(11) EP 0 124 584 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
27.04.1988 Bulletin 1988/17

(21) Application number: 83903701.7

(22) Date of filing: 18.10.1983
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)4F28F 13/02, F28F 13/12, F28F 13/08
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 8401/818 (10.05.1984 Gazette 1984/12)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 01.11.1982 US 438300

(43) Date of publication of application:
14.11.1984 Bulletin 1984/46

(73) Proprietor: VAPOR CORPORATION
Chicago, IL 60648 (US)

(72) Inventor:
  • HOLL, Richard, A.
    Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (US)

(74) Representative: Lawson, David Glynne et al
Marks & Clerk 57-60 Lincoln's Inn Fields
GB-London WC2A 3LS
GB-London WC2A 3LS (GB)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 042 613
FR-A- 446 438
GB-A- 730 375
US-A- 155 936
US-A- 1 313 624
US-A- 2 070 427
US-A- 4 211 277
FR-A- 367 584
FR-A- 1 249 001
GB-A- 2 069 676
US-A- 1 283 550
US-A- 2 034 822
US-A- 2 709 128
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    Field of the invention

    [0001] This invention is concerned with improvements in or relating to fluid handling apparatus, such as heat exchanger apparatus and fluid reactor apparatus.

    Review of the prior art

    [0002] It is of course a constant aim in all fields of manufacture to lower costs both of the apparatus itself and of its cost of operation and maintenance. In the case of heat exchange apparatus there is therefore a constant endeavour to improve efficiency, so that the cost of operation is reduced directly and so that the apparatus is smaller in size, which in itself is usually a desirable characteristic, such size reduction resulting in a requirement for less material in its fabrication. This reduction in material requirement is especially important in apparatus employed with corrosive fluids and in difficult environments when expensive corrosion-resistant materials must be used. It is also an endeavour to provide as great a freedom as possible from fouling, together with ease of assembly and disassembly, so as to give accompanying consequent economy in maintenance. There are similar advantages to be obtained in the case of fluid reaction apparatus, resulting from increases in efficiency of the fluid mixing and efficiency of contact with catalytic material, and also in the case of fluid reaction apparatus that has heat exchange capa- 'bility to take account of the exothermic or endothermic nature of the reactions involved.

    [0003] EP-A-42613 corresponding to US―A―4593754 describes an improved heat exchange process and apparatus, specifically apparatus in which a fluid flows along a solid surface, for example for heat exchange or reaction, in which a flow-modifying structure is placed in the fluid flow path adjacent the solid surface, which flow-modifying structure comprises a plurality of interrupter elements spaced in the direction of flow, each interrupter element is of at least approximately spherical profile, as seen in side elevation, and the interrupter elements touch or nearly touch the surface in such a manner that they locally establish non-turbulent interruptions of the fluid flow at the surface while establishing mixing zones in the main body of the fluid spaced from the surface.

    [0004] In this process and apparatus the fluid flow takes the form of a non-turbulent boundary layer or layers immediately adjacent to the heat transfer source and a non-turbulent core layer interfacing with the boundary layer or layers. An interrupter structure is provided within the flow passage to interrupt in as non-turbulent a manner as possible the said boundary layer or layers at a plurality of spaced interruption spots, whereby parts of the interrupted boundary layer separate from the heat transfer surface and mix with the core layer to effect heat 'transfer between the surface and the core layer. This structure consists of densely-packed convex sphere segments each arranged with a part of its convex surface touching or almost touching the heat transfer surface. Such a structure provides a very high coefficient of heat transfer without a disproportionate increase in the pumping power required to move the fluid through the apparatus.

    [0005] The object of the present invention is to provide a fluid handling apparatus, in particular heat exchange apparatus, in which the contact between the flowing fluid and the adjacent solid surface is further enhanced, whereby in particular the coefficient of heat transfer can be further increased.

    [0006] The present invention provides a fluid handling apparatus in which a fluid flows along a solid surface, for example for heat exchange or reaction, in which a flow-modifying structure is placed in the fluid flow path adjacent the solid surface, which flow-modifying structure comprises a plurality of interrupter elements spaced in the direction of flow, each interrupter element is of at least approximately spherical profile, as seen in side elevation, and the interrupter elements touch or nearly touch the surface in such a manner that they locally establish non-turbulent interruptions of the fluid flow at the surface while establishing mixing zones in the main body of the fluid spaced from the surface, characterised in that each interrupter element comprises a plurality of blade-like members which extend radially outwards relative to one another, whereby the boundary layer is locally interrupted by the tips of the blades at points which are spaced both laterally and longitudinally relative to the fluid flow direction.

