(11) EP 0 491 805 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
14.09.1994 Bulletin 1994/37

(21) Application number: 90913948.7

(22) Date of filing: 14.09.1990
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)5A43B 5/02, A43B 5/00, A43C 15/16
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 9103/960 (04.04.1991 Gazette 1991/08)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 15.09.1989 US 407869

(43) Date of publication of application:
01.07.1992 Bulletin 1992/27

(73) Proprietor: TANEL CORP.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 (US)

(72) Inventor:
  • TANEL, Michael, L.
    Milwaukee, WI 53226 (US)

(74) Representative: Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät 
Maximilianstrasse 58
80538 München
80538 München (DE)

(56) References cited: : 
CH-A- 224 626
IT-A- 432 510
US-A- 295 231
US-A- 4 255 874
US-A- 4 501 077
US-A- 4 689 901
CH-A- 294 324
US-A- 294 655
US-A- 3 581 414
US-A- 4 392 312
US-A- 4 641 438
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    Field of the Invention

    [0001] This invention is related generally to a cleated field-sports shoe including a sole of the type having ground-penetrating cleats extending from a main sole surface, and having heel, arch, ball-of-the-foot, and toe portions comprising an annular cleat set projecting from the main sole surface and disposed along a substantially circular path encompassing a major area of the toe and ball-of-the-foot portions, the set having a plurality of cleat nodes each arranged in a substantially abutting relationship to at least one adjacent cleat node.

    [0002] Each cleat node has a base portion which is joined to the main sole surface and has a length (L) measured generally along the path and a thickness (T) measured generally radially to the path, the length (L) being substantially greater than the thickness (T), each cleat node having a distal end spaced from the main sole surface and first and second edges on opposite sides of the distal end.

    [0003] Each cleat node distal end has a length, as measured generally along the path, which is substantially less than the length (L) of the base portion, and a thickness, as measured generally radially to the path, which is substantially less than the thickness (T) of the base portion; and each of said first and second edges being the intersection of two substantially planar surfaces which together form an angle (A) substantially centered on said path and each edge having a proximal end terminating substantially on the circular path.

    Background of the Invention

    [0004] Many athletic shoes used for field sports, such as football, soccer, lacrosse, baseball and softball, have a number of typically truncated cone-shaped cleats for the purpose of increasing traction. Cleats dig into the turf to prevent slipping during starting, stopping, and cutting maneuvers.

    [0005] However, in addition to providing desirable traction for starting, stopping and cutting, such cleats typically provide very undesirable resistance to pivoting. This can be a disadvantage in at least two ways.

    [0006] First, the resistance of many prior art cleating arrangements to turning movements can create stresses within the leg when unwanted torque or force is applied to the athlete, particularly to the athlete's leg. Injuries, particularly knee and ankle injuries, can result if a twisting movement is forcibly applied to a leg at a time when the cleats are firmly planted in the turf and release is difficult or impossible.

    [0007] Second, when pivoting is inhibited, maneuverability of the athlete is limited, thus making performance less than it could be. Enhancing the ability of a player to pivot while still maintaining good traction and foot stability can greatly increase effectiveness on the field.

    [0008] Recent athletic shoe cleating developments of Michael L. Tanel, the inventor herein, involving annular cleating provided a combination of greatly improved pivotability and excellent traction. These developments tend to reduce the chance of athletic injuries and significantly improve maneuverability on the field. Examples of such cleating are disclosed in United States Patent Nos. 4,577,422, 4,653,206, 4,660,304, 4,669,204, 4,723,365 and 4,748,752.

    [0009] Further, the U.S. Patent 4,689,901 of Frederick Ihlenburg shows a cleated field-sports shoe sole with the features cited in the preambles of claims 1 and 7 for enhanced turning traction and release characteristics with toe traction arrays which are of a generally circular basis.

    [0010] The improvement in pivotability made possible with shoes in accordance with the principles of such patents is dramatic, and such shoes give the athletes wearing them a natural feeling of freedom together with good feeling of traction for stopping, starting and cutting.

    [0011] Despite the improvements which these developments represent, additional improvement is needed to provide functional advantages not realized or fully realized in the prior art. Certain conditions and situations must be addressed and are addressed by the improvements of this invention.

