EP 1380509 A1 20040114 - A method for centring a print on a wrapper of packs of items
Title (en)
A method for centring a print on a wrapper of packs of items
Title (de)
Verfahren zum Zentrieren von Bilden aus eine Hülle einer Verpackung mit Gegenständen
Title (fr)
Procédé pour le centrage d' images sur une enveloppe d'un emballage contenant des produits
IT BO20020448 A 20020712
Abstract (en)
The method for centring print on the wrapper (3) of packs of items (2) involves an initial calibration step in which correct centring of a first print in a first wrapper (3) containing a first pack of items (2) is predetermined. <??>The corresponding reference data is acquired and saved in electronic control means (11). <??>The method then involves a normal operating cycle in which the data relative to each wrapper (3) being formed is compared with the reference data to verify correct print centring and, if the print is incorrectly positioned relative to the data saved, suitable corrective action is activated, to be imparted, by the control means (11), to the operating parts of the machine which implements the method. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
B65B 41/18 (2006.01); B65B 57/12 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
B65B 41/18 (2013.01); B65B 57/12 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [X] EP 0761546 A1 19970312 - SHIKOKU KAKOKI CO LTD [JP]
- [A] EP 0348065 A1 19891227 - HAYSSEN MFG CO [US]
- [A] EP 0699583 A1 19960306 - FUJI MACHINERY CO [JP]
- [A] GB 903693 A 19620815 - GLOBE ROOFING PRODUCTS CO INC
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 1380509 A1 20040114; EP 1380509 B1 20060322; DE 60304156 D1 20060511; DE 60304156 T2 20061214; ES 2260597 T3 20061101; IT BO20020448 A0 20020712; IT BO20020448 A1 20040112
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 03425454 A 20030710; DE 60304156 T 20030710; ES 03425454 T 20030710; IT BO20020448 A 20020712