (3) twisted together, with an internal sheath (6) made of an insulating material and enclosing the twisted pairs. A conductive screen (8) is formed from a ribbon which is wound over the internal sheath. The ribbon is fixed to the internal sheath by gluing or welding. The screen has an insulating layer (9) and a conductive layer (10) fixed one to the other, and the screen is attached to the internal sheath by the insulating layer. A second sheath (11) is placed around the screen and a protective ribbon (19,21) between the screen and the second sheath has its edges overlapping.
Abstract (fr)
Le câble de télécommunication élémentaire comprenant plusieurs fils isolés (3), une gaine interne (6) en matériau isolant entourant les fils conducteurs isolés, un écran conducteur (8) en forme de ruban fixé à la gaine interne (6) par collage ou soudage, et une seconde gaine (11) entourant l'écran (8). <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
H01B 7/08 (2006.01); H01B 11/10 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
H01B 7/0861 (2013.01); H01B 11/1091 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [A] FR 2618939 A1 19890203 - GEN ELECTRIC [US]
- [A] US 4596897 A 19860624 - GRUHN JOEL D [US]
- [A] US 4510346 A 19850409 - BURSH JR TALMAGE P [US], et al
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0895253 A1 19990203; FR 2766956 A1 19990205; FR 2766956 B1 20021025
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 98401939 A 19980729; FR 9709883 A 19970801