EP 1487067 B1 20060426 - Coaxial connector
Title (en)
Coaxial connector
Title (de)
Title (fr)
Connecteur coaxial
EP 03013146 A 20030611
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP1487067A1] A coaxial connector can be easily installed. The coaxial connector of this invention comprises a tube-like shell, which is attached to an end of a coaxial connector so as to rotate freely around the center of the core of the coaxial connector; the shell has an opening for inserting a coaxial female connector at an opposite end to the coaxial connector side; the inner peripheral face of the shell has a flat face, which is perpendicular to the axial direction, and a tapered face, which continues from the flat face; the diameter of the tapered face is narrow near the opening, and becomes larger toward the coaxial connector side end; at least two protrusions are provided in part of the tapered face, and project inwards from the diameter while extending in the axial direction; at least two substantially arc-like movable clips have screw grooves on their inner peripheral faces, the screw grooves meshing with screw threads of the coaxial female connector; the movable clips are arranged inside the shell so that one end face of each movable clipdirectly contacts the flat face in the shell, and the outer peripheral faces of the movable clips directly contact the inner peripheral face of the shell between the protrusions; an expanding spring is attached to the coaxial cable side end of the shell, and applies an active force so as to press the movable clips toward the flat face provided on the inner peripheral face of the shell. <IMAGE>
IPC 8 full level
H01R 13/62 (2006.01); H01R 13/646 (2011.01)
CPC (source: EP)
H01R 13/62 (2013.01); H01R 24/40 (2013.01); H01R 2103/00 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 1487067 A1 20041215; EP 1487067 B1 20060426; DE 60304844 D1 20060601; DE 60304844 T2 20061130
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 03013146 A 20030611; DE 60304844 T 20030611