Global Patent Index - EP 1445572 B1

EP 1445572 B1 20061018 - Foldable mine clearing device

Title (en)

Foldable mine clearing device

Title (de)

Zusammenfaltbare Landminenräumvorrichtung

Title (fr)

Dispositif de déminage repliable


EP 1445572 B1 20061018 (FR)


EP 04290209 A 20040127


FR 0301506 A 20030206

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP1445572A1] The device (1) has a coil (2) linked with a power generator (3), generating a magnetic field, where the generator is activated by a control box (4). The coil is pivoted to a box (5) and takes retracted and deployed positions with respect to the box (5). The coil lodges inside the box and comes out of the box in the retracted and deployed positions, respectively. The coil is activated by an electric motor. The coil is pivoted at an angle of ninety degree to pass from its retracted position to deployed position.

IPC 8 full level

F41H 11/16 (2011.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F41H 11/16 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1445572 A1 20040811; EP 1445572 B1 20061018; DE 602004002787 D1 20061130; DE 602004002787 T2 20070823; FR 2851037 A1 20040813; FR 2851037 B1 20050318; NO 20040532 L 20040809; NO 329673 B1 20101129

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 04290209 A 20040127; DE 602004002787 T 20040127; FR 0301506 A 20030206; NO 20040532 A 20040205