Global Patent Index - EP 0980829 A1

EP 0980829 A1 20000223 - Method and apparatus for continuously forming, filling and sealing packages while linked together

Title (en)

Method and apparatus for continuously forming, filling and sealing packages while linked together

Title (de)

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum kontinuierlichen Herstellen, Füllen and Siegeln von miteinander verbundenen Packungen

Title (fr)

Procédé et appareillage pour former, remplir et sceller de manière continue des emballages tout en les maintenant reliés l'un à l'autre


EP 0980829 A1 20000223 (EN)


EP 97870185 A 19971120


EP 97870185 A 19971120

Abstract (en)

A method of continuously forming, filling and sealing of packages with a continuous web (14) of polyethylene film material includes the steps of folding the web (14) to provide confronting sides (20) joined along a bottom edge (22) and sealing by training the web (14) onto a vertical seal former (34) having plurality of vertical sealers (40) and progressively forming each vertical seal (46) as the web (14) is being continuously moved with the vertical sealer (40) while at the same applying a low temperature sealing action to allow the area of the film being sealed to be progressively melted. This process forms a series of horizontally disposed pouches (48) severed by the vertical seals (46) extending transversely of the web (14) leaving sealed side edges (50) of each pouch (48) partially severed from one another with upper portions (52) of each pouch (48) also remaining connected with adjoining pouches (48) and having opposed sidewalls (54) of each pouch (48) unsealed along a top edge (56) preparatory to filling. A packaging apparatus 10 is also provided for continuously forming filled and sealed packages (12), each having an expanded bottom end (142) capable of receiving a greater amount of fill. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B65B 9/08; B31B 27/00

IPC 8 full level

B31B 27/00 (2006.01); B65B 9/087 (2012.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B65B 9/087 (2013.01); B31B 70/024 (2017.07)

Citation (applicant)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0980829 A1 20000223

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97870185 A 19971120