Global Patent Index - EP 1251707 A9

EP 1251707 A9 20040107 - Vacant channel searching method

Title (en)

Vacant channel searching method


EP 1251707 A9 20040107 (EN)


EP 02008772 A 20020418


JP 2001122438 A 20010420

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP1251707A2] There is provided a vacant channel searching method for use in a wireless communication system, capable of finding a optimum vacant channel which is under least influence of the disturbance by taking also into account the periodicity and burst properties of disturbance waves. The short-term fluctuation (short cycle T1) of disturbance waves is observed over each observation interval length T2. Through repetitive observations up to a repetition number N, the long-term fluctuation (long cycle T3) of the disturbance waves is observed. As a result, constant observations of disturbance generation are realized in such a manner as to account for the periodicity and burst properties of the disturbance waves. By determining a channel which is under least influence of the disturbance based on the results of such observations, it becomes possible to find an optimum vacant channel. <IMAGE>

IPC 8 full level

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CPC (source: EP US)

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DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1251707 A2 20021023; EP 1251707 A3 20030924; EP 1251707 A9 20040107; US 2002155842 A1 20021024

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 02008772 A 20020418; US 12539302 A 20020419