    [0007] Preferably, the spacing between immediately successive interrupter elements is such as to produce wake interference flow in the fluid.

    [0008] Particularly good heat transfer performance is achieved if each blade-like member is thicker at its root than at its tip, and tapers progressively, radially outwards from the root to the tip.

    [0009] Preferably the structure comprises an axial core element to which the interrupter elements are connected and along which the interrupter elements are spaced.

    [0010] The fluid handling apparatus may comprise heat exchange apparatus in which the interrupter elements are disposed adjacent the surface of a wall through which heat exchange takes place.

    [0011] The fluid handling apparatus may comprise a fluid reactor in which the interrupter structure is coated with a material exhibiting reactive and/or catalytic properties toward the fluid.

    [0012] The invention has a particularly useful application to heat exchange apparatus of the shell and tube type. Preferably, each tube has at least one further interrupter structure in contact with its external surface through which surfave heat exchange takes place to fluid in the shell.

    [0013] Preferably each external interrupter structure comprises an elongated axial core element extending in the direction of fluid flow of the fluid, and

    [0014] a plurality of spaced spherical interrupter elements extending along the said core element.

    [0015] Fluid handling apparatus constituting preferred embodiments of the invention will now be described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying diagrammatic drawings, wherein:

    Figure 1 is a longitudinal section through a heat exchanger embodying the invention, taken on the line 1-1 of Figure 2, parts only of some of the tubes thereof being shown broken away and parts of structures being shown in phantom to avoid excessive detail;

    Figure 2 is a part transverse section through the apparatus of Figure 1, taken on the line 2-2 of Figure 2, only the lower right quadrant being shown in full to avoid excessive detail;

    Figure 3 is a transverse cross-section to an enlarged scale of an interrupter element of the apparatus of Figures 1 and 2;

    Figures 4A, 4B and 4C are respective side elevations to an enlarged scale, and showing interrupter elements of different profiles;

    Figure 5 is a longitudinal cross-section through a single tube illustrating the fluid flow therethrough past an interrupter element;

    Figure 6 is a longitudinal section similar to Figure 1, showing an interrupter structure of another kind, and applied to fluid reaction apparatus of the invention; and

    Figure 7 is a plot of ranking of different heat exchanger surface, including a surface/structure combination of the invention.

    Description of the preferred embodiments

    [0016] The heat exchanger of Figures 1 and 2 is of shell-and-tube type comprising a central shell member 10 having inlet 12 and outlet 14 for the fluid that is to pass in the shell around the outside of the tubes. The two ends of the shell member 10 are closed by two respective tube sheet assemblies, each consisting of two spaced tube sheets 16 and 18 through which pass the ends of a plurality of parallel tubes 20 so as to be supported by the tube sheets. The joints between the tubes and the apertures in the tube sheets through which they pass, and also the joints between the tube sheet assemblies and the adjacent shell members, are sealed by specially shaped unitary gaskets 22 and 24. Any of the two fluids that leak through the gaskets enters the space between the tube sheets and can be vented to atmosphere without cross- contamination of the fluids.

    [0017] Two subsidiary like end members 26 and 28 are mounted on the respective ends of the central shell member 10 abutting the respective tube sheet assemblies to form respective plenums for the fluid that enters and discharges from the interiors of the tubes 20, and are provided respectively with inlet 30 and outlet 32 for such fluid. The ends of the shell end members 26 and 28 are closed by respective end plates 34 held to the members by respective encircling removable split rings 36 and tensioned band clamps 38. The tube sheet assemblies and the subsidiary members are manner by means of encircling split rings 40 and tensioned band clamps 42, the split rings having radially inwardly extending projections that engage in respective circumferential grooves in the shell members.

