(11) EP 0 426 258 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
27.07.1994 Bulletin 1994/30

(21) Application number: 90202885.1

(22) Date of filing: 30.10.1990
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)5B21D 51/26, B05B 5/08, B05B 13/06


Method and apparatus for manufacturing metal can bodies having an internal coating

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Metalldosenrümpfen mit Innenbeschichtung

Procédé et dispositif pour fabriquer des corps de boîte en métal pourvus d'un revêtement intérieur

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 01.11.1989 NL 8902697

(43) Date of publication of application:
08.05.1991 Bulletin 1991/19

(73) Proprietor: Thomassen & Drijver-Verblifa N.V.
7418 AH Deventer (NL)

(72) Inventor:
  • Meijer, Anton
    NL-7415 BT Deventer (NL)

(74) Representative: Schumann, Bernard Herman Johan et al
Arnold & Siedsma, Advocaten en Octrooigemachtigden, Sweelinckplein 1
2517 GK Den Haag
2517 GK Den Haag (NL)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 120 810
EP-A- 0 312 918
US-A- 3 526 027
US-A- 3 733 670
US-A- 4 199 672
EP-A- 0 167 088
DE-C- 714 669
US-A- 3 702 107
US-A- 3 745 295
  • G. SPUR: "Handbuch der Fertigungstechnik", vol. 4.1: "Abtragen, Beschichten",1987, pages 530-537, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, DE;"Pulverbeschichtungsverfahren"
Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


[0001] The invention relates to a method for manufacturing metal can bodies comprising the steps of:

1) providing metal sheets of which the width is a little greater than the periphery of a can body and the length corresponds to the height of a can body;

2) transporting successive sheets in lengthwise direction;

3) bending the sheet metal transversely of the lengthwise direction of the path such that the edge zones mutually overlap;

4) mutually adhering the overlapping portions of the edge zones.
Also the invention relates to a device for performing the method as claimed in any of the foregoing claims for manufacturing metal can bodies, which device comprises:

  • conveyor means for feeding metal sheets and carrying away can bodies;
  • bending means for bending the sheets of the conveying direction during feeding thereof such that the edge zones are placed and held in overlap; and
  • adhering means for mutually adhering the overlapping portions of the edge zones for forming of successive can bodies;
   Such a method and device are known from EP-A-0 205 992. It is a purpose of the invention to provide a technique that allows a very ready applying of an internal coating on the bodies obtained with the prior art method and apparatus.
In view thereof the method of the invention is characterized by 5) applying an internal coating on these bodies using an applying device carried by an arm, which extends in lengthwise direction from a region located upstream of the region were the edge zones are made to overlap.
The device according to the invention is characterized by an applying device for applying an internal coating on these bodies, which applying device is carried by an arm which extends in lengthwise direction from a region located upstream relative to the adhering means.
Full continuity can be ensured for instance with a method characterized by

6) causing the sheets and the can bodies to push one against the other, also at the position where step (5) takes place.
The method can be particularly characterized by

7) performing step 4) by welding.
The invention gives preference to a method which is characterized by

8) performing step 5) by applying a coating of a synthetic resin powder;

9) causing said powder to melt, run out and enamel by supplying heat; and

10) causing the thus formed coating to cure by cooling.
The method can for instance be characterized by

11) performing step 5) by applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies.
The method may also be characterized by

12) performing step 5) by applying a coating over the seam of the overlapping zones.
In order to be certain that the critical region of the seam, where a sharp edge is in any case present, is completely covered by the coating, which is of decisive importance particularly for food products, the method can be characterized in a preferred embodiment by

13) performing step 11) in combination with step 12) such that a coating of increased thickness is situated over the said seam.
A highly effective application of the powder can be ensured by

14) performing step 8) by electrically charging the powder beforehand.
This method can for instance be embodied such that it is characterized by

15) performing step 14) by subjecting the powder to a corona discharge.
In preference however this method is characterized by

16) performing step 14) by guiding the powder along the surface of an isolator.

[0002] For mutually adhering the overlapping portions of the edge zones the device can advantageously display the feature that the adhering means comprise two co-acting welding rollers, whereof the first engages on the outside and the second on the inside of said overlapping portions, which first welding roller is supported by the arm carrying the applying device.

[0003] Very simple but nevertheless reliable production is ensured with a variant which has the feature that the overlapping portions are held in position by guide grooves in a block.

