EP 0976858 A1 20000202 - Ribbon-like elements for making holding structures for tubular workpieces of elastomer material
Title (en)
Ribbon-like elements for making holding structures for tubular workpieces of elastomer material
Title (de)
Flachbandelemente zur Herstellung einer Halterungsstruktur für rohrförmige elastomere Werkstücke
Title (fr)
Eléments de type ruban pour la fabrication de structures de retenue pour des pièces tubulaires en élastomère
EP 98830440 A 19980721
Abstract (en)
Textile containment ribbon (1) able to be wound around crude rubber tubes to effect a structural containment thereof during the subsequent vulcanisation phase. The ribbon (1) presents a series of warp threads (2) enmeshed with a series of sections formed by one or more woof threads (3) to form a compact reticular structure. The warp threads (2) present the same count and the same density as the woof sections (3), thereby making the ribbon (1) easy to weld to another by means of ultrasonic welding. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
D03D 23/00 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
D03D 23/00 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
[A] WO 9309281 A1 19930513 - T & N PLC [GB], et al
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0976858 A1 20000202; EP 0976858 B1 20011010; AT E206775 T1 20011015; DE 69801993 D1 20011115; DE 69801993 T2 20020404
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 98830440 A 19980721; AT 98830440 T 19980721; DE 69801993 T 19980721