Global Patent Index - EP 1061414 A1

EP 1061414 A1 20001220 - Developer composition for use in the processing of light-sensitive silver halide photographic materials

Title (en)

Developer composition for use in the processing of light-sensitive silver halide photographic materials

Title (de)

Entwicklerzusammensetzung zur Verarbeitung photographischer lichtempfindlicher Silberhalogenidmaterialien

Title (fr)

Composition développatrice pour le traitement de matériaux photographiques à l'halogénure d'argent sensibles à la lumière


EP 1061414 A1 20001220 (EN)


EP 00201853 A 20000524


  • EP 00201853 A 20000524
  • EP 99201892 A 19990614

Abstract (en)

A black-and-white silver halide developer composition has been disclosed comprising, besides one or more developing agent(s), agent(s) preventing oxidation thereof and agent(s) providing pH buffering, at least one silver complexing agent, characterized in that said silver complexing agent has a silver complexing stability ratio of at least 70 % and, besides said silver complexing agent, at least one agent preventing silver dissolution characterized in that said agent preventing silver dissolution, if present in an amount of 50 mg/l of developer, makes silver content of the developer decrease in an amount of more than 50 % versus in the absence thereof, without loss in speed in an amount of more than 0.10 log Exposure after processing in said developer composition.

IPC 1-7

G03C 5/305

IPC 8 full level

G03C 5/305 (2006.01); G03C 5/30 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

G03C 5/305 (2013.01); G03C 5/30 (2013.01); G03C 5/3035 (2013.01); G03C 5/3053 (2013.01); G03C 2005/3007 (2013.01); G03C 2200/34 (2013.01); G03C 2200/40 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1061414 A1 20001220

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 00201853 A 20000524