Global Patent Index - EP 0990418 A1

EP 0990418 A1 20000405 - Blood-pressure monitoring apparatus

Title (en)

Blood-pressure monitoring apparatus

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Dispositif de mesure de la pression sanguine


EP 0990418 A1 20000405 (EN)


EP 99118320 A 19990915


JP 28105098 A 19981002

Abstract (en)

A blood-pressure monitoring apparatus including a measuring device (10,70) which measures a blood-pressure value of the subject by changing the pressure of a cuff, an estimating device (10,70,34,38,74,78,82,84) for iteratively estimating a blood-pressure-relating value relating to the blood pressure of the subject based on actual pulse wave propagation information; a starting device (86) for starting, when an estimated blood-pressure value does not fall within a first range, a blood-pressure measurement of the measuring device; a circulatory-system-relating information obtaining device (10,70,34,38,74,92,94,96) which obtains a circulatory-system-relating information relating to a circulatory system of the subject, and a condition changing device (98) for changing, when the obtained circulatory-system-relating information satisfies a predetermined condition, the predetermined first range to a changed first range which is narrower than the first range. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

A61B 5/0285; A61B 5/0225

IPC 8 full level

A61B 5/02 (2006.01); A61B 5/022 (2006.01); A61B 5/0225 (2006.01); A61B 5/0285 (2006.01); A61B 5/145 (2006.01); A61B 5/1455 (2006.01); A61B 5/352 (2021.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

A61B 5/0225 (2013.01 - EP US); A61B 5/0285 (2013.01 - EP US); A61B 5/352 (2021.01 - EP US)

Citation (applicant)

US 5752920 A 19980519 - OGURA TOSHIHIKO [JP], et al

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0990418 A1 20000405; EP 0990418 B1 20030115; DE 69904900 D1 20030220; DE 69904900 T2 20031106; JP 2000107145 A 20000418; JP 3840816 B2 20061101; US 6190325 B1 20010220

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 99118320 A 19990915; DE 69904900 T 19990915; JP 28105098 A 19981002; US 39273399 A 19990909