EP 0985887 A1 20000315 - Protective device for stove tops
Title (en)
Protective device for stove tops
Title (de)
Sicherheitseinrichtungen an Kochstellenoberteilen
Title (fr)
Dispositif de protection pour dessus de cuisinières
ES 9801906 A 19980909
Abstract (en)
The stove top (1) is made of glass, vitroceramic or sheet metal, and includes some through holes for the heat sources (2), whether they are gas and/or electric and besides, the stove top has some ornamental elements (3) that cover said holes. The stove top is characterized in that it comprises a plate (5) that has any type of shape and that it is provided with a through hole (8) for the heat source where it is going to be located, so that the overheating produced by placement of a cooking vessel on the heat source, is eliminated or reduced by placement of said plate (5) located around the source, the plate constituting an element for thermal protection against said overheating. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
F24C 15/10 (2006.01); F24C 15/36 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
F24C 15/10 (2013.01); F24C 15/36 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [X] WO 9102926 A1 19910307 - ESPOSITO FRANK [US]
- [X] US 4089321 A 19780516 - ONDRASIK II VLADIMIR J
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0985887 A1 20000315; EP 0985887 B1 20040506; DE 69916953 D1 20040609; DE 69916953 T2 20060720; ES 2159456 A1 20011001; ES 2159456 B1 20020401; ES 2222013 T3 20050116; PL 331657 A1 20000313; TR 199900568 A2 20000421; TR 199900568 A3 20000421
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 99200333 A 19990205; DE 69916953 T 19990205; ES 9801906 A 19980909; ES 99200333 T 19990205; PL 33165799 A 19990225; TR 9900568 A 19990312