(11) EP 0 018 754 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
12.10.1983 Bulletin 1983/41

(21) Application number: 80301251.7

(22) Date of filing: 18.04.1980
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)3G06F 3/04, H04L 11/20, G06F 15/16


Speed independent selector switch for digital communication networks

Von der Geschwindigkeit unabhängiger Auswahlschalter für digitale Nachrichtennetze

Commutateur de sélection, indépendant de la vitesse, pour des réseaux de communication digitale

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 02.05.1979 US 35411

(43) Date of publication of application:
12.11.1980 Bulletin 1980/23

(71) Applicant: BURROUGHS CORPORATION (a Michigan corporation)
Detroit, Michigan 48232 (US)

(72) Inventor:
  • Clark, Becky J.
    Tualatin Oregon 97062 (US)

(74) Representative: Kirby, Harold Douglas Benson et al


(56) References cited: : 
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] This invention relates to selection switches for use in networks of digital devices with shared components, which networks in turn may share components at a higher level. Interconnections in networks are constructed from two kinds of speed independent switches which are known as arbitration switches or arbiters, and selection switches or selectors.

    [0002] U.S. Patent Specification No. 3 962 706 discloses a digital communication network comprising a distribution network; a memory; and an arbitration network. The distribution network and the memory are controlled by a central controller. The distribution network contains a number of switch units which may be considered to be selection switches, and which receive signals from a node of a digital communication network, and transmit those signals to one of two other nodes of said network. The distribution network includes address switch units which, in conjunction with value switch units, direct the received data over one of two paths according to the most significant remaining bit in the address bit signals. The address bit tested by the address switch is deleted from the signals.

    [0003] The network shown in the above mentioned U.S. Patent Specification requires a memory and a controller, and it is an object of the present invention to provide a selector for a network which does not require a central controller.

    [0004] The invention consists in a selector switch for receiving data signals from a node of a digital communication network and transmitting those data signals to one of two other nodes, said selector switch comprising: a pair of switch and buffer circuits each adapted to receive a set of said data signals; and an address circuit to receive said data signals preceded by an address signal specifying which of two nodes is to be selected for subsequent transmission and to signal the corresponding one of said switch and buffer circuits, characterised in that said selector switch further includes a pair of end of message circuits, one for each of said switch and buffer circuits to receive an end of message signal subsequent to the receipt of a data signal; and a clear circuit adapted to receive an acknowledge end of message signal from the selected node and to transmit that signal to the original node.

    [0005] Trees formed from selectors provide distribution to two or more devices from one source.

    [0006] Networks employing both selectors and arbiters can be formed for the transmission of messages among a number of devices.

    [0007] The above and other objects, advantages and features of the present invention will become more readily apparent from a review of the following specifications when taken in conjunction with the drawings, wherein:

    Figures 1A­-11 are schematic diagrams of various networks in which a selector switch according to the present invention may be used;

    Figure 12 is a schematic diagram of an arbiter switch for use in a network as illustrated in any of Figures 1A-11;

    Figures 13A-D are schematic diagrams of a selector switch in accordance with the invention; and

    Figures 14D-F and H-J are schematic diagrams of various circuits employed in the present invention (Figures 14A-C and 14G have been cancelled).

    [0008] Communications in networks connected by arbiter and selector switches are in the form of serially transmitted meassages which in the general case consist of three parts: destination address, body, and source address. The source address originates on the path where it is determined by the arbiter switches from the destination to the source. The destination address selects the path through the network to the destination and is used bit-by-bit in the selector switches along that path. In general, as a message moves through a network, an arbiter appends a bit to indicate through which of its two inputs a message entered and a selector removes the leading bit and selects through which of its two outputs the message leaves. A receiving device accepts first the message body and then the source address.

    [0009] A particular bidirectional communication pattern for a set of two-terminal devices is describable by a net of oriented, directed graphs with ternary nodes. Such a graph is realizable in circuit form with a net of arbiters and selectors isomorphic to the graph.

    [0010] The converse of an oriented directed graph is obtained by reversing all directions while leaving orientations unchanged. For arbiter- selector nets this requires substituting arbiters for selectors, selectors for arbiters, device inputs for outputs, and outputs for inputs.

