Global Patent Index - EP 1048768 A2

EP 1048768 A2 20001102 - Method for monitoring weft insertion in feeders of jet looms with fed thread pre-measuring unit

Title (en)

Method for monitoring weft insertion in feeders of jet looms with fed thread pre-measuring unit

Title (de)

Verfahren zur Funktionsüberwachung von Schussfadeneintrag in Fadenliefervorrichtungen von Düsenwebmaschinen mit Fadenmesseinheit

Title (fr)

Procédé pour la surveillance de l'insertion de la trame dans les fournisseurs de métiers à tisser à jet avec unité de mesure de fil


EP 1048768 A2 20001102 (EN)


EP 00107986 A 20000418


IT TO990338 A 19990427

Abstract (en)

A method for monitoring weft insertion which consists in setting, when a signal (UWSP) for counting the turns of thread that unwind from the feeder is missing one or more pulses with respect to the number of turns of the weft insertion request (TR) generated by the loom, a maximum time (TMRO), after which a microprocessor ( mu P), if no further counting pulses (UWSP) occurs, completes the release of the turns to be inserted (NSI-NSP) and/or the compensation of the turns (NS) that are present on the weft feeder and pre-measuring unit. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

D03D 47/36

IPC 8 full level

D03D 47/36 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

D03D 47/362 (2013.01); D03D 47/367 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1048768 A2 20001102; EP 1048768 A3 20011128; EP 1048768 B1 20040922; DE 60013951 D1 20041028; DE 60013951 T2 20051006; IT 1307712 B1 20011114; IT TO990338 A0 19990427; IT TO990338 A1 20001027

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 00107986 A 20000418; DE 60013951 T 20000418; IT TO990338 A 19990427