EP 0926656 A1 19990630 - Sound-insulating structure with body containing absorbant porous material
Title (en)
Sound-insulating structure with body containing absorbant porous material
Title (de)
Schall-isolierendes Bauelement mit einem Körper aus absorbierendem porösem Material
Title (fr)
Structure antibruit avec corps en matériau poreux absorbant
FR 9716409 A 19971223
Abstract (en)
The structure (11) consists of a body (12) of a porous material which absorbs acoustic energy, e.g. a slab or partition of wood concrete. It incorporates at least one tubular component (13) which forms a cavity. The tubular component is embedded in the material and has a series of equally spaced bores of 0.5 - 20 mm diameter, the dimensions of the bores and cavity being selected to give optimum absorption of noise at a predetermined acoustic frequency. The cavity of the tubular component, which is 30 - 50 mm in diameter, can be empty or filled with an absorbent material. The structure can have a series of parallel tubular components of different sizes to absorb noises at different frequencies, and the structure can incorporate a system for vibrating the air column inside the tubular components in an opposite phase to the acoustic wave to be damped.
Abstract (fr)
L'invention concerne une structure (11) antibruit comprenant un corps (12) en matériau poreux absorbant l'énergie acoustique. La structure comporte au moins un élément tubulaire (13) définissant une cavité, ledit élément étant noyé dans la masse du matériau absorbant et percé d'au moins un trou (15) sur une paroi pour former un col de résonateur, les dimensions de ladite cavité et du trou étant agencées pour permettre l'absorption optimisée d'une fréquence acoustique déterminée. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
G10K 11/172 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
G10K 11/172 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [AD] DE 9408118 U1 19950914 - FAIST M GMBH & CO KG [DE]
- [A] US 5457291 A 19951010 - RICHARDSON BRIAN E [US]
- [A] WO 8502640 A1 19850620 - LOCKHEED CORP [US]
- [A] FR 2700179 A1 19940708 - BOUYGUES SA [FR]
- [AD] FR 2222715 A1 19741018 - VASILJEVIC C [DE]
- [AD] FR 2553808 A1 19850426 - SOCEA BALENCY SOBEA [FR]
- [AD] FR 2533058 A1 19840316 - FRAUNHOFER GES FORSCHUNG [DE]
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0926656 A1 19990630; FR 2772963 A1 19990625; FR 2772963 B1 20011116
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 98403264 A 19981222; FR 9716409 A 19971223