[0004] In an embodiment where the applying device is adapted for applying synthetic resin powder the device can be further characterized by a heat treatment station for causing powder to melt, run out and enamel through supply of heat and the thus formed coating to cure through cooling.

[0005] In a particular embodiment the device may have the feature that the applying means are arranged for applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies. The device may also have the feature that the applying means are arranged for applying a coating over the seam of the overlapping zones. It is further possible for the device to have the feature that the applying means are arranged for applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies and moreover a coating over the seam of the overlapping zones such that a coating of increased thickness is situated over the said seam.

[0006] For applying powder with great homogeneity and reliability over the entire surface for coating the device can be characterized by a charging station for electrically charging powder to be applied.

[0007] Use can be made for this purpose of corona means or of an isolator surface, along which the powder for applying is guided, at an interval from which surface is located a conductor surface with earth connection for draining charge. In this latter case the device can be characterized by at least one tube of an insulating material, for instance PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and a conductor for connection to earth arranged close fitting around it.

[0008] The device preferably displays the feature that via a conducting, for instance carbonaceous, medium such as a paste the isolator has a connection externally to metal, for example aluminium, for connection to earth. Hereby ensured is an effective charging of the powder in addition to a rapid draining of the static charge formed in the isolator.

[0009] The invention also relates to a can body manufactured with the method according to the invention in addition to a can with such a body.

[0010] The invention offers a number of important advantages. Compared to processes with wet lacquer a considerable energy saving is possible, namely in the order of 40 to 60%. The process according to the invention enables lacquer standardization. According to the invention, applying of the coating to successive objects takes place in a fluent, continuous movement relative to the applying station. The process therefore requires only one production line.

[0011] The invention will now be elucidated with reference to the annexed drawing, wherein:

Fig. 1 shows a partly broken away schematic perspective view of a first part of a device according to the invention, wherein the can bodies are made from sheets;

Fig. 2 shows a view corresponding with fig. 1 of a second part of the device according to the invention shown therein, wherein the can bodies are provided internally with a layer of powder;

Fig. 3 and 4 show respectively the details III and IV of fig. 1 in cross section on enlarged scale;

Fig. 5 shows a view corresponding with fig. 2 of a variant which is arranged for also applying an additional layer of powder on the seams of the can bodies;

Fig. 6 is a partly broken away perspective view of the welding station;

Fig. 7 is a partly broken away perspective view of the spray nozzle on enlarged scale; and

Fig. 8 shows on enlarged scale a perspective view of one of the single charging tubes according to fig. 7.

[0012] Fig. 1 shows a device 1 for manufacturing metal can bodies with an internal coating. Device 1 comprises a stock holder 2 wherein a stack of metal sheets 3 is arranged. By means of a take-off member 4 the bottom sheet 3 is removed each time from the stack and guided in the direction of arrows 5 through a cracking station 6 in which the sheet is rid of residual stresses by light bending in opposing directions.

[0013] After leaving the cracking station 6 the relevant sheet is bent round by means of bending rollers 7 to the rounded shape designated 3'. The dimensioning of device 1 is such that the leading edge 8 of the bent round sheet 3' is arranged in a guide groove 9 in a guide block 10. This is shown in more detail in fig. 3. The trailing edge 11 is arranged in a second guide groove 12 of block 10.

[0014] After the described tangential in-feed an axial transport is performed in the direction of arrows 13 by means of carrier fingers 114 and guide rails 115.

[0015] The tangential in-feed and axial transporting are carried out around an arm 14 which serves to bear a welding roller 15 and a spray nozzle 22, 23 (see also fig. 2 and 5).

[0016] The bending of sheets 3' by the rollers 7 takes place such that the edges 8, 11 press through the tension of the sheets 3' themselves against the bottoms of the guide grooves 9, 12. These grooves gradually increase in depth in the direction of arrows 13 as will be apparent from comparing figures 3 and 4. The leading edge 8 and trailing edge 11 of sheets 3' are thus placed in overlap such that after leaving block 10 they can be welded fixedly to one another by the above mentioned internal welding roller 15 and an external welding roller 16.

[0017] An electric power unit 17 is connected via a power supply cable 18 to the outer welding roller 16 and via a power supply cable 19 to the inner welding roller 15. The cable 19 extends through the arm 14.

