Global Patent Index - EP 0980744 A1

EP 0980744 A1 20000223 - Device and method for cutting holes in a corrugated tube made of thermoplastic material

Title (en)

Device and method for cutting holes in a corrugated tube made of thermoplastic material

Title (de)

Vorrichtung sowie Verfahren zum EInschneiden von öffnungen in gewelltte Kunststoffrohre

Title (fr)

Dispositif ainsi que procédé pour la découpe d'ouvertures dans des tuyaux en matière plastique munis d'ondulations


EP 0980744 A1 20000223 (EN)


EP 98115695 A 19980820


EP 98115695 A 19980820

Abstract (en)

The invention relates to a device for cutting holes (5) in a corrugated tube (3) with annular or helical corrugations made of thermoplastic material, with cutters (14, 15, 16) attached to cutter shafts (4) mounted in rotatable fashion around axes running parallel to the longitudinal direction of the corrugated tube (3), where each cutter can take up an exact, predetermined position for cutting into the corrugated tube, depending on the rotation of its cutter shaft, and with at least one leadscrew (4'), whose thread (11) engages the corrugations of the tube in gear-like fashion, thus enabling the corrugated tube (3) to be transported at a predetermined speed. The invention also relates to a process for cutting holes in corrugated tubes. A disadvantage of the known devices and processes for this purpose is the need to exchange and resharpen the cutters. For the device according to the invention, it is proposed that each cutter shaft (4) be provided with at least two consecutive cutters (14, 15, 16), separated from each other in the direction of transport (A) and aligned such that, during operation, the time interval between reaching the cutting position of the first cutter (15) in the direction of transport and reaching the subsequent cutting position of the second cutter (16) in the direction of transport essentially corresponds to the time interval in which the corrugated tube (3) is transported by the distance between the cutters projected on the longitudinal direction. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B26F 1/00

IPC 8 full level

B26F 1/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B26F 1/0023 (2013.01); B26F 1/0076 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0980744 A1 20000223

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 98115695 A 19980820