(11) EP 0 385 650 A1


(43) Date of publication:
05.09.1990 Bulletin 1990/36

(21) Application number: 90301872.9

(22) Date of filing: 21.02.1990
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)5G07D 1/00
(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 28.02.1989 GB 8904566

London W1A 1DL (GB)

(72) Inventors:
  • Pilling, Roger
    Bassett, Southampton (GB)
  • Martin, Harvey Graham
    East Wittering, Chichester, West Sussex (GB)

(74) Representative: Skone James, Robert Edmund et al
GILL JENNINGS & EVERY Broadgate House 7 Eldon Street
London EC2M 7LH
London EC2M 7LH (GB)

(56) References cited: : 

    (54) Sheet stacking apparatus

    (57) Sheet stacking apparatus comprising a sheet stacking device (6) which is movable to a number of sheet storage positions (9-12); a sheet delivery system (20-27) at each sheet storage position; and a control system (70,47), (31,24) for controlling movement of the sheet stacking device (6) and operation of the sheet delivery system (20-27) so that when the sheet stacking device is moved to a sheet storage position, the respective sheet delivery system can deliver sheets from a store at that position to the stacking device which stacks the sheets in a stacking position, characterised in that the sheet stacking device (6) has a stacking member (46) for moving sheets supplied by each each sheet delivery system onto the stack.


    [0001] The invention relates to sheet stacking apparatus of the kind comprising a sheet stacking device which is movable to a number of sheet storage positions; a sheet delivery system at each sheet storage position; and control means, for controlling movement of the sheet stacking device and operation of the sheet delivery system so that when the sheet stacking device is moved to a sheet storage position, the respective sheet delivery system can deliver sheets from a store at that position to the stacking device which stacks the sheets in a stacking position Such apparatus is hereinafter referred to as of the kind described.

    [0002] In the field of banknote dispensing, it is common to provide dispensing apparatus which can withdraw banknotes of more than one denomination from respective stores in response to a dispense command and feed the selected sheets one at a time to a dispense outlet. In the past, this type of dispense apparatus has involved providing an extraction system adjacent each store which is selectively actuated by a control system to withdraw in series the required number of banknotes from the store and to feed them to a continuously running transport system which transports the sheets to a dispense outlet at which they may be stacked into a single stack. Such apparatus is described in EP-A-0161742 and EP-A-0130081.

    [0003] Although this apparatus is suitable for many applications, where it is common for a large number of banknotes to be dispensed in a single operation from each of a number of stores, the series feed arrangement is less desirable in view of the time required for a full dispense.

    [0004] GB-A-2193712 illustrates apparatus of the kind described in which an elevator moves alongside a number of vertically spaced bundled sheet cassettes. Selected bundles are drawn out of the cassettes and fall into a collection bin on the elevator. This is not suitable for handling single (unbundled) sheets since they will not fall with sufficient reliability into the collection bin. Furthermore, any stack of single sheets produced would not be sufficiently neat for presentation to a user (customer).

    [0005] In accordance with the present invention, sheet stacking apparatus of the kind described is characterised in that the sheet stacking device has stacking means for moving sheets supplied by each each sheet delivery system onto the stack.

    [0006] This invention leads to a significant improvement in achieving a speedy response to a dispense request in which sheets from a number of stores are required by moving the stacking device between sheet storage positions, sheets being built up into a common stack by the device. Furthermore by providing active stacking means in the sheet stacking device single sheets can be accurately controlled and stacked.

    [0007] In a particularly compact arrangement, the sheet storage positions are vertically spaced with the sheet stacking device being vertically movable to each of the sheet storage positions.

    [0008] Preferably, the sheet stacking device is movable to a stack dispense position at which the stack of sheets can be removed from the sheet stacking device. This removal can be by an operator directly or via a further stack transport system, for example of the type described in our copending European patent application of even date entitled "Article Handling Apparatus" (Agents Ref:30/2817/02) and claiming priority from British Patent Application No.8904569.4.

