EP 1118304 A2 20010725 - Stepless telescopic dust collecting tube for vacuum cleaner
Title (en)
Stepless telescopic dust collecting tube for vacuum cleaner
Title (de)
Stufenlos teleskopierbares Staubsauger-Saugrohr
Title (fr)
Tube d'aspiration téléscopique à variation continue pour aspirateur
CN 00216255 U 20000118
Abstract (en)
A stepless telescopic dust collecting tube of vacuum cleaner comprises an exterior tube (4), an interior tube (1) inserted into the chamber of exterior tube (4) and a locking device for positioning between the said exterior tube (4) and interior tube (1), wherein said locking device includes a conical tube section (5) in said interior tube 1 and a locking ring with gap fit round against the conical tube section (5). Said locking ring (7) mates with said interior tube section (5) through the internal screw thread (6) on the inner surface and the external screw thread (6') on the outer surface respectively. Said exterior tube (4) is provided with axial guiding configuration (11) on internal tube wall, and said locking ring (7) is provided with corresponding axial guiding configuration (11') so that the axial guiding configuration 11 can slide within it . The dust collecting tube can be locked at any position, and operation is reliable and simple. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
A47L 9/24 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
A47L 9/244 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 1118304 A2 20010725; EP 1118304 A3 20030122; CN 2406605 Y 20001122
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 00110913 A 20000524; CN 00216255 U 20000118