Global Patent Index - EP 1518714 A1

EP 1518714 A1 20050330 - Sewing station for a bookbinding machine

Title (en)

Sewing station for a bookbinding machine

Title (de)

Nähstation für eine Buchbindevorrichtung

Title (fr)

Station à coudre pour une machine de reliure de livres


EP 1518714 A1 20050330 (EN)


EP 03425625 A 20030929


EP 03425625 A 20030929

Abstract (en)

A sewing station (130) for a bookbinding machine (100) is proposed. The sewing station has at least one sewing unit (203) including a needle (205) and a hook needle (210) for sewing blocks of signatures (105) in succession using a continuous thread (310), and a cutting device (220) having means (305) for engaging the thread in the proximity of the needle after sewing a last signature of each block and means (305c,315) for cutting the engaged thread; the sewing station further includes means (240-255) for moving the cutting device to an operative position between the needle and the hook needle after engaging the thread, the thread being cut in the operative position. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B42B 2/04; B42B 2/06; B42B 2/02

IPC 8 full level

B42B 2/02 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B42B 2/02 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1518714 A1 20050330; EP 1518714 B1 20061227; DE 60310719 D1 20070208; DE 60310719 T2 20071011

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 03425625 A 20030929; DE 60310719 T 20030929