Global Patent Index - EP 0928862 A1

EP 0928862 A1 19990714 - Sealing arrangement and a sealing construction for a pipe, such as a flue gas discharge pipe, through a roof

Title (en)

Sealing arrangement and a sealing construction for a pipe, such as a flue gas discharge pipe, through a roof

Title (de)

Abdichtungsvorrichtung für ein dachdurchquerendes Rohr, wie Rauchgas-Abfuhrrohr

Title (fr)

Assemblage d'étanchéité pour un tube traversant un toit, tel que tube d'évacuation de gaz de fumées


EP 0928862 A1 19990714 (EN)


EP 98204300 A 19981218


NL 1007993 A 19980109

Abstract (en)

The invention relates to a sealing construction for a pipe (20), such as a flue gas discharge pipe or a ventilation pipe, through a roof. According to the invention the sealing construction is arranged on the inside of the roof and comprises a frame portion (31,32) and a flexible sealing ring portion (33). The invention provides in this way a sealing on the inside of the roof which prevents condensation in the roof construction, aesthetically speaking looks good and prevents loss of energy. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

E04D 13/147

IPC 8 full level

E04D 13/147 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04D 13/1476 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0928862 A1 19990714; EP 0928862 B1 20041124; DE 69827756 D1 20041230; DE 69827756 T2 20051215; NL 1007993 C2 19990712

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 98204300 A 19981218; DE 69827756 T 19981218; NL 1007993 A 19980109