    [0009] The stacking device may comprise a conventional stacker wheel and stripper plate but is preferably provided by a device of the type described in our copending European patent application of even date entitled "Sheet Stacking Assembly" (Agents Ref: 30/2813/02) and claiming priority from British Patent Application No.8904567.8. This latter device can be mounted between a pair of guides and connected via a drive belt to a motor which is selectively operated by the control means to move the stacking device to each sheet storage position.

    [0010] The sheet stacking device is preferably selectively driven by either a motor or a solenoid which may be fixed or movable with the sheet stacking device and which is selectively operable by the control means to cause sheets supplied by an associated sheet delivery system to be stacked.

    [0011] In order to reduce the load on the motor which moves the sheet stacking device to each sheet storage position, the device is preferable counterbalanced. It is particularly convenient if this counterbalancing is achieved by connecting a counterbalance weight to an electrical connecting member which couples the control means with the sheet stacking device. An example of a suitable electrical connecting means is a ribbon cable. An alternative form of counterbalancing could be achieved by connecting a tension spring between the electrical connecting member and a frame of the apparatus while in a further alternative a counterbalancing member such as a weight or spring is connected to a separate block and tackle arrangement coupled with the sheet stacking device.

    [0012] Preferably, each sheet delivery system comprises a selectively driven feed section for withdrawing sheets from an associated store and a continuously driven transport system to which sheets are fed by the feed section and which feeds sheets to the sheet stacking device. Selective drive of the feed section may be achieved using any conventional clutch arrangement.

    [0013] The control means typically includes a suitably programmed microcomputer and this preferably determines the combination of sheets required for a particular dispense in response to a dispense request. In the case of banknotes, for example, the microcomputer will determine what combination of banknote denominations must be dispensed from those available to fulfil the dispense requirement.

    [0014] An example of banknote dispensing apparatus incorporating stacking apparatus according to the invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:-

    Figure 1 is a schematic, perspective view of part of the apparatus;

    Figure 2 is a perspective view, partly broken away, of the sheet stacking device;

    Figure 3A is a side elevation, partly cut-away of the apparatus; and,

    Figures 3B and 3C illustrate the transport drive and friction drive systems respectively.

    [0015] The dispensing apparatus shown in Figure 1 comprises a pair of side plates 1, 2 on the facing surfaces of which are mounted respective timing belts 3, 4. The belts are connected together by a shaft 5 rotatably mounted to the plates 1, 2 and connected to a motor 71.

    [0016] A sheet stacking device 6 is connected between the timing belts 3, 4 via side plates 7 of the device and laterally extending brackets 8 (Figure 2).

    [0017] Four banknote storage positions 9 - 12 are provided positioned one above the other and at each of which a banknote cassette (of conventional form) can be mounted. The cassettes are shown in Figure 3A at 13 - 16. Each cassette 13 - 16 contains a set of banknotes of a single denomination (as indicated at 17) which are urged towards an opening 18 by a spring 19 within the cassette.

    [0018] At each position 9 - 12 a sheet delivery system is provided. Each sheet delivery system comprises a set of friction feed rollers 20 - 22 which withdraw single banknotes 17 from the corresponding cassette; and a set of transport rollers 23 - 27 which receive sheets delivered by the friction feed rollers 20 - 22 and guide them around the roller 23 into the sheet stacking device 6. This guiding is assisted by means of a belt 28 entrained around the rollers 25 - 27.

    [0019] The friction feed rollers 20 - 22 of each sheet delivery system are selectively driven from a common motor 29 (Figure 3C) which continuously drives a set of drive pulleys 30 each of which is associated with one of the sheet delivery systems. Normally, the drive pulley 30 is spaced from the adjacent roller 20 but when banknotes are to be withdrawn from the corresponding cassette, a solenoid 31 associated with that cassette is actuated to urge the drive pulley 30 into engagement with the roller 20 causing the roller 20 and rollers 21, 22 to rotate. As can be seen in Figure 3C, the motor 29 is coupled to each of the sheet delivery systems in a similar manner via connecting belts 32.

    [0020] The transport section of each sheet delivery system is continuously driven by a motor 33 (Figure 3B) which is coupled via belts to each of the wheels 23. Rotation of each wheel 23 causes rotation of the the wheels in the transport section.

