EP 0992752 A1 20000412 - Apparatus for drying substantially ellipsoid products, such as for instance eggs
Title (en)
Apparatus for drying substantially ellipsoid products, such as for instance eggs
Title (de)
Vorrichtung zur Trocknung von im wesentlichen elliptischen Produkten, wie z.B. Eier
Title (fr)
Dispositif de séchage de produits sensiblement elliptiques, comme par exemple des oeufs
- NL 1010286 A 19981009
- NL 1011560 A 19990315
Abstract (en)
Apparatus for drying substantially ellipsoid products, such as, for instance, eggs (E), which are conveyed over a conveying path (L) by means of a conveyor (1), the apparatus comprising a number of nozzles (2,3) which are connected to a compressor, the nozzles (2,3) being designed and arranged relative to the conveying path (L), such that the drying air blown out by these nozzles (2,3) has a main flow direction (D) which is both directed substantially perpendicularly to the surface (S) of a passing product (E) and blows directly onto at least the areas adjacent the points (P) of a passing product (E). <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
F26B 15/12 (2006.01); F26B 21/00 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
F26B 15/122 (2013.01); F26B 21/004 (2013.01); F26B 2210/04 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [A] US 1711763 A 19290507 - WHITE EDWARD A
- [A] US 1531865 A 19250331 - MCNIEL DANIEL T
- [A] US 4777734 A 19881018 - ELFERINK HENDRIK [NL]
- [A] US 1665627 A 19280410 - HEINRICH HEIDENHAIN
- [A] EP 0533406 A1 19930324 - LIVERSIDGE DAVID CHARLES [GB]
- [DA] US 4173831 A 19791113 - MCCORD ROBERT C [US]
- [DA] US 4750277 A 19880614 - KUHL HENRY Y [US]
- [A] US 2481130 A 19490906 - LINDEMUTH RALPH L
- [A] US 2714257 A 19550802 - JESSE READING WALTER
- [A] GB 852655 A 19601026 - SPOONER DRYER & ENG CO LTD
- [A] US 4189849 A 19800226 - DER SCHOOT JELLE VAN [NL]
- [A] CH 666341 A5 19880715 - INAUEN MASCH AG
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0992752 A1 20000412; EP 0992752 B1 20040107; DK 0992752 T3 20040413; NL 1011560 C1 20000411
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 99202627 A 19990812; DK 99202627 T 19990812; NL 1011560 A 19990315