[0018] The arm 14 is supported by a frame 20 and is also arranged to encase diverse lines, at least one of which can be connected to a reservoir for powder which has to be applied in a manner to be described hereinafter to the inner surface of the can bodies to be manufactured by device 1. The relevant powder line can also be connected to a source of medium under pressure, in particular compressed air, for transporting and distributing the powder.

[0019] In this embodiment the mentioned spray nozzles 22 and 23 according to fig. 2 and 5 respectively form a cardan coupling with the end of the arm 14. The guiding of the can bodies 3' in the vicinity of the welding rollers 15, 16 is performed by means of freely rotating rolls 24, the guiding function of which is taken over in the region of the spray nozzles 22, 23 by guide ropes 25. An encasing 26 serves via a suction line 27 to draw off excess powder at the position of the spray nozzles 22, 23.

[0020] The positioning of the spray nozzles 22, 23 is carried out by external rolls 28 which are supported via the meanwhile finished, i.e. fixedly welded, can bodies 3'' by means of rolls 29 present on the end of the nozzles 22, 23. Attention is drawn to the fact that the guiding by the ropes and rolls has to take place such that undesired variations of position are prevented. Three sets of rolls for instance, distributed over the underside of the periphery, are sufficient in practice.

[0021] The spray nozzles 22, 23 distribute the powder 30, electrically charged in a manner to be further described, homogeneously over the inner surface of the finished can bodies 3''. A homogeneous application of a coating consisting of powder hereby takes place. As a result of the electrical charge transferred to the powder 30 this powder 30 adheres well to the relevant inner surface.

[0022] As fig. 2 shows, the spray nozzle 22 delivers the powder 30 at its extremity 31.

[0023] The variant according to fig. 5 also comprises a slot-like powder delivery opening 32 which is arranged on top of the spray nozzle 23 and which is provided on its side edges with brushes 33. The opening 32 delivers a directed jet of electrically charged powder 30 for applying a coating over the seam 34 of the said overlapping zones of the can bodies 3'', namely the leading edge 8 and the trailing edge 11. The spray nozzle 23 thus first performs an application of powder onto the seam 34 and then applies a layer of powder homogeneously over the whole inner surface. Thus achieved is that a coating of increased thickness is situated over the said seam 34.

[0024] By means of a heat treatment station (not drawn) placed downstream of the spray nozzle 22, 23 is achieved that by supplying heat the powder 30 present on the inner surface of the can bodies 3'' melts, runs out and enamels, and can subsequently cure through cooling.

[0025] In this latter respect it is pointed out that applying a coating according to the invention can be carried out not only by making use of powder but use can also be made for instance of liquid means.

[0026] Means for electrically charging the powder are arranged in the spray nozzles 22, 23.

[0027] Use can for instance be made of a high-voltage transformer which receives its supply via the arm 14 and the frame 20. One of the mentioned lines 21 can therefore provide such a supply. A high-voltage transformer can be arranged in the spray nozzles 22, 23.

[0028] The embodiments of the invention discussed here are equipped however for charging the powder 30 by means of triboelectricity. Fig. 7 shows the spray nozzle 22. This comprises eight charging tubes 35 for electrically charging powder 30 passed through at great speed according to arrows 36.

[0029] Fig. 8 shows such a charging tube 35. It comprises a PTFE tube 37, an intermediate tube 38 arranged therearound which is conducting because it contains carbon and, arranged around this latter, an aluminium tube 39 which is connected to earth 40 for draining static charge. This structure is capable of charging the powder 30 through electrokinesis or frictional electricity to a voltage in the order of 40-80 kV, whereby a very effective coating of the powder on the inner surface of the can bodies 3'' is ensured.

[0030] With regard to welding together of the edges 8 and 11 of the bent sheets 3' for forming the can bodies 3'' it is noted that at the location of the welding operation these sheets 3' and the bodies 3'' may not lie adjoining each other so as to avoid electrical short circuit. Use is made in practice of a mutual interval of several millimetres. It will be apparent that this is requirement is not necessary beyond the welding station and that particularly in the applying of the powder it could even be advantageous if the bodies 3' processed there were to lie at least practically adjoining, since this could possibly stimulate the effectiveness of the application of the powder.

[0031] No attention is paid in the figures and description to control and measuring elements, such as temperature sensors, which can form part of the device.