    [0021] The sheet stacking device is described in more detail in our copending European patent application entitled "Sheet Stacking Assembly" mentioned above and incorporated herein by reference and will only briefly be described here. The side plates 7 of the device are fixed relative to each other by an aluminium tie bar such as tie bar 35 while a pair of side plates 36, held apart by a tie bar 34, are pivoted between the side plates 7 about the axis of a shaft 37. A guide rod 38 is fixed to one of the side plates 36 and runs in a vertical guide path 39 in the side plate 1 of the apparatus. While the sheet feeding device is at any of the positions 9 - 12, the location of the guide rod 38 in the slot 39 prevents the side plates 36 from rotating about the axis of the shaft 37. The side plates 7 are prevented from rotating by the location of laterally extending flanges 40 and the brackets 8 in respective vertical slots 41 in the side plates 1, 2.

    [0022] Two note plates 42 are pivoted to the side plate 36 via nylon pivot pads 43 riveted to the note plates 42 which can pivot freely about pivots 44 fixed to the plates 36. The note plates 42 are urged to the position shown in Figure 2 by a piston/cylinder damping system 45 fixed to the side plates 7 and having a piston connected to a T-shaped push bar 46 which is urged against the underside of the note plates 42. An example of the piston/cylinder is described in more detail in our copending patent application "Sheet Stacking Assembly" mentioned above.

    [0023] A set of six carbon fibre tines 46 overlie the note plates 42 and are connected to the shaft 37 so that rotation of the shaft 37 will cause the tines 46 to pivot between the position shown in Figure 2 and the position shown in dashed lines at 46′ in Figure 3A. The position of the tines 46 is controlled by an electrically operated solenoid 47 mounted to one of the side plates 36 and having a rod 48 coupled with a bracket 49 pivoted to the side plate 36 and coupled via a rod 50 to a bracket 51 fixed to the shaft 37. Linear movement of the rod 48 causes rotation of the shaft 37.

    [0024] In order to assist movement of the sheet stacking device 6, the device is counterbalanced by a weight 52 and a block and tackle arrangement 53. The block and tackle arrangement 53 is formed by a ribbon cable 54 connected at one end 55 to the sheet stacking device so as to provide an electrical connection with the solenoid 47 and at the other end 56 to the side plate 2. The ribbon extends around a pulley 57 rotatably mounted to the side plate 2 and a pulley 58 to which the weight 52 is connected. The free end of the ribbon cable 54 is connected with a microcomputer 70 which generates control signals for the solenoid 47. The microcomputer 70 also causes operation of the solenoids 31 coupled with the friction feed system of each sheet delivery system and controls operation of motor 71.

    [0025] As an alternative to the counterweight 52 a tension spring 59 could be provided as indicated schematically in Figure 1.

    [0026] If the counterbalance weight 52 is twice the weight of the sheet stacking device 6 then the system would be balanced and the motor required to drive it (not shown) could be small, not having to cope with the direct weight of the sheet stacking device.

    [0027] In operation, the cassettes 13 - 16 are loaded with notes of different denominations, for example notes of values £5, £10, £20 and £50 respectively. The user then enters via a keyboard (not shown) the total currency he wishes to have delivered (e.g. £15) and the microcomputer 70, which is connected to keyboard, determines what notes are required to make up this denomination. In this case, the microcomputer 70 would determine that one £5 note and one £10 note is required. The sheet stacking device 6 is initially positioned adjacent the cassette 13, as shown in Figure 3A, and the microcomputer activates the corresponding solenoid 1 to initiate the rollers 20 - 22 and also activates the solenoid 47 so that the tines 46 move to the position 46′ (Figure 3A). The solenoid 31 is activated for long enough to enable a single £5 note to be withdrawn from the cassette 13 and pass into the sheet transfer section defined by rollers 23 - 27 which feeds the sheet into the space between the tines 46 and the note plates 42. At this point, deenergising the solenoid 47 allows a torsion return spring (not shown), which has been previously wound up by the outgoing motion, to cause the tines 46 to move to the position shown in Figure 2 thus clamping the note between the tines and the note plates 42. The shaft 5 is then rotated by the sheet stacking device drive motor 71 under the control of the microcomputer 70 to cause the sheet stacking device to move upwardly to position 10 (as shown in phantom in Figure 3A). The associated friction feed section of the sheet transport system is then activated to withdraw a single £10 note from the cassette 14 which is fed into the space between the tines 46 and note plates 42 and is then clamped to the previously stacked £5 note upon the return of the tines 46 to the position shown in Figure 2. The motor 71 is then reactivated to cause the sheet stacking device 6 to continue its upward movement past the positions 11 and 12 to a sheet dispensing position 12a (Figure 1).