    [0018] Each tube 20 has mounted therein a respective fluid flow interrupter structure 44 of the invention comprising a plurality of longitudinally spaced interrupter elements 46, which in this embodiment are mounted longitudinally spaced from one another along the length of the tube on an elongated axial core element rod 48. The ends of this rod are free of the interrupter elements and extend out of the tubes 20 through the respective plenums into contact with the adjacent faces of the removable end plates 34, so that the interrupter structures are maintained in fixed longitudinal positions in the tubes.

    [0019] As is seen most clearly in Figure 2 and 3, each interrupter element 46 consists of a plurality of equal length blade like members 50 extending mutually radially outwards from the core rod 48 until they touch, or at least almost touch, the inside cylindrical wall of the respective tube. As is seen most clearly in Figures 1, 4, and 5 each blade like member is of convex curvilinear profile as seen in side elevation, so that it has only effectively a point 52 of its circumference in contact with the tube inner wall, or immediately adjacent thereto.

    [0020] It is known to those skilled in the art that a fluid flowing within a passage, such as a tube 20, has a very thin virtually stationary boundary layer at the tube inner wall which insulates the wall surface from the main body of the fluid flowing in a core layer interfacing with the boundary layer, the boundary layer therefore reduces the heat transfer between the tube inner surface and the core layer. It is also known that an unobstructed boundary layer increases progressively in thickness in the direction of fluid flow, which will increase its insulating effect. Proposals have therefore been made hitherto to disprupt such boundary layers by roughening or ridging the surfaces over which they flow, but such proposals have the effect of also increasing in a disproportionately greater extent the pumping power required to move the fluid through the passage because of the turbulence that is generated in the fluid.

    [0021] In apparatus of the invention the boundary layer at the tube inner faces is interrupted in a "spot-wise" manner at circumferentially and longitudinally spaced spots by means of the fluid flow interrupter structure of the invention, while maintaining a non-turbulent fluid flow in the main body of the fluid constituted by the core layer. In the apparatus of the invention not only are the heat transfer surfaces not roughened, etc., but on the contrary they are made as smooth as is economically possible, to the extent that in some embodiments both the inner and the outer surfaces of the tubes 20 may be polished to the desired degree of smoothness. The disruption of the boundary layer at the multitude of spaced spots ensures that it stays thin, while the manner of its disruption ensures thatturbuience is avoided that would cause unduly high friction drag.

    [0022] It will be noted that the blade-like members of the interrupter elements are relatively thick at their root connections with the axial core rod and taper smoothly and progressively radially outwards until they terminate in a thin but smoothly rounded tip at or very closely adjacent to the tube inner surface. It will be understood by those skilled in the art that, because of usual manufacturing tolerances in the manufacture of the tubes and the interrupter structures, and also because of the need to be able easily to insert the structures into and remove them from the tubes, there may not always be positive contact at an interruption spot between the blade member and the tube interior wall, but the required effect will be obtained as long as the blade edge intrudes into the boundary layer. In a typical example of a small heat exchanger e.g. of capacity 20 litres/minute, and in which the tubes are of 1.25 cm internal diameter the tolerance required in the manufacture of the tube and interrupter structure in 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm, which is readily realisable.

    [0023] At the radially inner part of each interrupter element, i.e. where the roots of the blades meet the core rod, there is a maximum of blade surface area relative to the path cross-sectional area for fluid flow through the element, so that the friction drag is at a maximum. On the other hand, at the radially outer parts of the element blades the amount of blade material has become substantially zero, so that the friction drag is reduced in relation to the cross sectional area. Because of these differentials in friction and cross sectional area a change of momentum is produced in the fluid as it passes through the element that induces the development of smooth, non turbulent vortices producing rapid and effective mixing of the separated boundary layer and its adjacent core layerfor increase in heat exchange efficiency. There is also highly effective contact of the fluid with the surface of the interrupter element and with any material such as a catalytic material thereon. The fluid in these momentum induced vortices moves from element to element longitudinally of the structure, and the spacing between the elements is made such that what is known as wake interference flow is established by the coincidence between a vortex upstream of an interruption point with a vortex downstream of a subsequent interruption point, such wake interference flow providing the highest mixing and heat transfer efficiency with lowest required pumping power.

