Global Patent Index - EP 0979973 B1

EP 0979973 B1 20040121 - Wall duct with a collar counteracting recirculation

Title (en)

Wall duct with a collar counteracting recirculation

Title (de)

Mauerdurchführung mit Rand zur Verhinderung der Rezirkulation

Title (fr)

Traversée de mur avec collier empêchant la recirculation


EP 0979973 B1 20040121 (EN)


EP 99202542 A 19990802


NL 1009852 A 19980812

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0979973A1] A wall duct (1) with a supply pipe (3) for air and a discharge pipe (2) for flue gases situated inside the supply pipe (3) has a discharge aperture (4) formed by one end of the discharge pipe (2) and supply apertures (6) provided in the periphery of the supply pipe (3). A collar (8) is fitted in order to prevent waste gases from flowing back from the discharge aperture (4) to the supply apertures (6). According to the invention, in order to avoid a too great air resistance, said collar (8) does not extend beyond the discharge aperture (4). The collar (8) is preferably provided with an opening (9), which is situated at a distance from the supply apertures (6). <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

F23L 17/04

IPC 8 full level

F23L 17/04 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F23L 17/04 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0979973 A1 20000216; EP 0979973 B1 20040121; DE 69914265 D1 20040226; NL 1009852 C2 20000215

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 99202542 A 19990802; DE 69914265 T 19990802; NL 1009852 A 19980812