Linked open EP data

CPC Ontology Reference


A Class node in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
super classes Classification
A node in the cooperative classification scheme.
super classes Node
The class of CPC guidance headings.
super classes Node
A main group node in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
super classes Classification
The class of node in the cooperative patent classification scheme.
A top level concept in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
super classes Classification
A subclass node in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
super classes Classification
A subgroup node in the Cooperative Patent Classification (cpc) scheme.
super classes Classification
A sub-section node in the cooperative patent classification scheme.
super classes Classification


The property :classification is a general purpose property that relates a resource to a CPC classification.
rdfs:range Classification
The property :cpcConcordant relates a node in the international patent classification (ipc) scheme to a close match in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
rdfs:range Classification
The property :ipcConcordant relates a node in the cooperative classification (cpc) scheme to a close match in the international patent classification (ipc) scheme.
rdfs:domain Classification
rdfs:range Classification
The property fullTitle relates a CPC node to its full title including references.
rdfs:domain Node
The property :guidanceHeading relates a node in the CPC hierarchy to a Guidance Heading.
rdfs:domain Classification
rdfs:range GuidanceHeading
The property :level states the level of a node in the cooperative classification scheme.
rdfs:range int
The property :sortKey has a string value that may be used to sort the nodes within a level of the cooperative patent classification scheme.
rdfs:domain Classification
The property :symbol is a general purpose property that relates a resource to the symbol for a node in the cooperative patent classification (cpc) scheme.
rdfs:range string
The property :titleXML relates a node in the cooperative patent classification scheme with an xml representation of its title. The range of this property is a string so that XML does not have to be in a particular normal form.
rdfs:range string


The datatype of CPC notations.
type Datatype
An ontology for representing the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) scheme.
type Ontology
The cooperative patent classification scheme.