    [0024] Another of the results of this particular blade configuration is that the fluid flow is predominantly in the radially outer portion ofthetube interior with increased fluid velocities particularly at the tube inner wall surface. This type of flow has a number of beneficial effects on the heat transfer efficiency, in that the rate of heat transfer is fundamentally increased because of the rapid flow past the heat transfer surface, while the boundary layer is kept thin and more easily disrupted by the shearing effect of the high velocity fluid.

    [0025] The general direction offlow of the fluid in a tube is indicated in Figure 5 by arrows 54a and it will be seen that the flow interrupter structure causes the production of flow eddies 54a of shape and rotational frequency that, as described above, depend upon the geometry of the structure. Wake eddies will be produced around the spots 52 of interruption downstream of the flow, while advance eddies will be produced upstream of the flow. If the spacing of the interruption spots 52 is made such that the advance and wake eddies of immediately successive spots coincide, then the desired wake interference flow is obtained with its very efficient non turbulent mixing between the interrupted boundary layers and the adjacent core layer. Aturbulentflow, which is to be avoided, may be distinguished from a vortex or eddy in that the former is irregular and there is no observable pattern as with a vortex. Vortices, eddies and swirls therefore do not constitute turbulence. The conditions for maintenance of non turbulent flow with a particular structure can be observed for example by providing suitable windows in an experimental structure and adding visible fluids to the fluid flow if required.

    [0026] The interrupter structure may readily be produced relatively inexpensively as a cast or moulded integral element of required diameter, element spacing and element free end length. A variety of different materials can be used, such as metals, non-metallic materials such as plastics materials, and refractory materials such as alumina and cements. Because of its relatively large surface area and its efficient surface contact with the mixing flowing fluid the interruption structure is particularly suited as a support for material with which the fluid is to be contacted, such as a catalytic material. In other embodiments comprising reactor apparatus the interrupter structure itself can be made of the contact and/or catalytic material, and alumina is a specific example of such a material having this dual property.

    [0027] The number of blade like members to be provided is a matter of design for each heat exchanger. A practical minimum is three, while for small exchangers (e.g. using tubes of 1.25 cm and less) more than ten would usually result in too great a loss of flow capacity.

    [0028] Figure 4a shows in side elevation part of a structure in which the profile of the element is spherical; the profile is of course a circle. Other profiles can be used and should be such as to present smoothly contoured edges to the fluid flow, so as to reduce friction losses to a minimum and also to ensure the maintenance of non turbu- lentflow. Figure 4b shows for example elements of an ellipsoidal profile, while Figure 4c shows elements of an egg or drop shaped profile; in the latter two profiles the edge of largest radius faces upstream.

    [0029] Special situations arise for example when the fluid is very viscous, such as a viscous oil that is to be heated. Such a fluid is usually of low thermal conductivity and a thermal boundary layer will be established immediately adjacent to the heat transfer surface that is much thinner than the flow boundary layer. The interrupting structure must be arranged to interrupt this thinner thermal . boundary layer irrespective of the thickness of the flow boundary layer. The principle factor in the determination of the thickness of the thermal boundary layer is the Prandtl number, which is high when the viscosity is high and the thermal conductivity is low.

    [0030] One of the principle parameters to be considered in determining whether a particular fluid flow will be non-turbulent is the Reynolds number which is obtained by the relation:

    Classically it was believed that with a Reynolds number less than about 4,000 the flow must be non-turbulent, while if it was greater than about 6,000 it would become turbulent. An indication that the flow will be non-turbulent is to plot a friction-factor curve, beginning at low Reynolds numbers, say R=100, which will show an abrupt change in slope at the onset of turbulence. The existence of a friction-factor curve of constant slope can therefore be an indication that essentially non-turbulent flow is occurring and with the apparatus of the invention this can be maintained with Reynolds numbers as high as 15,000.

    [0031] The evaluation of the performance of heat exchanger surfaces is a difficult subject because of the large number of variables involved, but one method that has gained acceptance is described in the Transactions of the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 100, August 1978 in a paper by J. G. Soland, W. M. Mack, Jr. and W. M. Rohsenow entitled "Performance Ranking of Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger Surfaces". This method involves the plotting of the number of heat transfer units (NTU) per unit volume of the heat exchanger core (V), against the pumping power (E) required to move the fluid through the core per unit volume of the heat exchanger core (V).