    [0012] One significant concern regarding cleated field sport-shoes, including those disclosed in the patents noted above, relates to the degree and ease of penetration of cleats. Ease of penetration has a significant effect on how well a shoe functions. If there is insufficient ground penetration or if ground penetration is difficult, there may be less traction than is desirable and less contact with the turf than is needed for the best possible fixed-position pivoting.

    [0013] In this regard, consideration must be given to, among other things, the total area of the cleat ends, that is, the total area of the distal surface(s) of the cleat or cleats. Generally speaking, the greater the total end area bearing on the ground, the more difficult it may be for a cleat to penetrate the ground; the smaller the total end area bearing on the ground, the easier it may be for a cleat to penetrate. This effect is accentuated when the ground is hard.

    [0014] Sharpening the distal end(s) of cleat(s), whether the shoe has discrete cleats or an annular cleat with an annular distal edge, tends to reduce the total area of cleat distal surface. However, it may also cause concern about injury from player contact with such sharp edges. This latter concern particularly arises in the cases of hard plastic or metal cleats.

    [0015] Whether in pivoting motions or non-pivoting motions, maintenance of stability and traction is important under all conditions. Particular consideration must be given to the traction available from a cleated field-sports shoe when the wearer is playing on grassy turf with a very compact and hard underlying earth surface. Little if any earth penetration may be possible under such conditions, depending on the extent of turf hardness and compaction. The concern about hard ground under grassy turf is particularly significant when the grass is wet, as often occurs late in the evening or early in the morning because of dew.

    [0016] The design of the sole can and should address such condition. When penetration is difficult, traction may depend in part on the extent of rubber "grab" on the ground and in part on the extent of "tangle" which is possible with the grass. When the grass is also wet, rubber "grab" is minimized and "tangle" becomes more important to an athlete's traction. Of course, the athlete does not wish to sacrifice pivotability under these conditions any more than he does under other turf conditions.

    [0017] Another important consideration relates to the degree to which the underlying turf is destroyed when played upon by wearers of cleated shoes. With standard cleating arrangements, when pivoting occurs considerable ground or turf destruction can occur; that is, the turf may be ground up. This is not only harmful to the ground, but in itself causes a loss of foot traction. With an annular cleat, ground destruction is minimized, thus enhancing foot traction. There is a need to have the benefits of both sorts of cleats without unduly destroying turf.

    [0018] While free pivotability is highly desirable, some athlete's would like there to be a degree of control in such pivotability. Providing a cleating arrangement with a modicum of initial resistance to pivoting would be regarded as desirable by some. However, generally free pivotability beyond that point is considered extremely important. Once again, there is a perceived need for some benefits of annular cleating combined with some benefits of old-style standard cleating arrangements.

    [0019] Still another concern relates to the strength of cleats. Cleat bending and breakage can be a problem. It is considered very beneficial, of course, for cleats to be highly resistant to bending and breakage. Improvements in cleat structural strength are desirable.

    [0020] In very soft ground, the lateral profile of some standard cleats of the prior art is sometimes too small to provide a sufficient level of resistance to through-ground sliding. Ground can be displaced when side pressure occurs, thus providing a failure of traction. Providing cleats with greater resistance to such side pressure would be highly desirable.

    [0021] Still another problem with certain cleated shoes of the prior art is that the pressure of the individual cleats can be felt by the foot of the athlete. Because of this, shoe comfort is reduced. The aforementioned annular cleats tend to overcome this problem, but for shoes with discrete cleats, this problem can be significant.

    [0022] A few general comments are in order before turning to a description of this invention. In particular, a brief description of the foot and its pivoting and planted positions will be helpful. This can serve as an aid in understanding preferred embodiments of this invention.

    [0023] The sole of the foot includes four portions. These are, in order from back to front: the heel portion; the arch portion; the ball-of-the-foot portion; and the toe portion. The heel and ball-of-the-foot portions are those portions which share most if not all of the player's weight when the player is in a normal standing position with feet generally flat on the ground. In such position, the arch portion and toe portion bear little if any weight.

