Global Patent Index - EP 0968842 A1

EP 0968842 A1 20000105 - A ring binder

Title (en)

A ring binder

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Classeur à anneaux


EP 0968842 A1 20000105 (EN)


EP 99302056 A 19990317


GB 9814510 A 19980703

Abstract (en)

A ring binder (10) is disclosed as including a ring binder mechanism (12) and a cover (14), in which the cover (14) includes two tabs via which the ring binder mechanism (12) is releasably securable to the cover (14), the ring binder mechanism (12) including an upper housing supporting a pair of pivotable plates to which a number of half-rings are attached, in which the plates are pivotably movable between a first position in which the half-rings are closed, and a second position in which the half-rings are open, in which the tabs are engaged with the plates when the plates are in the first position, and thus to prevent movement of the plates relative to the tabs. There is also disclosed a ring binder mechanism (12) releasably securable to a cover via two tabs, in which the ring binder mechanism (12) includes an upper housing supporting a pair of pivotable plates to which a number of half-rings are attached, in which the plates are pivotably movable between a first position in which the half-rings are closed, and a second position in which the half-rings are open, in which the plates are, when in the first position, adapted to be engaged with the tabs and thus to prevent movement of the plates relative to the tabs. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B42F 13/00

IPC 8 full level

B42F 13/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B42F 13/0073 (2013.01)

Citation (applicant)

US 5286128 A 19940215 - GILLUM STEVEN [US]

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0968842 A1 20000105; GB 9814510 D0 19980902

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 99302056 A 19990317; GB 9814510 A 19980703