(11) EP 0 250 124 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
05.09.1990 Bulletin 1990/36

(21) Application number: 87304889.6

(22) Date of filing: 03.06.1987
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)5B42D 15/08, B41L 1/22


Sealed documents

Versiegelte Dokumente

Documents scellés

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 17.06.1986 US 875208

(43) Date of publication of application:
23.12.1987 Bulletin 1987/52

Grand Island New York 14072-1697 (US)

(72) Inventor:
  • Greig, Walter G.
    Lewiston New York 14092 (US)

(74) Representative: Townsend, Derek Thomas et al
7 Addington Road
GB-West Wickham, Kent BR4 9BW
GB-West Wickham, Kent BR4 9BW (GB)

(56) References cited: : 
DE-C- 67 753
US-A- 3 143 279
US-A- 4 153 277
GB-A- 753 929
US-A- 3 523 638
US-A- 4 576 399
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    Background of Invention

    [0001] This invention pertains to sealed documents. In particular the invention pertains to sheets constituting a message or other information recording sheet which sheet may be folded and sealed to form a sealed document. It is known to provide a construction of letter paper capable of being folded and sealed to provide a foldable mailer containing a combined message sheet and envelope to enable the foldable mailer to be despatched by post. Such constructions are shown in British Specification no 753 929, US Specifications Nos 3 523 638, and 1 307 421 and German Specification no 67 753.

    [0002] It is also known to provide record keeping systems (US Specification No 4 153 277) including a master ledger sheet and a multiple sheet label assembly with adhesive backing and the label assembly includes a flap so that the flap can be secured to the back of the master ledger sheet.

    [0003] Also US Specification No 4 576 399 discloses a three panel code sheet with one of the panels having extended edges with adhesive and protective covering strips.

    [0004] Also US Specification No 3 143 279 discloses a combined envelope and statement form but the document does not refer to reusable adhesive but the form includes three transverse foldlines for folding the sheet into four substantially equal parts in addition to the fold line adjacent a sealing flap and the adhesive is positioned for securing the four parts.

    [0005] It is often desirable to provide a way to provide information on a simple sheet of paper or the like and have a self-contained means to seal the document without having a letter construction including envelope parts. Moreover, it is also desirable to have the sheets readily available, as in the form of a pad of the sheets.

    Objects of Invention

    [0006] Therefore, it is an object of this invention to provide a sheet, and a pad of sheets, that may be rapidly sealed by self-contained means to be sealed along at least one edge, or along all edges.

    [0007] The invention may be best understood by reference to illustrative embodiments, which will be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings.

    Description of Drawings


    Fig 1 shows one surface of a sheet of material for the invention.

    Fig 2 shows the reverse side of the sheet of Fig 1.

    Fig 3 shows the sheet of Fig 1 after a first fold.

    Fig 4 shows the sheet of Fig 1 after a second fold.

    FIG. 5 shows a sheet prepared for a second embodiment of the invention.

    FIG. 6 shows the sheet of FIG. 5 after a first fold.

    FIG. 7 shows the sheet of FIG. 6 after a second fold.

    . FIG. 8 shows a set of sheets prepared for still another embodiment of the invention.

    FIG. 9 shows the sheets of FIG. 8 after an initial folding operation.

    Detailed Description of Illustrative Embodiments

    [0009] In FIG. 1 reference character 10 designates a sheet of paper or like material on the surface 12 of which a message or other information may be recorded. Sheet 10 has top edge 14, bottom edge 16, right side edge 18 and left side edge 20. Side 12 also has indicia marks 22 for a purpose described below.

    [0010] The opposite side 24 of sheet 10 is shown in FIG. 2. A strip of reusable or releasable adhesive 26 (hereafter, "reusable") is provided along edge 14 of side 24. Reusable adhesives are well known in the art. Spaces also are provided for "To" and "From" information at positions 28 and 30 on side 24.

    [0011] For purposes of creating a sealed document the user, facing side 12, folds the document along fold line 32 (FIG. 3) which could be perforated to facilitate folding at the proper place. When folded, edge 14 is placed at the indicia marks 22. The user then folds the document along fold line 34 (FIG. 4) at the indicia marks to place the area between the fold line 34 and edge 16 over the adhesive strip 26. Pressing the parts together secures the folded document.

    [0012] The document may be opened simply by peeling apart the areas held by the reusable adhesive. A perforation line 35 (FIGS. 1-3) may be located at the inner edge of the adhesive strip at allow the user to remove the adhesive or fold the adhesive strip over to eliminate the exposed adhesive surface. The exposed strip would not be desirable if the document was filed.

    [0013] If more security is desired the configuration of reusable adhesive areas shown in FIG. 5 may be used. Here side 24 of sheet 10 not only has strip 26 but also strips 36, 38, 40 and 42 of reusable adhesive. "To" and "From" spaces also are provided at the locations 44 and 46.