    [0011] Figures 1 A and 1B show two nets each permitting bidirectional communication between two sets of two devices. In each case the net is separable into two mutually converse nets. (The net of Figure 1 B allows four concurrent paths between the groups while the net of Figure 1A allows only two concurrent paths).

    [0012] A net is said to be self-converse if for each directed path connecting a pair of endpoints the converse path exists. The net then has the property that the source address of each path endpoint is the destination address from the other endpoint.

    [0013] In the case of particular interest for this invention, a two-terminal system component (e.g., store, processor, 1-0 device, or system) can be shared by two or more devices connected via structurally similar trees of arbiter and selector switches. Figure 2 illustrates the case of four sharing devices Dj, D2r D3 and D4. Figure 3 shows the general interconnection using trees of arbiters and selectors which have the property of being mutually converse networks.

    [0014] Any number of devices can be connected in this fashion. Since device identifications are generated internally in the arbiter trees and used internally in the selector trees, the spanning tree need not be unique; indeed, it may be determined for convenience in placement of the switches or for minimization of the total length of the interconnecting wires. Figures 4A and 4B show two arrangements for five devices.

    [0015] In this type of network dialogs occur between a shared and sharing devices with a sharing device initiating each dialog. The messages to the shared device have null destination address parts since no selection is required, there being only one destination. The source address will arrive at the shared device appended to the message body. The reply will then use the source address as a destination address. In this way each dialog continues, and network addresses remain anonymous, thus permitting convenient expansion or contraction of the network.

    [0016] A typical application is a set of computer terminals sharing a central processor or database. Messages may consist of one or more characters. The central system will maintain a queue for each terminal in which messages from that terminal are assembled. All conflicting requests for lines will be resolved by the arbiter trees. Ordering of messages is automatic. Thus the central system has no need for a program to poll terminals or to represent configurations, such functions being accommodated in a decentralized manner in the switches.

    [0017] A hierarchical network similar to that familiar from telephone switching can be constructed by using a number of networks of the type shown in Figure 3. If each network is broken at a device, the output and input connections can be used as the input and output of the network. The resulting two-terminal network can then be used as one of the devices of a similar network at a higher level, thus giving a hierarchical structure.

    [0018] Another class of networks of interest is those networks where each device is connected symmetrically to some of the other devices. The networks of this form which give the maximum number of concurrent paths are those in which the device outputs are each connected to the root node of a selector tree and the device inputs are each connected to the root node of an arbiter tree with the leaf nodes of the trees connected to each other in such a manner that the network is self-converse. An example of this type of network where each of five devices is connected to the other four is shown in Figure 5. When the trees are homogeneous, as in Figure 5, all paths have equal priority, and all devices can be used concurrently if there is no conflict. This type of network is similar to conventional crossbars. If the trees used are not homogeneous, the shorter paths through the arbiter trees will have greater priority since under heavy loading an arbiter accepts messages alternately from its two inputs.

    [0019] There are several special cases of the above class of networks which are of interest. The network of Figure 6 connects each device to its two neighbors giving a linear array of devices. Figure 7 shows the network associated with a device which can communicate with any of four neighbors. This interconnection gives a two dimensional array of devices.

    [0020] The case where each of three devices is connected to the other two is shown in Figure 8. This hexagonal connector is of special interest since a number of these connectors can be placed at the nodes of a tree and interconnected with the devices at the leaf nodes. This type of network, an example of which is shown in Figure 9, allows communication between any of the devices at the leaf nodes with higher priority given to those paths with shorter addresses. The network allows the maximum number of concurrent paths possible without redundancy, but the probability of conflict is higher than in the networks described above with the arbiters and selectors grouped into separate trees. The number of switches required, however, is substantially smaller for the tree of hexagonal connectors. An example of how this type of network might be used is the hierarchy of processors and stores shown in Figure 10.

    [0021] Networks need not be constructed symmetrically or solely of one type of connector. Figure 11 shows a network using the arbiter and selector trees of Figure 3 and the hexagonal connector of Figure 8 to connect a number of processor and store pairs with a global store and an input/output device.

