Global Patent Index - EP 0972945 B1

EP 0972945 B1 20050302 - Gear driven compressor

Title (en)

Gear driven compressor

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Compresseur à train d' engrenages


EP 0972945 B1 20050302 (DE)


EP 99113317 A 19990709


DE 19832222 A 19980717

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0972945A2] A compressed gas generating unit with a compact layout has the engine and radial compressor in one line and parallel to the cylindrical gas cooler (3). The cooler has two end flanges (7) coolant pipes (6) and with the gas flow through the entire length. An outer cylindrical cover (11) extends over part of the length of the cooler to provide a position for one of the gas ports away from the end flange, i.e. the gas is ducted through the outer space between the port the end flange. This allows a close spacing between the gas ducts fitted between the compressor and the cooler. The outer cover can extend over the entire length of the cooler, with an internal bulkhead to split the gas flows and allows an even closer spacing of the gas connections.

IPC 1-7

F04D 29/58; F04D 25/16; F28D 7/16; F28F 9/00

IPC 8 full level

F04B 39/06 (2006.01); C23C 14/24 (2006.01); F04D 25/16 (2006.01); F04D 29/58 (2006.01); F28D 7/16 (2006.01); F28F 9/00 (2006.01); F28F 27/02 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F04D 25/163 (2013.01); F04D 29/582 (2013.01); F28D 7/1638 (2013.01); F28F 9/00 (2013.01); F28F 9/026 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0972945 A2 20000119; EP 0972945 A3 20020306; EP 0972945 B1 20050302; DE 19832222 A1 20000120; DE 59911677 D1 20050407; JP 2000045946 A 20000215; JP 3524437 B2 20040510

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 99113317 A 19990709; DE 19832222 A 19980717; DE 59911677 T 19990709; JP 20331199 A 19990716