Global Patent Index - EP 1202324 A1

EP 1202324 A1 20020502 - Ceramic envelope for high intensity discharge lamp

Title (en)

Ceramic envelope for high intensity discharge lamp

Title (de)

Keramikgefäss für Hochleistungsentladungslampe

Title (fr)

Ampoule en matière céramique pour lampe à décharge de grande puissance


EP 1202324 A1 20020502 (EN)


EP 01309263 A 20011031


JP 2000333372 A 20001031

Abstract (en)

A ceramic envelope for high intensity discharge lamp comprises a cylindrical barrel section 1 that forms an electric discharge light emitting space, an annular closing section 2, that closes both ends of the barrel section 1. Capillary sections 3 receive electric discharge electrodes to be outwardly protruded so as to be opposed to each other from the substantial center position of both closing sections. The envelope is made of an alumina-based material and is formed so as to have light transmitting properties. At an interior face of a barrel section at a boundary part 4 between the closing section 2 and an electric discharge light emitting space corner of the barrel section 1, a rounded interior corner 1.0 mm in curvature diameter is provided so that the thickness is gradually changed. In this manner, a ceramic envelope capable of extended service life is provided even if the electric discharge light emitting space is cylindrical. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

H01J 61/30; H01J 61/36

IPC 8 full level

H01J 61/30 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01J 61/30 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1202324 A1 20020502; CN 1351367 A 20020529; HU 0104628 D0 20020128; HU P0104628 A2 20020629; HU P0104628 A3 20021228; JP 2002141020 A 20020517

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 01309263 A 20011031; CN 01142586 A 20011031; HU P0104628 A 20011031; JP 2000333372 A 20001031