Global Patent Index - EP 1840251 A1

EP 1840251 A1 20071003 - Rotary dobby, weaving loom equipped with such a dobby and driving element for such a dobby

Title (en)

Rotary dobby, weaving loom equipped with such a dobby and driving element for such a dobby

Title (de)

Rotationsschaftmaschine, mit einer solchen Schaftmaschine ausgestattete Webmaschine und Antriebselement für eine solche Schaftmaschine

Title (fr)

Ratière rotative, métier à tisser équipé d'une telle ratière et élément d'entraînement pour une telle ratière


EP 1840251 A1 20071003 (FR)


EP 07356036 A 20070326


FR 0602830 A 20060331

Abstract (en)

The rotating dobby for weaving loom, comprises blades, an oscillating part fixed with a harness and associated with an actuating element mounted on a main shaft of the dobby, and a movable coupling body carried by a tray integrated with a coupling element. The movable body is subjected to first elastic means for operating an angular joint of the plate with a driving element (7) rotating with main shaft, where the driving element is equipped with notches (72) diametrically opposed to finger plate of the coupling body. The finger plate is contacted with edges of the notches. The rotating dobby for weaving loom, comprises blades, an oscillating part fixed with a harness and associated with an actuating element mounted on a main shaft of the dobby, and a movable coupling body carried by a tray integrated with the coupling element. The movable body is subjected to first elastic means for operating an angular joint of the plate with a driving element (7) rotating with main shaft, where the driving element is equipped with notches (72) diametrically opposed to finger plate of the coupling body. The finger plate is contacted with edges of the notches in which the finger is engaged at a first interface defined between a first lateral side of the finger and a first edge of the notch and engaged at a second interface defined between a second lateral side of the finger and a second edge of the notch. A braking effort and a motive force for rotating the tray is transmitted to the movable body. A height of an orthogonal projection of the second interface on a bisector of lateral sides (811, 812) of the finger or on a bisector of edges (721, 722) of the notch is greater than a height of an orthogonal projection of the first interface on the same bisector. A height of the orthogonal projection of the second edge on the bisector of edges of each notch is greater than a radial height of the orthogonal projection of first edge of the notch on the same bisector. The orthogonal projections of lateral sides of finger on the bisector and orthogonal projections of edges of notches on the bisector have substantially same height. A side end of finger of the movable body is complementary of a portion of an external radial surface of the driving element in a vicinity of the second edge of each of its notches, and complementary of a base of the notch. A height of the orthogonal projection of second lateral side of the finger on the bisector of lateral sides of that finger is greater than a height of the orthogonal projection of the first lateral side of the finger on the same bisector. The bisector of first and second lateral sides of the finger and/or bisector of first and second edges of each notch are merged with a radius with respect to a geometric axis of rotation of a driving shaft. The first and second lateral sides of the finger and first and second edges of each notch are parallel to radius with respect to the geometric axis of rotation of the driving shaft and are merged with the bisectors of sides of the finger and edges of the notch. Independent claims are included for: (1) a weaving loom; and (2) a driving element.

Abstract (fr)

Cette ratière rotative comprend, pour chacune de ses lames, un organe mobile d'accouplement porté par un plateau. Un élément d'entraînement (7) est pourvu de deux encoches (72) diamétralement opposées de réception d'un doigt (81) de l'organe d'accouplement. Le doigt (81) est apte à venir en contact avec les bords (721, 722) d'une encoche (72) dans laquelle il est engagé au niveau d'une première interface (I 1 ), par laquelle est transmis à l'organe mobile un effort moteur (F 5 ), et d'une seconde interface (I 2 ), par laquelle est transmis à l'organe mobile un effort de freinage (F 6 ) . La hauteur (H 2 ) de la projection orthogonale (I' 2 ), de la seconde interface (I 2 ) sur la bissectrice (B 1 ) des faces latérales (811, 812) du doigt (81) ou sur la bissectrice (B 2 ) des bords (721, 722) de l'encoche (72) est supérieure à la hauteur (H 1 ) de la projection orthogonale (I' 1 ) de la première interface (I 1 ) sur la même bissectrice (B 1 , B 2 ).

IPC 8 full level

D03C 1/00 (2006.01); D03C 1/14 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

D03C 1/00 (2013.01); D03C 1/14 (2013.01); D03C 1/144 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


Designated extension state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1840251 A1 20071003; EP 1840251 B1 20090819; AT E440161 T1 20090915; CN 101046022 A 20071003; CN 101046022 B 20120201; DE 602007001990 D1 20091001; FR 2899244 A1 20071005; FR 2899244 B1 20080613

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 07356036 A 20070326; AT 07356036 T 20070326; CN 200710089565 A 20070329; DE 602007001990 T 20070326; FR 0602830 A 20060331