[0032] The invention offers a method and a device enabling can bodies with internal coating to be manufactured with very simple means from metal sheets in one processing run. The performing of an additional manufacturing step, particularly the applying of a lacquer layer, is no longer necessary according to the invention. In the embodiment of fig. 5 the critical seam can be provided with an extra coating, while the rest of the surface is provided with the single, thinner layer. This is an advantage compared to the prior art, wherein the layer thickness must always correspond with the required relatively great layer thickness for covering a seam. On the one hand a cost saving can be realized, while on the other hand a better quality can also be ensured.


1. Method for manufacturing metal can bodies (3') comprising the steps of:

1) providing metal sheets (3) of which the width is a little greater than the periphery of a can body (3') and the length corresponds to the height of a can body (3');

2) transporting successive sheets (3) in lengthwise direction;

3) bending the sheet metal transversely of the lengthwise direction of the path such that the edge zones (8, 11) mutually overlap;

4) mutually adhering the overlapping portions of the edge zones (8, 11);
   characterized by,

5) applying an internal coating on these bodies using an applying device carried by an arm, which extends in lengthwise direction from a region located upstream of the region were the edge zones (8, 11) are made to overlap.

2. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized by

6) causing the sheets (3) and the can bodies (3') to push one against the other, also at the position where step (5) takes place.

3. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized by

7) performing step 4) by welding.

4. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized by

8) performing step 5) by applying a coating of a synthetic resin powder (30);

9) causing said powder (30) to melt, run out and enamel by supplying heat; and

10) causing the thus formed coating to cure by cooling.

5. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized by

11) performing step 5) by applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies (3').

6. Method as claimed in claim 1, characterized by

12) performing step 5) by applying a coating over the seam (34) of the overlapping zones.

7. Method as claimed in claims 5 and 6, characterized by

13) performing step 11) in combination with step 12) such that a coating of increased thickness is situated over the said seam.

8. Method as claimed in claim 4, characterized by

14) performing step 8) by electrically charging the powder (30) beforehand.

9. Method as claimed in claim 8, characterized by

15) performing step 14) by subjecting the powder (30) to a corona discharge.

10. Method as claimed in claim 8, characterized by

16) performing step 14) by guiding the powder (30) along the surface of an isolator.

11. Device (1) for performing the method as claimed in any of the foregoing claims for manufacturing metal can bodies (3'), which device comprises:

- conveyor means (4, 6, 114) for feeding metal sheets and carrying away can bodies (3');

- bending means (7) for bending the sheets (3) transversely of the conveying direction during feeding thereof such that the edge zones (8, 11) are placed and held in overlap; and

- adhering means (15, 16) for mutually adhering the overlapping portions of the edge zones (8, 11) for forming of successive can bodies (3');
   characterized by,

- an applying device (22, 23) for applying an internal coating on these bodies, which applying device (22, 23) is carried by an arm (14) which extends in lengthwise direction from a region located upstream relative to the adhering means (15, 16).

12. Device as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the adhering means comprise two co-acting welding rollers (15, 16), whereof the first (16) engages on the outside and the second (15) on the inside of said overlapping portions, which first welding roller (16) is supported by the arm (14) carrying the applying device (22, 23).
13. Device as claimed in claim 12, characterized in that the overlapping portions are held in position by guide grooves (9, 12) in a block (10).
14. Device as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the applying device (22, 23) is adapted for applying synthetic resin powder.
15. Device as claimed in claim 14, characterized by a heat treatment station for causing powder to melt, run out and enamel through supply of heat and the thus formed coating to cure through cooling.
16. Device as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the applying means (22, 23) are arranged for applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies.
17. Device as claimed in claim 11, characterized in that the applying means (32) are arranged for applying a coating over the seam (34) of the overlapping zones.
18. Device as claimed in claims 16 and 17, characterized in that the applying means (22, 23, 32) are arranged for applying a coating on the entire inner surface of the successive bodies (3') and moreover a coating over the seam (34) of the overlapping zones such that a coating of increased thickness is situated over said seam (34).
19. Device as claimed in claim 14, characterized by a charging station (35) for electrically charging powder (30) to be applied.
20. Device as claimed in claim 19, characterized by corona means (35).
21. Device as claimed in claim 19, characterized by an isolator (37) surface, along which the powder (35) for applying is guided, at an interval from which surface is located a conductor (38) surface with earth (40) connection for draining charge.
22. Device as claimed in claim 21, characterized by at least one tube (37) of an insulating material, for instance PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and a conductor (38) for connection (40) to earth arranged close fitting around it.
23. Device as claimed in claim 22, characterized in that via a conducting, for instance carbonaceous, medium such as a paste the isolator (37) has a connection externally to metal (39), for example aluminium, for connection (40) to earth.