    [0024] When a player is "on his toes" in a "ready" position, virtually all of the player's weight is normally shared by the toe portion and the ball-of-the-foot portion. The same is usually true when a player is "digging" in a running action. Indeed, when a player is in the ready position, the juncture of the phalanges (toe bones) and the metatarsals is the center of weight bearing. In other words, the center of weight bearing in the forward portions of the foot actually moves forward when a player shifts to the ready position.

    [0025] The sole of a cleated field-sports shoe has portions immediately below these four portions of the foot which may be designated, and herein are designated, by the same terms.

    Objects of the Invention

    [0026] It is an object of this invention to overcome some of the problems and shortcomings of the prior art, including those mentioned above.

    [0027] Another object of this invention is to provide an improved cleated field-sports shoe.

    [0028] Another object of this invention is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe having both improved pivotability and excellent traction.

    [0029] Another object of this invention is to provide an improved cleated field-sports shoe which tends to reduce the risk of certain common injuries of athletes, particularly knee and ankle injuries.

    [0030] Another object is to provide an improved cleated field-sports shoe of the type having annular cleating.

    [0031] Another object of this invention is to provide an improved annular-cleated field-sports shoe with enhanced ground penetration.

    [0032] Still another object is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe exhibiting both good traction and pivoting characteristics on grass-covered hard earth, particularly when such grass is wet.

    [0033] Another object of this invention is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe with annular cleating which nevertheless exhibits good "tangle" traction with turf.

    [0034] Yet another object is to provide an improved annular-cleated field-sports shoe having both excellent "grab" traction and excellent "tangle" traction.

    [0035] Another object of this invention is to provide improved ground penetration in an annular-cleated field-sports shoe without sharpening the distal edge of annular cleating.

    [0036] Another object is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe combining certain benefits of standard cleating with certain benefits of annular cleating.

    [0037] Another object is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe with improved ground penetrability which avoids or minimizes turf destruction and the resulting traction loss.

    [0038] Another object of this invention is to provide an improved annular-cleated field-sports shoe with excellent pivotability which nevertheless provides what some perceive to be a desirable degree of initial resistance to pivoting.

    [0039] Still another object of this invention is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe having cleating with excellent strength and resistance to bending and breakage.

    [0040] Another object of this invention is to provide an improved cleated field-sports shoe with wide cleat profile to avoid unnecessary through-ground sliding, thus enhancing stopping and starting traction.

    [0041] Yet another object of this invention is to provide a cleated field-sports shoe exhibiting excellent sole comfort.

    [0042] These and other important objects will be apparent from the descriptions of this invention which follow.

    Summary of the Invention

    [0043] This invention is an improved cleated field-sports shoe providing excellent controlled pivotability and traction in a commercially desirable form. The invention is an improvement in a cleated field-sports shoe of the type having annular cleating.

    [0044] The invention provides enhanced ground penetration, and resulting improvements in traction and pivotability. The cleated field-sports shoe of this invention also provides both good traction and pivoting characteristics on grass-covered hard earth, with significant improvement provided even when such grass is wet. Improved "tangle" and "grab" traction are provided in a sole of the type having annular cleating. Improved traction is provided without sharpening the distal edge of annular cleating. The cleated field-sports shoe of this invention minimize turf destruction even while providing excellent traction characteristics.

    [0045] The cleated field-sports shoe of this invention, while having excellent pivoting characteristics, also provide what some perceive to be a desirable degree of initial resistance to pivoting. This gives an even greater feeling of control to some athletes. The cleating arrangement of this invention provide a wide cleat profile and thus avoid through-ground sliding. This enhances traction, particularly stopping and starting traction.

    [0046] The cleated field sports-shoe of this invention are comfortable to wear, substantially avoiding any feeling of individual cleats as can occur with certain shoes of the prior art. The annular cleating of this invention also has excellent strength and resistance to bending and breakage. This is due in part to wide base dimensions.

    [0047] In accordance with the invention, the objects are accomplished in a cleated field sport-shoe of the above kind in that each of the cleat nodes includes multiple planar surfaces and edges at the intersection of pairs of the planar surfaces, and is tapered in two dimensions (D₁,D₂), a first dimension (D₁) measured generally parallel to the circular path and a second dimension (D₂) measured generally radially to the circular path, whereby the distal end has reduced area, a flat diamond-shaped surface, and the angles substantially centered on said circular path are acute angles.