    [0032] Figure 7 is a plot of the ranking of surfaces in accordance with this method, comparing surfaces provided wihh an interrupter structure of the invention with a surface constituted by a tube of 1.2 cm diameter and a plate heat exchanger of 0.5 cm plate pitch. Thus the vertical plot indicates the number of heat transfer units (NTU) per unit volume of the heat exchanger core (V), while the horizontal plot indicates the pumping power (E) required to move the fluid through the core per unit volume of the heat exchanger core (V).

    [0033] The test fluid was water and the lowest line A is for heat transfer in a plain tube of 1.2 cm diameter, using data obtained from the above-mentioned paper of Soland, Mack and Rohsenow. The line B is for an "APV" plate heat exchanger of 0.5 cm plate pitch, using data obtained from the "APV Heat Transfer Handbook, 2nd Edition, published by APV Inc. of Tonawanda, New York, U.S.A.". It will be seen that line B represents an improvement of 28% in performance over line A. The lower line C plots the performance of a shell and tube heat exchanger of the invention employing seven tubes of 1.25 cm diameter and equipped internally with radially bladed interrupter structures and externally with sphere rods on the shell side with a sphere diameter of 1 cm. The higher line D plots the maximum performance so far obtained with a heat exchanger of the invention. It will be seen that line C represents an improvement of respectively 250% and 200% of lines A and B, while line D represents an improvement of respectively 515% and 400%.

    [0034] The embodiment of Figures 1 to 3 employs a different form of interrupter structure in the fluid path constituted by the space between the shell interior and the tube exteriors, although the above described bladed structure can of course be used. The different structure also consists of a core rod 54, but the longitudinally spaced interrupter elements consist of solid spheres 56 mounted on the rod at the spacing required to provide wake interference fluid flow. These sphere carrying rods, for convenience called sphere rods, are disposed around the tube exteriors with these longitudinal axes parallel to the tube axes and with their spherical surfaces in point contact with the adjacent tube surfaces; at some locations the spheres may also touch one another. The spheres have the same effect of point interruption of the boundary layers and production of mixing vortices that increase the heat transfer from the exterior tube surfaces to the fluid. It will be noted that the ends of the sphere rod cores are free of spheres and are in end engagement with the tube sheets 16, so that they can be located accurately longitudinally, by changing the length of the sphere free ends the spheres of one rod can therefore be arranged to be opposite to the spaces between the spheres on the immediately adjacent rods to ensure the maximum fluid flow capacity in the path, and minimize the pressure drop of the fluid through the shell. The rod ends are also made free of spheres to provide fluid flow plenum spaces of adequate flow capacity in the shell adjacent the inlet and outlet to the shell. The radially outer sides of the radially outermost sphere rods are surrounded by a filler material 58 to block the non heat exchanging flow of fluid that would otherwise take place between the inner wall of the shell and the adjacent outer parts of the tube walls.

    [0035] It will be seen that the entire heat exchanger is readily disassembled by removal of the encircling band clamps 38 and 42 and split rings 36 and 40, when the tube sheet assemblies can be removed and the interrupter assemblies of both types slid out from inside and between the tubes for replacement or cleaning, as may be required. It will be seen that this disassembly and subsequent reassembly can be effected extremely rapidly by unskilled labour using simple tools. The resulting separate parts can easily be cleaned with simple apparatus.

    [0036] Figure 6 illustrates in cross section a reactor apparatus employing a sphere rod interrupter structure of the invention inside each tube 25. A sphere rod structure usually is somewhat less expensive to make than the bladed interrupter structure, and is also somewhat more robust. A bladed structure may however be employed if the additional surface area which it provides is advantageous. it will be noted that with this solid spherical structure to ensure adequateflow offluid through the path the sphere elements on the rod are of substantially smaller external diameter than the tube internal diameter. The sphere rod core element should rest on the bottom of the horizontal tube interior so that its spherical structure elements will each penetrate at least at one point each the interior boundary layer of the tube and interrupt it there. In practice the external sphere diameter should be between 50% and 80% of the tube internal diameter. Although for convenience the elements are referred to as spheres they also can be of ellipsoidal, egg or drop shape and an egg shaped element structure is illustrated to the right of Figure 6. Spheres of 80% or less of tube internal diameter permit adequate fluid flow, while spheres of 50% or more of tube internal diameter are required for adequate performance in both boundary layer disruption and vortex generation.