    [0014] In use the sheet 10 of FIG. 5, which has a side 12 like that of FIG. 1, is folded over and secured by strip 26 of adhesive as was the case in FIGS. 1-4. Adhesive strip 26 is now covered, but the other adhesive strips 36, 38, 40 and 42 appear as shown in FIG. 6. Now a third fold is accomplished by the user, along a line indicated by chain line 48, to bring the adhesive strips together, and provide the document shown in FIG. 7. In this way the document is sealed slong all four edges. It may be opened by peeling the sealed areas apart.

    [0015] Adhesive may exist along all of the edges as shown in FIG. 6 to bring adhesive on two surfaces together for added strength. However, one coat of adhesive will do, in which case only one-half of strips 40 and 42 need by used, and only one of strips 36 and 38. Indeed, if the manufacturer feels it can save on adhesive and remain competitive, only spots of adhesive are necessary.

    [0016] In another embodiment of the invention the sheet 10 may be one of a number of such sheets, with carbon paper (not shown) or carbonless transfer materials between them for making multiple copies of a given message. For example, these could be of the "To/From/Reply" memo format. The sheets would be held together by the adhesive strips 26. A set of three such sheets, here 10a, 10b and 10c, are shown in FIG. 8, already once folded as the single sheet as shown in FIG. 3 has been folded.

    [0017] In order to seal the set of sheets (FIG. 8) the bottom edges 16 of sheets 1 Oa and 10b are folded under edges 14 of the three sheets as shown in FIG. 9, leaving the edge 16 of sheet 10c to be folded over to be secured to the adhesive strip 26 of sheet 10c, in the manner shown in FIG. 4.

    [0018] The multiple sheet set of FIG. 9 may also be provided with the additional adhesive area (FIGS. 5-7) and again folded, as explained in connection with FIGS. 6 and 7.

    [0019] Upon reading the foregoing descriptions of illustrative embodiments many other embodiments will occur to the reader. Therefore, the scope of the invention is to be determined from the appended claims.


    1. A rectangular sheet (10) of foldable information receivable material to serve as a sheet constituting a message or other information record surface (12) having a strip of adhesive (26) along one side of the sheet (10) and an area on the other side of the sheet on which information may be recorded and the sheet (10) being divided into two parts comprising,

    a first part including the top edge (14) with the strip of adhesive (26) applied thereto, a second part limited by the bottom edge (16) and a fold line (34) to constitute a fold over flap,

    the first part being foldable about a second fold line (32) to close the sheet with the information within the folded sheet,
    characterised in that the strip of adhesive (26) is of the reusable adhesive kind and is positioned along the top edge (14) of the sheet (10) and in that indica (22) is placed on the said other side and adjacent the bottom edge (16) of the sheet (10) opposite from the edge bearing the strip of adhesive (26), the indica (22) being placed from the edge (16) of the sheet a distance substantially equal to the width of the strip of adhesive (26) and defining the fold line (22) whereby the second part of the sheet may be folded to place the side beaing the message or other information inside the second fold and the edge (14) at which the adhesive is applied is brought to the indica (22) whereupon the second part of the sheet may be folded over the adhesive to close the folded sheet.

    2. A sheet of material as in claim 1 characterised in that a line of perforations (35) is provided along the inner edge of the adhesive strip (26) to facilitate folding over or eliminating the adhesive strip (26) after the folded sheet has been opened.
    3. A sheet of material as claimed in claim 1 or 2 characterised in that at least one sheet (10a) is plied on top thereof, whereby the set of sheets (10) may be folded and affixed by folding the margins of the additional sheet (10a) or sheets (10a, 10b, 10c) to underlie the edge (14) of the bottom sheet after the fold, whereby the adhesive strip retains the folded set together.
    4. A sheet of material as claimed in claim 1, 2 or 3 characterised in that additional strips of adhesive (36, 38, 40, 42) are provided on said one side of the sheet so placed that after the second fold the sheet may be folded a third time along a fold line (48) at right angles to the first fold line leaving the additional adhesive (36, 38, 40, 42) within the thrice folded sheet so that all four edges of the thusly folded sheet are affixed together.