    [0048] Furthermore, the objects are accomplished in a cleated field sport-shoe of the above kind in a third embodiment which is mentioned in the independent claim 7.

    [0049] The first and second edges, sometimes referred to herein as leading and trailing edges because of their relationship to the cleat node and the ground during pivoting, function to cut into the turf, thereby reducing initial resistance to penetration by the cleats. The inventive sole thereby exhibits excellent initial penetration as well as traction and pivotability.

    [0050] In a first preferred embodiment, adjacent pairs of cleat nodes are arranged to be in substantial abutment at the base portion of the nodes, that is, where the cleat nodes join the main sole surface. In a second preferred embodiment, cleats abut at the shoulder, that is, at a region generally midway between the base portion and the distal end (or "tip") of the cleat. This second embodiment is somewhat more "aggressive" than the first embodiment in its ability to maximize traction. Nevertheless, its configuration exhibits substantially the same advantages as described above with respect to the first embodiment. In a third embodiment, cleat nodes abut at their distal ends.

    [0051] As used herein, the expression "substantially abutting relationship" means any one of the foregoing relationships. The term also describes the relationship of cleat nodes which may be slightly spaced from one another at their base portions, or any combination of the foregoing.

    [0052] A preferred feature of the second embodiment is that the cleat nodes located on the circular path in a position adjacent to the arch portion of the sole are in abutment at their base portions rather than at the shoulder portions, as with the other cleat nodes of such embodiment. The resulting V-shaped spaces between cleat nodes in this area extend from the cleat tips to the sole surface and help prevent the sole from adhering to the turf by suction, as might otherwise occur on a muddy field. Such spaces allow air venting to help prevent the "clapping" sound which can result from trapped air, particularly when a player is running backwards.

    [0053] All non-cleated areas of that portion of the sole area enclosed by the circular path are preferably coincident with the main sole surface; that is, such surfaces are not built up. This allows full turf penetration by the cleats.

    [0054] Each of the cleat nodes has a base portion joined to the main sole surface. The base portion of each cleat node has a length measured generally along the circular path of the cleat set and a thickness measured generally radially to such path. The length is substantially greater than the thickness, thus providing excellent pivotability of the sole with good resistance to forces urging the sole laterally or longitudinally.

    [0055] Controlling the relative length and thickness as described results in a cleat which presents a relatively small frontal area when the sole is being pivoted, thereby reducing pivoting effort. In contrast, the circumferential profile of the cleat nodes is quite large, thereby providing a high degree of stability and traction.

    [0056] In a highly preferred embodiment, the cleat nodes are tapered to blunt, rather than pointed, distal ends. This configuration optimally resolves the conflicting concerns relating to ease of penetration on the one hand and avoidance of player "spiking" injuries on the other.

    [0057] In a highly preferred embodiment, each cleat node has multiple planar surfaces and leading and trailing edges each formed by the acute-angle intersections of pairs of such planar surfaces. The leading and trailing edges are substantially coincident with a projection of the circular path and form acute angles with the main sole surface. The resulting cleat node edges facilitate initial ground penetration. In addition, these edges slice rather than "punch" through the turf as the sole is pivoted.

    [0058] Because of the abutting relationship of the cleat nodes and the angular arrangement of the edges, some highly desirable results are accomplished. First, resistance to initial penetration increases gradually rather than instantaneously as the cleat node first contacts and then penetrates the turf. Second, only slight pivoting rotation of the sole causes a trailing cleat node to enter and follow a path cut by a leading cleat node; therefore, there is a reduction in resistance to pivoting movement following slight initial resistance during initial rotation.

    [0059] In addition, the unique design of the inventive sole tends to preserve rather than destroy turf. The structural integrity of the earth beneath the sole tends to be preserved and good traction is maintained rather than reduced.

    [0060] In order to maximize the stability of the sole against lateral forces, the outer surface of at least one of the cleat nodes is generally coincident with the lateral side portion of the sole. An outer surface of at least one other cleat node is generally coincident with the medial side portion of the sole. Stated another way, the cleat nodes on the medial side and lateral side portions of the soles preferably have maximum spacing therebetween. This helps reduce the possibility or the severity of ankle-twist injuries.