1. Verfahren zum Herstellen metallischer Behälterteile (3'), mit folgenden Schritten:

1) Metallbleche (3) werden bereitgestellt, deren Breite etwas größer als der Umfang eines Behälterteils (3') ist und deren Länge der Höhe eines Behälterteils (3') entspricht;

2) Bleche (3) werden nacheinander der Länge nach herangeführt;

3) das metallische Blechmaterial wird quer zur Längsrichtung des Pfades so gebogen, daß sich die Randabschnitte (8, 11) überlappen;

4) die sich überlappenden Teile der Randabschnitte (8, 11) werden aneinander befestigt; dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

5) auf die Behälterteile eine Innenbeschichtung aufgetragen wird, wozu eine von einem Arm getragene Beschichtungseinrichtung verwendet wird, wobei sich der Arm in Längsrichtung erstreckt ausgehend von einem Bereich, der dem Bereich vorgelagert ist, in welchem die Randabschnitte (8, 11) zur Überlappung gebracht werden.

2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

6) dafür gesorgt wird, daß die Bleche (3) und die Behälterteile (3') sich gegenseitig schieben, und zwar auch an der Stelle, an welcher der Schritt 5) erfolgt.

3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

7) der Schritt 4) durch Schweißen erfolgt.

4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

8) der Schritt 5) erfolgt, indem eine Beschichtung aus Kunstharzpulver (30) aufgetragen wird;

9) das Pulver (30) durch Zufuhr von Wärme dazu gebracht wird, zu schmelzen, zu zerfließen und zu emaillieren; und

10) die dadurch gebildete Beschichtung durch Abkühlen zum Aushärten gebracht wird.

5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

11) der Schritt 5) erfolgt, indem eine Beschichtung auf der gesamten Innenfläche der aufeinanderfolgenden Behälterteile (3') aufgetragen wird.

6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

12) der Schritt 5) erfolgt, indem eine Beschichtung auf der Nahtlinie (34) der sich überlappenden Abschnitte aufgetragen wird.

7. Verfahren nach den Ansprüchen 5 und 6, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

13) der Schritt 11) in Kombination mit dem Schritt 12) in der Weise erfolgt, daß auf der Nahtlinie eine Beschichtung erhöhter Materialstärke aufgetragen wird.

8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

14) der Schritt 8) erfolgt, indem das Pulver (30) zuvor elektrisch geladen wird.

9. Verfahren nach Anspruch 8, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

15) der Schritt 14) erfolgt, indem das Pulver (30) einer Koronaentladung ausgesetzt wird.

10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 8, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß

16) der Schritt 14) erfolgt, indem das Pulver (30) entlang der Oberfläche eines Isolators geführt wird.

11. Vorrichtung (1) zur Durchführung des Verfahrens nach einem der vorhergehenden Ansprüche zum Herstellen metallischer Behälterteile (3'), wobei die Vorrichtung folgende Merkmale aufweist:

- eine Fördereinrichtung (4, 6, 114) zum Zuführen von Metallblechen und zum Abführen von Behälterteilen (3');

- eine Biegeeinrichtung (7) zum Biegen der Bleche (3) quer zu der beim Zuführen herrschenden Förderrichtung, dergestalt daß die Randabschnitte (8, 11) in gegenseitige Überlappung gebracht und in dieser Lage gehalten werden; und

- eine Verbindungseinrichtung (15, 16) zum gegenseitigen Verbinden der sich überlappenden Bereiche der Randabschnitte (8, 11), um dadurch nacheinander Behälterteile (3') zu bilden;
gekennzeichnet durch

- eine Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23) zum Auftragen einer Innenbeschichtung auf diese Behälterteile, wobei die Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23) von einem Arm getragen ist, der sich in Längsrichtung erstreckt ausgehend von einem Bereich, welcher der Verbindungseinrichtung (15, 16) vorgelagert ist.

12. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Verbindungseinrichtung zwei zusammenwirkende Schweißrollen (15, 16) aufweist, wobei die erste Schweißrolle (16) an der Außenseite und die zweite Schweißrolle (15) an der Innenseite der sich überlappenden Abschnitte angreift und die erste Schweißrolle (16) an dem die Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23) tragenden Arm (14) gelagert ist.
13. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 12, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die sich überlappenden Abschnitte durch in einem Block (10) angeordnete Führungsnuten (9, 12) in ihrer Lage gehalten werden.
14. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23) ausgebildet ist, Kunstharzpulver aufzutragen.
15. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 14, gekennzeichnet durch eine Wärmebehandlungsstation, die ausgebildet ist, das Pulver durch Zufuhr von Wärme schmelzen, zerfließen und emaillieren zu lassen und die somit gebildete Beschichtung durch Abkühlung aushärten zu lassen.
16. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23) ausgebildet ist, eine Beschichtung an der gesamten Innenfläche der aufeinanderfolgenden Behälterteile aufzutragen.
17. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 11, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Beschichtungseinrichtung (32) ausgebildet ist, eine Beschichtung auf der Nahtlinie (34) der sich überlappenden Abschnitte aufzutragen.
18. Vorrichtung nach den Ansprüchen 16 und 17, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Beschichtungseinrichtung (22, 23, 32) ausgebildet ist, eine Beschichtung an der gesamten Innenfläche der aufeinanderfolgenden Behälterteile (3') und zusätzlich auf der Nahtlinie (34) der sich überlappenden Abschnitte in der Weise aufzutragen, daß auf der Nahtlinie (34) eine Beschichtung erhöhter Materialstärke gebildet wird.
19. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 14, gekennzeichnet durch eine Ladestation (35) zum elektrischen Aufladen von aufzutragendem Pulver (30).
20. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 19, gekennzeichnet durch eine Korona-Entladungseinrichtung (35).
21. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 19, gekennzeichnet durch eine Isolatoroberfläche (37), an der das aufzutragende Pulver (30) entlanggeführt wird, wobei in einem Abstand zu der Isolatoroberfläche eine geerdete (40) Leiteroberfläche (38) zum Ableiten von Ladung angeordnet ist.
22. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 21, gekennzeichnet durch wenigstens ein Rohr (37) aus isolierendem Material, zum Beispiel PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylen), und einen eng um das Rohr (37) herum angeordneten Leiter (38) zum Anschluß (40) an Erde.
23. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 22, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Isolator (37) über ein leitfähiges, zum Beispiel kohlenstoffhaltiges Medium, wie etwa eine Paste, eine Verbindung nach außen an Metall (39), zum Beispiel Aluminium, zum Anschluß (40) an Erde aufweist.


1. Procédé de fabrication de corps de boîtes en métal (3'), comprenant les étapes suivantes :

1) fourniture de feuilles en métal (3) dont la largeur est légèrement supérieure à la périphérie d'un corps de boîte (3') et dont la longueur correspond à la hauteur d'un corps de boîte (3') ;

2) acheminement des feuilles (3) successives dans le sens longitudinal ;

3) cintrage de la feuille en métal de façon transversale à la direction longitudinale du parcours, de telle sorte que les zones de bordure (8, 11) se recouvrent l'une l'autre ;

4) fixation l'une sur l'autre des parties des zones de bordure (8, 11) se recouvrant ;
   caractérisé par

5) l'application d'un revêtement intérieur sur ces corps en utilisant un dispositif d'application porté par un bras, qui s'étend dans le sens longitudinal à partir d'une zone située en amont de la zone où les zones de bordure (8, 11) sont amenées à se recouvrir.

2. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par

6) le fait d'entraîner les feuilles (3) et les corps de boîtes (3') à se pousser les uns les autres, également au niveau où l'étape (5) est mise en oeuvre.

3. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que

7) l'étape 4) est mise en oeuvre par soudage.

4. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que

8) l'étape 5) est mise en oeuvre par application d'un revêtement en poudre (30) de résine synthétique ;

9) le fait de faire fondre, s'écouler et fusionner la poudre (30), est réalisé par apport de chaleur ; et

10) le revêtement ainsi formé est durci en le faisant refroidir.

5. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que

11) l'étape 5) est mise en oeuvre en appliquant un revêtement sur toute la surface intérieure des corps (3') successifs.

6. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que

12) l'étape 5) est mise en oeuvre en appliquant un revêtement sur la jointure (34) des zones se recouvrant.

7. Procédé selon les revendications 5 et 6, caractérisé en ce que

13) l'étape 11) est mise en oeuvre en combinaison avec l'étape 12) de telle sorte qu'un revêtement d'épaisseur plus importante est présent au-dessus de la jointure.

