Global Patent Index - EP 0972932 A1

EP 0972932 A1 20000119 - Injection valve for internal combustion engines

Title (en)

Injection valve for internal combustion engines

Title (de)

Einspritzventil für Brennkraftmaschinen

Title (fr)

Soupape d'injection pour moteurs à combustion interne


EP 0972932 A1 20000119 (DE)


EP 99107868 A 19990421


DE 19831837 A 19980716

Abstract (en)

The nozzle drillings (8-11) are arranged in step shaped offset blind bore (7) of the injection nozzle (6). Also an inner central needle (4) is arranged in an outer valve needle (3), and nozzle drillings (10,11) are arranged in the first lower region (YY) of the blind bore (7). These drillings are opened by the inner nozzle needle with a full load operation. Further nozzle drillings are arranged in the second upper region (XX) of the blind bore (7). These are opened over the injection pressure, for a part load operation or for the igniter jet with a dual fuel operation, by the nozzle needle (3).

Abstract (de)

Das Einspritzventil umfaßt eine äußere Ventilnadel (3) und eine zentrale innere Ventilnadel (4), die jeweils einen Ventilsitz (12,13) in einer zweistufigen Sackbohrung (7) der Einspritzdüse aufweisen. Jede Ventilnadel (3,4) schließt über dem Ventilsitz (12,13) zugeordnete Düsenbohrungen (8,9,10,11) ab, die in übereinander angeordneten Ebenen (X-X,Y-Y) vorgesehen sind. Dabei ist jede Ventilnadel (3,4) separat steuerbar. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

F02M 45/08

IPC 8 full level

F02M 45/08 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F02M 45/086 (2013.01); F02M 2200/46 (2013.01)

Citation (applicant)

EP 0546985 A1 19930616 - NEW SULZER DIESEL AG [CH]

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0972932 A1 20000119

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 99107868 A 19990421