EP 1127532 A2 20010829 - Dishwasher with adjustable drying cycle
Title (en)
Dishwasher with adjustable drying cycle
Title (de)
Geschirrspülmaschine mit einstellbarem Trocknungsgang
Title (fr)
Machine à laver la vaisselle avec phase de séchage ajustable
IT MI20000362 A 20000225
Abstract (en)
A dishwasher includes a fan (1) which takes moist air out of the tank through a removal duct (2) and mixes it with dry ambient air taken in through an opening (4) before discharging it through an outlet (3), and it further includes an adjustment device which allows the user to adjust the taking out of moist air through the duct (2) and/or the intake of dry air through the opening (4) so as to change the strength and/or duration of the drying cycle. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
A47L 15/48 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
A47L 15/488 (2013.01); A47L 15/486 (2013.01); A47L 2401/19 (2013.01); A47L 2501/10 (2013.01); A47L 2501/12 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 1127532 A2 20010829; EP 1127532 A3 20020619; IT 1316791 B1 20030512; IT MI20000362 A0 20000225; IT MI20000362 A1 20010825
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 01830114 A 20010221; IT MI20000362 A 20000225