    [0022] The arbiter switch will now be described in relation to Figure 12. As illustrated in Figure 12 the arbiter switch includes switch circuit 10, arbiter circuit 11, lock path circuits 12 and 13, address sending circuit 14 and buffer circuit 15.

    [0023] It is to be remembered that the arbiter switch receives message signals from two different stations or nodes, determines which of the messages is to be transmitted and then transmits that message through the arbiter switch, adding an address bit at the end of the message to indicate which of the two sending nodes transmitted the signal.

    [0024] Switch circuit 10 receives either data signals doo, doll or dio, dil as well as the end of message signals EOMX, (x=0, 1) from one or the other transmitting station and also returns an acknowledge signal Ax to that station. The respective data signals are also received by . corresponding lock path circuits 12 and 13 as will be more thoroughly described below. When such data signals are received by a particular lock path circuit, that circuit transmits a request signal RxA to arbiter circuit 11 and when such a request has been accepted, arbiter circuit 11 sends a set signal Sx to switch circuit 10 to set switch circuit 10 to that path for subsequent passage of the transmitted message to buffer 15. After the transmission of the message, address sending circuit 14 adds an address bit to the end of the message to indicate which previous node transmitted the message.

    [0025] The selector switch will now be described in relation to Figures 13A-D. As illustrated in Figure 13A, the selector switch includes address circuit 60, clear circuit 61, as well as a pair of switch and buffer circuits 62 each with an end of message EOM circuit. The function of the selector switch is to receive messages having a leading address from another station or node and to determine to which of two stations or nodes the message is to be transmitted depending upon the first bit in the address. The first bit in the address sets the circuit path and the rest of the bits are transmitted to the same node until completion of the message is detected and the circuit is cleared. The first bit will then be removed from the address of the following message and the selector path set accordingly.

    [0026] Address circuit 60 of Figure 13A is illustrated in Figure 13B and includes two sets of C-elements 66 and 67. C-elements 66 receive the incoming data signals do and d, by way of NAND gates 65. NAND gates 65 also receive an inverted reset signal from gate 68. C-elements 66 receive a reset signal and transmit set signals ASETo and ASET, to C-elements 67. In addition, C-elements 67 receive an inverted clear signal and transmit the set to path signals 50 and S, to the respective switch and buffer circuits 62 of Figure 13A. Gate 68 transmits a reset signal to the clear circuit in the selector switch. Depending upon the state of the set to path signals So and Sj, one of the two switch and buffer circuits will select the incoming data signals do and d, for transmission to the next node. C-elements 66 and 67 are illustrated in detail in Figures 141 and 14J respectively.

    [0027] Clear circuit 61 of Figure 13A is illustrated in Figure 13C and includes C-element 74 which receives a gated acknowledge end of message signal AEOM., from the node to which the message has been transmitted. C-element 74 also receives a reset signal from address circuit 60 of Figure 13A and produces the acknowledge end of message signal, AEOM, which is transmitted to the station or node from which the message was received. This signal is also sent to NAND gate 75 as is the true output of AND/NAND gate 76. The output of gate 75 is an inverted clear signal that is transmitted to address circuit 60 of Figure 13A.

    [0028] Switch and buffer circuits 62 are illustrated in Figure 13D and each serves as a two cell queue with storage for one bit of data. It is this queue which allows pipelining of data through the selector switches. This buffer will not be described in detail except to say that it receives the incoming data signals do and d, as well as the end of message signal EOM and, upon selection of particular buffer, transmits those signals as data signals dx0, dx1, and end of message signal EOMX. C-elements 70, 71, 72 and 73 are illustrated in Figures 14H, 14D, 14E and 14F respectively.

    [0029] As described above, the present invention is a speed independent selector switch for pipelined message transmission through digital communication networks.