    1. A fluid handling apparatus in which a fluid flows along a solid surface (20), for example for heat exchange or reaction, in which a flow-modifying structure (44) is placed in the fluid flow path adjacent the solid surface (20), which flow-modifying structure (44) comprises a plurality of interrupter elements (46) spaced in the direction of flow, each interrupter element (46) is of at least approximately spherical profile, as seen in side elevation, and the interrupter elements touch or nearly touch the surface (20) in such a manner that they locally establish non-turbulent interruptions of the fluid flow at the surface (20) while establishing mixing zones in the main body of the fluid spaced from the surface, characterised in that each interrupter element (46) comprises a plurality of blade-like members (50) which extend radially outwards relative to one another, whereby the boundary layer of the fluid flowing along the surface (20) is locally interrupted by the tips of the blades at points (52) which are spaced both laterally and longitudinally relative to the fluid flow direction.
    2. The apparatus claimed in claim 1, wherein the spacing between immediately successive interrupter elements (46) is such as to produce wake interference flow in the fluid.
    3. The apparatus claimed in claim 1 or 2 in which each blade-like member is thicker at its root than at its tip, and tapers progressively, radially outwards from the root to the tip.
    4. The apparatus claimed in any preceding claim, wherein the structure (44) comprises an axial core element (48) by which the interrupter elements (46) are connected to one another and along which the interrupter elements are spaced.
    5. The apparatus claimed in any of claims 1 to 4, wherein the fluid handling apparatus comprises a fluid reactor in which the interrupter structure is coated with a material exhibiting reactive and/or catalytic properties towards the fluid.
    6. The apparatus claimed in any one of claims 1 to 4, which is a heat exchange apparatus in which the interrupter elements (46) are disposed adjacent the surface of a wall (20) through which heat exchange takes place.
    7. The apparatus claimed in claim 6 wherein the heat exchange apparatus is of the shell and tube type wherein each tube has therein a said interrupter structure.
    8. The apparatus claimed in claim 7 wherein each tube (20) has at least one further interrupter structure (54, 56) in contact with its external surface through which surface heat exchange takes place to fluid in the shell (10).
    9. The apparatus claimed in claim 8 wherein each external interrupter structure comprises an elongated axial core element (54) extending in the direction of fluid flow of the fluid, and

    a plurality of spaced spherical interrupter elements (56) extending along the said core element.

    10. The apparatus claimed in claim 9, wherein the axial core element (54) of the external interrupter structure is free of interrupter elements (56) at its ends.
    11. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 8 to 10, wherein the further interrupter structure (54, 56) in such a manner as to produce wake interference flow in the fluid, and the spherical elements (56) locally interrupt the boundary layer of the fluid flow at the surface (20).
    12. The apparatus claimed in claim 11, wherein the further interrupter structure is disposed within a tube and each spherical element (56) has an external diameter from 50% to 80% of the internal diameter of the tube.
    13. The apparatus claimed in claim 11 or 12, which comprises a fluid reactor in which the further interrupter structure is coated with a material exhibiting reactive and/or catalytic properties toward the fluid.
    14. The apparatus claimed in claim 11, 12, or 13 wherein the further interrupter structure core is free of spherical elements at its ends.
    15. The apparatus claimed in any of claims 7 to 14 wherein the interrupter structure (44) inside the tube (20) is free of interrupter elements at its ends.