    [0028] It will be seen in Figure 1 that between positions 12 and 12a the guide path 39 curves from a vertical orientation to a horizontal orientation. This curvature, which is followed by the guide rod 38, causes the note plates 42, the tines 46 which are urged against the note plates 42, and the side plates 36 to pivot about the axis of the shaft 37 until the stack of sheets lies generally horizontally at the top of the apparatus. In this position, in one example, the stack may be accessible to the user who can simply withdraw the sheets from between the tines 46 and note plates 42. Alternatively, a further transport device may be provided (as described in our copending patent application entitled "Sheet Transport Apparatus", mentioned above and incorporated herein by reference, which withdraws the stack and feeds the stack to a dispense outlet (not shown). Part of such a transport device is illustrated by the belt 60 in Figure 3A.

    [0029] At the end of a dispense operation, the shaft 5 is rotated in the opposite direction to draw the sheet stacking device 6 down to its initial position shown in Figure 3A.

    [0030] If more than one banknote is required from one cassette than the tines 46 will undergo the to and fro movement for the each note.


    1. Sheet stacking apparatus comprising a sheet stacking device (6) which is movable to a number of sheet storage positions (9-12); a sheet delivery system (20-27) at each sheet storage position; and control means (70,47), (31,24) for controlling movement of the sheet stacking device (6) and operation of the sheet delivery system (20-27) so that when the sheet stacking device is moved to a sheet storage position, the respective sheet delivery system can deliver sheets from a store at that position to the stacking device which stacks the sheets in a stacking position, characterised in that the sheet stacking device (6) has stacking means (46) for moving sheets supplied by each each sheet delivery system onto the stack.
    2. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the sheet storage positions (9,12) are vertically spaced with the sheet stacking device (6) being vertically movable to each of the sheet storage positions.
    3. Apparatus according to claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the sheet stacking device (6) is movable to a stack dispense position (12a) at which the stack of sheets can be removed from the sheet stacking device.
    4. Apparatus according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the sheet stacking device (6) is mounted between a pair of guides (41) and connected via a drive belt (4) to a motor (71) which is selectively operated by the control means (70) to move the stacking device to each sheet storage position.
    5. Apparatus according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the sheet stacking device (6) is selectively driven by drive means (47) and is selectively operable by the control means (70) to cause sheets supplied by an associated sheet delivery system to be stacked.
    6. Apparatus according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the sheet stacking device comprises a carrier member (42) onto which sheets are stacked; and a reciprocal guide member (46) which moves between a sheet accepting position in which a sheet can be delivered between the guide and carrier members and a stack holding position in which sheets are held in a stack on the carrier member (42) by the guide member (46).
    7. Apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the guide member (46) is mounted for pivotal movement between the stack holding and sheet accepting positions.
    8. Apparatus according to claim 6 or claim 7, wherein the guide member comprises a set of tines (46) or elongate elements.
    9. Apparatus according to any of claims 6 to 8, wherein the carrier member (42) is movable relative to the guide member (46) from a start position towards which it is biased so that the carrier member remains substantially parallel with the guide member when the guide member is in the stack holding position.
    10. Apparatus according to claim 9, wherein the carrier member (42) is pivoted to a support.
    11. Apparatus according to any of the preceding claims, wherein each sheet delivery system comprises a selectively driven feed section (20-22) for withdrawing sheets from an associated store and a continuously driven transport system (23-27) to which sheets are fed by the feed section and which feeds sheets to the sheet stacking device.
    12. Apparatus according to any of the preceding claims, further comprising a counterbalance weight (52) connected to the sheet stacking device.
    13. Apparatus according to claim 12, wherein the counterbalance weight (52) is connected to an electrical connecting member which couples the control means with the sheet stacking device.


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