    1. A selector switch for receiving data signals from a node of a digital communication network and transmitting those data signals to one of two other nodes, said selector switch comprising: a pair of switch and buffer circuits
    (62) each adapted to receive a set of said data signals; and an address circuit (60) to receive said data signals preceded by an address signal specifying which of two nodes is to be selected for subsequent transmission and to signal the corresponding one of said switch and buffer circuits (62), caracterised in that said selector switch further includes a pair of end of message circuits , one for each of said switch and buffer circuits (62) to receive an end of message signal subsequent to the receipt of a data signal; and a clear circuit (61) adapted to receive an acknowledge end of message signal from the selected node and to transmit the signal to the original node.
    2. A selector switch according to Claim 1, characterised in that said address circuit (60) includes means to remove the first address bit of the address upon selection of one of the pair of switch and buffer circuits (62).
    3. A selector switch according to Claim 2, characterised in that each of said switch and buffer circuits (62) serves as a two cell queue to receive a data bit from the switch means in the first cell and to transfer that bit to the second cell only when the second cell is empty, thereby enabling pipelining through connected selector switches.


    1. Commutateur sélecteur pour recevoir les signaux de donnée d'un noeud d'un réseau de communication numérique et transmettre ceux des signaux de donnée de l'un des deux noeuds, le commutateur sélecteur comportant une paire de circuits de commutation et de tampon (62) chacun étant susceptible de recevoir un jeu de signaux de donnée; et un circuit d'adresse (60) pour recevoir les signaux de donnée précédés d'un signal d'adresse définissant celui des deux noeuds qui doit être choisi pour la transmission ultérieure et pour signaler celui des circuits de commutation et de tampon (62) qui correspond, caractérisé en ce que le commutateur sélecteur comprend en outre une paire de circuits de fin de message (1) pour chacun des circuits de commutation et de tampon (62) pour recevoir un signal de fin de message suivant la réception d'un signal de donnée et un circuit d'effacement (61) destiné à recevoir un signal d'accusé de réception de fin de message du noeud choisi et transmettre ce signal au noeud d'origine.
    2. Commutateur selecteur selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que le circuit d'adresse (60) comprend des moyens pour supprimer le premier bit d'adresse de l'adresse lors du choix de l'un des deux circuits de commutation et de tampon (62).
    3. Commutateur sélecteur selon la revendication 2, caractérisé en ce que chacun des circuits de commutation et de tampon (62) sert de suite de deux cellules pour recevoir un bit de donnée du moyen de commutation dans la première cellule et pour transférer ce bit à la seconde cellule seulement si la seconde cellule est vide, de façon à permettre le guidage à travers les commutateurs sélecteurs reliés.


    1. Selektorschalter zum Empfang von Datensignalen von einem Knotenpunkt eines digitalen Kommunikations-Netzwerks und zum Weiterleiten dieser Datensignale zu einem von zwei anderen Knotenpunkten, mit zwei die Datensignale empfangenden Verteiler- und Pufferschaltungen (62), und einer Adressenschaltung (60), welche die mit einem vorangestellten Adressensignal, das angibt, welcher von zwei Knotenpunkten für die nachfolgende Übertragung auszuwählen ist, versehenen Datensignale empfängt und die betreffende Verteiler-und Pufferschaltung (62) ansteuert, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Selektorschalter zusätzlich je eine Ende-der-Nachricht-Schaltung für jede der Verteiler- und Pufferschaltungen (62), die ein das Ende einer Nachricht anzeigendes Signal nach dem Empfang eines Datensignals empfängt, und eine Auslöseschaltung zum Empfang eines bestätigten Ende-der-Nachricht-Signals von dem ausgewählten Knotenpunkt, und zur Ubertragung dieses Signal zu dem ursprünglichen Knotenpunkt enthält.
    2. Selektorschalter nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Adressenschaltung (60) eine Vorrichtung zum Entfernen des ersten Adressen-Bits der Adresse mit der Aswahl einer der beiden Verteiler- und Pufferschaltungen (62) enthält.
    3. Selektorschalter nach Anspruch 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß jede der Verteiler und Pufferschaltungen (62) als zweizellige Warteschlange dient, die ein Datenbit von der Verteilervorrichtung in der ersten Zelle empfängt und das Bit zur zweiten Zelle nur dann überträgt, wenn die zweite Zelle leer ist und damit ein Weiterleiten durch die miteinander verbundenen Selektorschalter ermöglicht.