    1. Fluidabehandlungsvorrichtung in welcher ein Fluid entlang einer festen Oberfläche (20) strömt, z.B. zum Zwecke des Wärmetausches oder einer Reaktion, wobei eine die Strömung beeinflussende Anordnung (44) im Strömungsweg des Fluids angrenzend zur festen Öberfläche (20) vorgesehen ist, welche Anordnung (44) eine Mehrzahl von in Strömungsrichtung beabstandeten Brechungselementen (46) umfaßt, von denen jedes in Seitenansicht zumindest annähernd kugelförmiges Profil aufweist, und wobei die Brechungselemente die Oberfläche (20) auf solche Art berühren oder zumindest annähernd berühren, daß sie lokale, nicht-turbulente Unterbrechungen der Fluidströmung an der Oberfläche (20) bewirken, während im von der Oberfläche beabstandeten Hauptteil des Fluids Mischzonen gebildet werden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß jedes Brechungselement (46) eine Mehrzahl von klingenartigen Einheiten (50) umfaßt, die relativ zueinander radial auswärts verlaufen, wodurch die Grenzschichte des entlang der Oberfläche (20) fließenden Fluids lokal durch die Spitzen der Klingen an Punkten (52) unterbrochen wird, welche sowohl senkrecht zur als auch in Richtung der Fluidströmung beabstandet sind.
    2. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Abstand zwischen unmittelbar aufeinanderfolgenden Brechungselementen (46) so ist, daß eine Wirbelinterferenzströmung im Fluid erzeugt wird.
    3. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß jede klingenartige Einheit an ihrer Wurzel dicker als an ihrer Spitze ist und sich progressiv radial auswärts von der Wurzel zur Spitze verjüngt.
    4. Vorrichtung nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprüche, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Anordnung (44) ein axiales Kernelement (48) umfaßt, mittels welchem die Brechungselemente (46) untereinander verbunden sind und entlang von welchem die Brechungselemente beabstandet sind.
    5. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Fluidebehandlungsvorrichtung einen Fluidreaktor umfaßt, in dem die Brechungsstruktur mit einem Material beschichtet ist, welches reaktive und/oder katalytische Eigenschaften gegenüber dem Fluid aufweist.
    6. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß sie als Wärmetauschvorrichtung ausgebildet ist, in der die Brechungselemente angrenzend an die Oberfläche einer Wand (20) durch welche der Wärmetausch stattfindet angeordnet sind.
    7. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 6, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Wärmetauschvorrichtung ein Röhrenwärmetauscher ist, wobei jedes Rohr eine Brechungsstruktur enthält.
    8. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 7, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß jedes Rohr (20) zumindest eine weitere Brechungsstruktur (54, 56) in Kontakt mit seiner äußeren Oberfläche aufweist, durch welche Oberfläche der Wärmetausch mit dem Fluid im Mantel (10) erfolgt.
    9. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 8, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß jede äußere Brechungsstruktur ein verlängertes axiales Kernelement (54), welches sich in die Strömungsrichtung des Fluids erstreckt, sowie eine Mehrzahl von beabstandeten kugelförmigen Brechungselementen (56), die sich entlang dieses Kernelementes erstrecken, umfaßt.
    10. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 9, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß das axiale Kernelement (54) der äußeren Brechungsstruktur an seinen Enden frei von Brechungselementen (56) ist.
    11. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 8 bis 10, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die weitere Brechungsstruktur (54, 56) so angeordnet ist, daß eine Wirbelinterferenzströmung im Fluid erzeugt wird, und daß die kugelförmigen Elemente (56) die Grenzschicht der Fluidströmung an der Oberfläche (20) lokal unterbrechen.
    12. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die weitere Brechungsstruktur innerhalb eines Rohres angeordnet ist, wobei jedes kugelförmige Element (56) einen äußeren Durchmesser im Bereich von 50 bis 80% des Innendurchmessers dieses Rohres aufweist.
    13. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11 oder 12, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß sie einen Fluidreaktor umfaßt, in welchem die weitere Brechungsstruktur mit einem Material beschichtet ist, welches reaktive und/oder katalytische Eigenschaften gegenüber dem Fluid aufweist.
    14. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, 12 oder 13, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Kern der weiteren Brechungsstruktur an seinen Enden frei von kugelförmigen Elementen ist.
    15. Vorrichtung nach einem der Ansprüche 7 bis 14, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Brechungsstruktur (44) im Inneren des Rohres (20) an den Enden frei von Brechungselementen ist.