8. Procédé selon la revendication 4, caractérisé en ce que

14) l'étape 8) est mise en oeuvre en chargeant électriquement, au préalable, la poudre (30).

9. Procédé selon la revendication 8, caractérisé en ce que

15) l'étape 14) est mise en oeuvre en soumettant la poudre (30) à une décharge en effet corona.

10. Procédé selon la revendication 8, caractérisé en ce que

16) l'étape 14) est mise en oeuvre en guidant la poudre (30) le long de la surface d'un isolateur.

11. Dispositif (1) de mise en oeuvre du procédé selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, destiné à produire des corps de boîtes en métal (3'), dispositif qui comprend :

- des moyens de transport (4, 6, 114) destinés à l'alimentation en feuilles de métal et au transport des corps de boîte (3') ;

- des moyens de cintrage (7) destinés à cintrer les feuilles (3) de façon transversale par rapport au sens de transport lors de la fourniture de celles-ci, de telle sorte que les zones de bordure (8, 11) sont placées et maintenues dans une position où elles se recouvrent ; et

- des moyens de fixation (15, 16) destinés à fixer l'une à l'autre les parties des zones de bordure (8, 11) se recouvrant, pour la formation des corps de boîtes (3') successifs ;
   caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte :

- un dispositif d'application (22, 23) destiné à l'application d'un revêtement intérieur sur ces corps, dispositif d'application (22, 23) qui est porté par un bras (14) qui s'étend dans le sens longitudinal à partir d'une zone située en amont par rapport aux moyens de fixation (15, 16).

12. Dispositif selon la revendication 11, caractérisé en ce que les moyens de fixation comprennent deux cylindres de soudage (15, 16) coopérants, dont le premier (16) s'applique sur l'extérieur et le deuxième (15) s'applique sur l'intérieur des zones se recouvrant, le premier cylindre de soudage (16) étant supporté par le bras (14) portant le dispositif d'application (22, 23).
13. Dispositif selon la revendication 12, caractérisé en ce que les zones se recouvrant sont maintenues en place par des rainures de guidage (9, 12) ménagées dans un bloc (10).
14. Dispositif selon la revendication 11, caractérisé en ce que le dispositif d'application (22, 23) est adapté à l'application de poudre de résine synthétique.
15. Dispositif selon la revendication 14, caractérisé par un poste de traitement thermique destiné à faire fondre, s'écouler et fusionner la poudre, par apport de chaleur, et à faire durcir le revêtement ainsi formé par refroidissement.
16. Dispositif selon la revendication 11, caractérisé en ce que les moyens d'application (22, 23) sont conçus pour appliquer un revêtement sur toute la surface intérieure des corps successifs.
17. Dispositif selon la revendication 11, caractérisé en ce que les moyens d'application (32) sont conçus pour appliquer un revêtement sur la jointure (34) des zones se recouvrant.
18. Dispositif selon les revendications 16 et 17, caractérisé en ce que les moyens d'application (22, 23, 32) sont conçus pour appliquer un revêtement sur toute la surface intérieure des corps (3') successifs et, en outre, un revêtement sur la jointure (34) des zones se recouvrant, de telle sorte qu'un revêtement d'épaisseur plus importante soit présent au-dessus de la jointure (34).
19. Dispositif selon la revendication 14, caractérisé par un poste de mise en charge (35) destiné à charger électriquement de la poudre (30) destinée à être appliquée.
20. Dispositif selon la revendication 19, caractérisé par des moyens à effet corona (35).
21. Dispositif selon la revendication 19, caractérisé par une surface isolante (37), le long de laquelle la poudre (35) destinée à être appliquée est guidée, surface à distance de laquelle est située une surface conductrice (38), avec une mise à la terre (40) destinée à capter la charge.
22. Dispositif selon la revendication 21, caractérisé par au moins un tube (37) en matériau isolant, par exemple du PTFE (polytétrafluoroéthylène) et un conducteur (38), destiné à la mise à la terre (40), disposé de façon serrée autour de lui.
23. Dispositif selon la revendication 22, caractérisé en ce que, grâce à un moyen conducteur, par exemple carboné, tel qu'une pâte, l'isolateur (37) est relié de façon externe au métal (39), par exemple de l'aluminium, pour la mise à la terre (40).
