EP 0977685 A1 20000209 - MARINE ANCHORS
Title (en)
Title (de)
Title (fr)
- GB 9801089 W 19980430
- GB 9708699 A 19970430
Abstract (en)
[origin: WO9849048A1] A marine anchoring device (1, 33) for penetration into a sea bed is having at least part of its external surface in the form of a low friction surface (8, 12, 13, 14). The device can comprise (a) a drag embedment anchor (1) or alternatively (b) a direct embedment anchor (1A). The low friction surface can be formed by a low friction coating which is adhered to the external surface of the device, or by a coating which is smeared onto the external surface. A lubricant supply apparatus (16, 19) can be provided to replenish the lubricant lost by the friction action of the soil.
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
B63B 21/26 (2006.01); B63B 21/38 (2006.01); C23C 26/00 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
B63B 21/26 (2013.01); B63B 21/32 (2013.01); B63B 2021/262 (2013.01); B63B 2021/265 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
See references of WO 9849048A1
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
WO 9849048 A1 19981105; AR 012506 A1 20001018; AU 7217898 A 19981124; AU 726942 B2 20001123; BR 9809373 A 20000704; CA 2288174 A1 19981105; CA 2288174 C 20080415; DK 176006 B1 20051121; DK 199901550 A 19991228; EP 0977685 A1 20000209; EP 0977685 B1 20020710; ES 2179487 T3 20030116; GB 9708699 D0 19970618; IS 2281 B 20070915; IS 5232 A 19991026; JP 2001523190 A 20011120; JP 4219989 B2 20090204; NO 995305 D0 19991029; NO 995305 L 19991217; NZ 500651 A 20010525; PT 977685 E 20021231; ZA 983703 B 19981106
DOCDB simple family (application)
GB 9801089 W 19980430; AR P980102016 A 19980430; AU 7217898 A 19980430; BR 9809373 A 19980430; CA 2288174 A 19980430; DK PA199901550 A 19991029; EP 98919296 A 19980430; ES 98919296 T 19980430; GB 9708699 A 19970430; IS 5232 A 19991026; JP 54670398 A 19980430; NO 995305 A 19991029; NZ 50065198 A 19980430; PT 98919296 T 19980430; ZA 983703 A 19980430