    1. Appareil de traitement d'un fluide, dans lequel un fluide circule le long d'une surface solide (20), par exemple pour un échange de chaleur ou une réaction, et dans lequel une structure (44) de modification de l'écoulement est disposée dans le trajet d'écoulement du fluide au voisinage de la surface solide (20), laquelle structure (44) de modification de l'écoulement comporte une pluralité d'éléments d'interruption (46) espacés dans la direction d'écoulement, chaque élément d'interruption (46) possédant un profil au moins approximativement sphérique, lorsqu'on le regarde selon une vue en élévation latérale, et les éléments d'interruption sont en contact ou presque en contact avec la surface (20) de telle sorte qu'ils créent localement des interruptions non turbulentes de l'écoulement du fluide sur la surface (20), tout en établissant des zones de mélange dans le volume principal du fluide écarté de la surface, caractérisé en ce que chaque élément d'interruption (46) comporte une pluralité d'organes en forme de pales (50) qui s'étendent radialement vers l'extérieur les uns par rapport aux autres, ce qui a pour effet que la couche limite du fluide s'écoulant le long de la surface (20) est interrompue localement par les pointes des pales au niveau de points (52) qui sont espacés à la fois latéralement et longitudinalement par rapport à la direction d'écoulement du fluide.
    2. Appareil selon la revendication 1, dans lequel l'espacement entre des éléments d'interruption (46) se succédant directement est tel qu'ils produisent un écoulement perturbateur en forme de remous dans le fluide.
    3. Appareil selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans lequel chaque organe en forme de pale est plus épais au niveau de sa base qu'au niveau de sa pointe, et s'amincit progressivement radialement vers l'extérieur depuis la base en direction de la pointe.
    4. Appareil selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, dans lequel la structure (44) comporte un élément central axial (48), au moyen duquel les éléments d'interruption (46) sont raccordés entre eux, et le long duquel les éléments d'interruption sont espacés.
    5. Appareil selon l'une quelconque des revendications 1 à 4, dans lequel l'appareil de traitement de fluide comporte une enceinte réactionnelle pour le fluide, dans laquelle la structure d'interruption est recouverte par un matériau présentant des propriétés réactives et/ou catalytiques vis-à-vis du fluide.
    6. Appareil selon l'une quelconque des revendications 1 à 4, qui est un appareil d'échange de chaleur, dans lequel les éléments d'interruption (46) sont disposés de manière à être adjacents à la surface d'une paroi (20) à travers laquelle s'effectue l'échange de chaleur.
    7. Appareil selon la revendication 6, dans lequel l'appareil d'échange de chaleur est du type à coque et tubes, dans lequel chaque tube contient en lui une structure d'interruption.
    8. Appareil selon la revendication 7, dans lequel chaque tube (20) possède au moins une structure supplémentaire d'interruption (54, 56) en contact avec sa surface extérieure, à travers laquelle l'échange de chaleur s'effectue avec le fluide situé dans la coque (10).
    9. Appareil selon la revendication 8, dans lequel chaque structure extérieure d'interruption comporte un élément central axial (54) qui s'étend dans la direction de l'écoulement du fluide, et une pluralité d'éléments sphériques d'interruption espacés (56) qui s'étendent le long dudit élément central.
    10. Appareil selon la revendication 9, dans lequel ledit élément central axial (54) de la structure extérieure d'interruption est exempt d'éléments d'interruption (56) au niveau de ses extrémités.
    11. Appareil selon l'une quelconque des revendications 8 à 10, dans lequel la structure supplémentaire d'interruption (54, 56) est disposée de manière à produire un écoulement perturbateur produisant des remous dans le fluide, et les éléments sphériques (56) interrompent localement la couche limite de l'écoulement du fluide au niveau de la surface (20).
    12. Appareil selon la revendication 11, dans lequel la structure supplémentaire d'interruption est disposée à l'intérieur d'un tube et chaque élément sphérique (56) présente un diamètre extérieur compris entre 50% et 80% du diamètre intérieur du tube.
    13. Appareil selon la revendication 11 ou 12, qui comporte une enceinte réactionnelle pour le fluide, dans laquelle la structure supplémentaire d'interruption est recouverte par un matériau présentant des propriétés réactives et/ou catalytiques vis-à-vis du fluide.
    14. Appareil selon la revendication 11, 12 ou 13, dans lequel le coeur de la structure supplémentaire d'interruption est exempt d'éléments sphériques au niveau de ses extrémités.
    15. Appareil selon l'une quelconque des revendications 7 à 14, dans lequel la structure d'interruption (44) située à l'intérieur du tube (20) est exempte d'éléments d'interruption au niveau de ses extrémités.
