Global Patent Index - EP 1265026 B1

EP 1265026 B1 20070919 - Vehicle lighting device and assembling method therefor

Title (en)

Vehicle lighting device and assembling method therefor

Title (de)

Vorrichtung zur Beleuchtung von Fahrzeugen und Montageverfahren

Title (fr)

Dispositif d'éclairage pour véhicules et son procédé d'assemblage


EP 1265026 B1 20070919 (DE)


EP 02012572 A 20020606


DE 10127965 A 20010608

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP1265026A2] The arrangement has a light source, a light source bearer with contact elements for connection to the light source and a cable connected to a voltage source and a housing with a rear wall opening for inserting and reversibly fixing the bearer using an adapter with attachment arrangements for mechanically connecting to the bearer and/or wall and contact elements for electrical connection to bearer contact elements and cable connector ends. The arrangement has a light source, a bearer (7) into which the light source can be inserted with contact elements for electrical connection to the light source and an electric cable connected to a voltage source and a housing (1) with a rear wall (9) opening for inserting and reversibly fixing the bearer. The bearer is reversibly fixed to the housing wall by an adapter (8) with attachment arrangements for mechanically connecting to the bearer and/or housing wall and contact elements for electrical connection to contact elements of the bearer and cable connector ends. AN Independent claim is also included for the following: a method of mounting a light source on the rear wall of a housing.

IPC 8 full level

F21V 19/00 (2006.01); F21W 101/14 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F21S 43/19 (2017.12); F21S 43/195 (2017.12)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1265026 A2 20021211; EP 1265026 A3 20050914; EP 1265026 B1 20070919; DE 10127965 A1 20021212; DE 50210910 D1 20071031

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 02012572 A 20020606; DE 10127965 A 20010608; DE 50210910 T 20020606