EP 1122350 A1 20010808 - Apparatus for embroidering textile panels on a free-arm or column type sewing machine
Title (en)
Apparatus for embroidering textile panels on a free-arm or column type sewing machine
Title (de)
Vorrichtung zum Besticken von flächenförmigen Nähgut auf einer Sockel- oder Freiarm-Nähmaschine
Title (fr)
Dispositif pour broder une pièce textile plane sur une machine à coudre du type à bras libre ou à colonne
CH 2372000 A 20000207
Abstract (en)
[origin: JP2001239085A] PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an embroidering frame driving device for a sewing machine with a base or a free arm capable of driving an embroidering frame having one to several standard embroidering surfaces. SOLUTION: This device for embroidering a flat sewing material on the sewing machine 2 with the free arm or the base, has an embroidering device 21 connectable to the base or the free arm 3, and the device having the embroidering frame 27 movable in the X-direction and the Y-direction by the driving device so as to embroider the whole surface of the sewing material stretched over the embroidering frame, is featured in that space adapters 29, 29', 29" are inserted between the embroidering device 21 having the embroidering frame driving device and the sewing machine 2, the space adapters increase a distance between the embroidering device 21 and a needle 11 of the sewing machine 2, at least two housing parts 28 are formed in the embroidering frame, and the embroidering frame can be connected to the driving device of the embroidering device in the housing parts.
Abstract (de)
Die Vorrichtung zum Besticken von flächenförmigem Nähgut umfasst eine Stickvorrichtung (21), welche unter Zwischenschaltung eines Distanzadapters (29) mit dem Sockel oder dem Freiarm (3) der Nähmaschine verbunden ist. Der grössere Abstand der Stickvorrichtung (21) vom Freiarm (3) oder Sockel ermöglicht es, einen Stickrahmen (27) zu verwenden, dessen Querschnittsfläche wesentlich grösser ist als derjenige, welcher beim direkten Verbinden der Stickvorrichtung (21) mit dem Freiarm (3) verwendbar ist. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
D05B 21/00 (2006.01); D05B 73/04 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP US)
D05B 21/00 (2013.01 - EP US); D05B 73/04 (2013.01 - EP US)
Citation (search report)
- [A] EP 0877112 A2 19981111 - GEGAUF FRITZ AG [CH]
- [A] US 5291843 A 19940308 - HORI MASAYUKI [JP]
- [A] US 5865133 A 19990202 - HERBACH MATHIAS [DE], et al
- [DA] DE 29614512 U1 19961002 - GEGAUF FRITZ AG [CH]
- [A] PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 017, no. 303 (C - 1069) 10 June 1993 (1993-06-10)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 1122350 A1 20010808; EP 1122350 B1 20030910; DE 50100584 D1 20031016; JP 2001239085 A 20010904; TW 504529 B 20021001; US 2002014189 A1 20020207; US 6655305 B2 20031202
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 01810010 A 20010105; DE 50100584 T 20010105; JP 2001026999 A 20010202; TW 90100166 A 20010104; US 76869801 A 20010124