    1. Rechteckiges Blatt (10) aus faltbarem, zur Aufzeichnung von Informationen geeignetem Werkstoff, das als Blatt dient, welches eine Aufzeichnungsfläche (12) für Mitteilungen oder andere Informationen bildet, welches einen Klebstoffstreifen (26) entlang einer Seite des Blattes (10) und einen Bereich auf der anderen Seite des Blattes hat, auf dem Informationen aufgezeichnet werden können, dabei das Blatt (10) in zwei Abschnitte unterteilt ist, von denen der erste Abschnitt den oberen Rand (14) mit dem darauf aufgetragenen Klebstoffstreifen (26) umfaßt, ein zweiter Abschnitt vom unteren Rand (16) und einer Falzlinie (34) begrenzt ist, derart, daß er eine Umlegeklappe bildet, wobei der erste Abschnitt an einer zweiten Falzlinie (32) so umklappbar ist, daß das Blatt geschlossen wird, wobei die Informationen sich innerhalb des geschlossenen Blattes befinden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Klebstoffstreifen (26) vom wiederanwendbaren Klebstoff-Typ ist und entlang dem oberen Rand (14) des Blattes (10) angeordnet ist, und daß Marken (22) auf der anderen Seite und in der Nähe des unteren Randes (16) des Blattes (10), der dem den Klebstoffstreifen (26) tragenden Rand gegenüberliegt, angeordnet sind, wobei die Marken (22) vom Rand (16) des Blattes einen Abstand haben, der zumindest annähernd gleich ist der Breite des Klebstoffstreifens (26), und die Falzlinie (22) definieren, derart, daß der zweite Abschnitt des Blattes so umgeklappt werden kann, daß die die Mitteilung oder andere Informationen tragende Seite auf die Innenseite der Faltung kommt und der Rand (14), auf den der Klebstoff aufgetragen ist, zu den Marken (22) gebracht wird, woraufhin der zweite Abschnitt des Blattes zum Schließen des gefalteten Blattes auf den Klebstoff umgelegt werden kann.
    2. Werkstoffblatt nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß entlang dem inneren Rand des Klebstoffstreifens (26) eine Pertorierungslinie (35) vorgesehen ist, die nach dem Öffnen des gefalteten Blattes das Umklappen oder Entfernen des Klebstoffstreifens (26) erleichtert.
    3. Werkstoffblatt nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß auf es wenigstens ein Blatt (10a) aufgelegt ist, derart, daß der Satz Blätter (10) auf die Weise gefaltet und befestigt werden kann, daß die Randabschnitte des/der zusätzlichen Blattes (10a)/Blätter (10a, 10b, 10c) unter den Rand (14) des nach dem Falten unteren Blattes umgeklappt werden, derart, daß der Klebstoffstreifen den gefalteten Satz zusammenhält.
    4. Werkstoffblatt nach Anspruch 1, 2 oder 3, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß auf der einen Seite des Blattes zusätzliche Klebstoffstreifen (36, 38, 40, 42) an solchen Stellen angeordnet sind, daß das Blatt nach der zweiten Faltung ein drittes Mal an einer zur ersten Falzlinie rechtwinkligen Falzlinie (48) gefaltet werden kann, wobei der zusätzliche Klebstoff (36, 38, 40, 42) auf der Innenseite des dreifach gefalteten Blattes verbleibt, so daß alle vier Ränder des so gefalteten Blattes aneinander befestigt sind.


    1. Feuille rectangulaire (10) en matériau apte à recevoir une information et pouvant être pliée afin d'être utilisée comme feuille constituant un message ou autre surface (12) d'enregistrement d'informations, comportant une bande d'adhésif (26) le long d'un côté de la feuille (10) et, sur l'autre face de la feuille, une zone sur laquelle peut être enregistrée une information, la feuille (10) étant divisée en deux parties comprenant une première partie comportant le bord supérieur (14), avec la bande d'adhésif (26) appliquée sur celle-ci, une seconde partie limitée par le bord inférieur (16) et une ligne de pliage (34) pour constituer un rabat repliable, la première partie pouvant être repliée le long d'une seconde ligne de pliage (32) pour clore la feuille avec l'information à l'intérieur de la feuille pliée, caractérisée en ce que la bande d'adhésif (26) est du type d'adhésif réutilisable et est située le long du bord supérieur (14) de la feuille (10) et en ce que des repères (22) sont situés sur ladite autre face et au voisinage du bord inférieur (16) de la feuille (10) à l'opposé du bord portant la bande d'adhésif (26), les repères (22) étant espacés du bord (16) de la feuille d'une distance à peu près égale à la largeur de la bande d'adhésif (26) et délimitant la ligne de pliage (22), si bien que la seconde partie de la feuille peut être repliée pour placer le côté portant le message ou autre information à l'intérieur du second pli, et le bord (14) sur lequel est appliqué l'adhésif est amené sur le repère (22), après quoi la seconde partie de la feuille peut être repliée sur l'adhésif pour clore la feuille pliée.
    2. Feuille de matériau suivant la revendication 1, caractérisée en ce qu'une ligne de perforations (35) est prévue le long du bord interne de la bande d'adhésif (26) afin de faciliter le repliage ou la suppression de la bande adhésive (26) après que la feuille pliée a été ouverte.
    3. Feuille de matériau suivant la revendication 1 ou 2, caractérisée en ce qu'au moins une feuille (10a) est pliée sur sa partie supérieure, si bien que le jeu de feuilles (10) peut être plié et fixé par pliage des marges de la feuille supplémentaire (10a), ou des feuilles (10a, 10b, 10c), pour se trouver au-dessous du bord (14) de la feuille inférieure après le pliage, de sorte que la bande adhésive retient ensemble le jeu plié.
    4. Feuille de matériau suivant la revendication 1, 2 ou 3, caractérisée en ce que des bandes supplémentaires d'adhésif (36, 38, 40, 42) sont prévues sur ladite première face de la feuille, disposées de façon qu'après le second pliage la feuille puisse être repliée une troisième fois suivant une ligne de pliage (48) à angle droit par rapport à la première ligne de pliage, laissant la bande d'adhésif supplémentaire (36, 38, 40, 42) à l'intérieur de la feuille pliée trois fois, de manière que les quatre côtés de la feuille ainsi pliée soient fixés ensemble.
