EP 0993451 A1 20000419 - 2-(2-METHYLPHENYL)-OXAZOLINES
Title (en)
Title (de)
Title (fr)
- DE 19727889 A 19970701
- EP 9803731 W 19980618
Abstract (en)
[origin: DE19727889A1] The invention relates to novel 2-(2-methylphenyl)-oxazolines of formula (I), wherein A has the meanings cited in the description. The invention further relates to methods and intermediate products for the production of said oxazolines and the use thereof in animal pest control.
IPC 1-7
C07D 263/14; A01N 43/76; C07D 413/12; C07D 417/12; C07D 263/34
IPC 8 full level
A01N 43/76 (2006.01); C07D 263/14 (2006.01); C07D 263/34 (2006.01); C07D 413/12 (2006.01); C07D 417/12 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP KR)
A01N 43/76 (2013.01 - EP); C07D 263/14 (2013.01 - EP KR); C07D 263/34 (2013.01 - EP); C07D 413/12 (2013.01 - EP); C07D 417/12 (2013.01 - EP)
Citation (search report)
See references of WO 9901443A1
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
DE 19727889 A1 19990107; AR 013156 A1 20001213; AU 8800398 A 19990125; BR 9810958 A 20000926; EP 0993451 A1 20000419; JP 2002507217 A 20020305; KR 20010013942 A 20010226; WO 9901443 A1 19990114
DOCDB simple family (application)
DE 19727889 A 19970701; AR P980103179 A 19980630; AU 8800398 A 19980618; BR 9810958 A 19980618; EP 9803731 W 19980618; EP 98939517 A 19980618; JP 50623599 A 19980618; KR 19997011965 A 19991217