Global Patent Index - EP 0921307 B1

EP 0921307 B1 20030205 - Starter for automotive vehicle with gear reductor comprising an impact limiting device

Title (en)

Starter for automotive vehicle with gear reductor comprising an impact limiting device

Title (de)

Anlasser für Kraftfahrzeug mit Untersetzungsgetriebe und Stossbegrenzervorrichtung

Title (fr)

Démarreur de véhicule automobile à réducteur à engrenages comportant un dispositif limiteur d'à-coups


EP 0921307 B1 20030205 (FR)


EP 98402013 A 19980806


FR 9710310 A 19970811

Abstract (en)

[origin: FR2767157A1] The maximum coupling transferred is limited using the cylindrical skirt (46) with toothed inner section where the toothed crown (44) has a deformable zone responding to high torsion by immobilising (74) the crown rotation.

IPC 1-7

F02N 15/04

IPC 8 full level

F02N 15/04 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F02N 15/046 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

FR 2767157 A1 19990212; FR 2767157 B1 19990910; DE 69811191 D1 20030313; DE 69811191 T2 20030911; EP 0921307 A1 19990609; EP 0921307 B1 20030205; ES 2192753 T3 20031016

DOCDB simple family (application)

FR 9710310 A 19970811; DE 69811191 T 19980806; EP 98402013 A 19980806; ES 98402013 T 19980806