    [0061] To help assure that the athlete enjoys excellent sole flexibility in the ball-of-the-foot and toe portions, it is preferred that the cleat nodes be arranged to promote such flexibility while yet maintaining a good capability for stopping, starting and cutting. In certain embodiments of this invention, each adjacent pair of abutting, tapered cleat nodes defines a generally V-shaped space between them. The annular cleat set includes a plurality of opposed pairs of such spaces forming a plurality of cross-sole breaks in the annular cleat set.

    [0062] The configuration of the cleated field-sports shoe and of the cleat nodes forming a part of the sole may be readily adapted to accommodate specific requirements. For example, the angles of taper of leading and trailing edges may be changed, the degree of sharpness of such edges may be modified and/or the cleat tip may be more or less blunted or pointed.

    [0063] In some cases, it may be desirable to taper cleat nodes non-uniformly so that the profiles of the leading edges are different than the profiles of their trailing edges. This would serve to make pivoting easier in one direction than another, which may be desirable for athletes playing certain positions. Varying sharpness of leading and trailing edges can provide the same result.

    [0064] Little or no spacing between cleat nodes is highly preferred. In such cases, there is little if any of the main sole portion lying exposed along the circular path followed by the annular cleat set. Thus, the cleat set of this invention, for all practical purposes, forms a substantially continuous ring despite the characteristics of the cleat nodes therealong.

    Brief Description of the Drawings

    [0065] FIGURE 1 is a perspective view of a sole of a first embodiment of a cleated field-sports shoe.

    [0066] FIGURE 2 is a bottom plan view of the sole of FIGURE 1, with cleat sets removed, showing the heel, arch, ball-of-the-foot and toe portions of the sole.

    [0067] FIGURE 3 is a bottom plan view of a cleat node.

    [0068] FIGURE 4 is an end elevation view of the cleat node of FIGURE 3, taken along the viewing axis 4 of FIGURE 3.

    [0069] FIGURE 5 is a side elevation view of the cleat node of FIGURE 3, taken along the viewing axis 6 of FIGURE 3.

    [0070] FIGURE 6 is a side elevation view of the cleat node of FIGURE 3, taken along the viewing axis 6 of FIGURE 3.

    [0071] FIGURE 7 is a perspective view of a sole of a second embodiment of a cleated field-sports shoe.

    [0072] FIGURE 8 is a bottom plan view of cleat nodes arranged in an abutting relationship at their distal ends as used in a sole of a third embodiment of a cleated field-sports shoe.

    Detailed Descriptions of Preferred Embodiments

    [0073] The figures illustrate preferred embodiments of a sole of a cleated field-sports shoe 10 in accordance with this invention.

    [0074] Referring first to FIGURE 2, the sole 10 has four portions which are defined by the portions of the foot adjacent to them. These sole portions are: the heel portion 11; the arch portion 13; the ball-of-the-foot portion 15; and the toe portion 17. The upper portions of the shoe are not illustrated.

    [0075] Referring now to FIGURE 1, the lower surface of the sole 10, which contacts the surface of the playing field, includes a main sole surface 19 which is a generally flat, even surface from which an annular cleat set 21 projects. The cleat set 21 has a number of cleat nodes 23 which are integrally formed with the main sole surface 19 in a molding process of well-known type. The sole 10 is made of material which is tough and wear resistant but which can flex in the normal manner depending upon how weight is applied to it. The sole 10 is preferably formed of polyurethane or rubber.

    [0076] A plurality of cleat nodes 23 project from the main sole surface 19 and are disposed along a substantially circular path 25. This path 25 encompasses a major area of toe and ball-of-the-foot portions 17 and 15, respectively, and is centered on the juncture of such portions. Each cleat node 23 is arranged in a substantially abutting relationship to at least one adjacent cleat node 23 for providing improved engagement between the sole 10 and an earthen surface such as turf. Improved engagement results because of the relatively large number of cleat nodes 23 projecting from the sole 10, among other things.

    [0077] For sports involving frequent and sudden shifts in body position or direction of movement, it is preferred that the arrangement of the cleat nodes 23 is selected to maximize the lateral stability of the shoe. To that end, an outer surface 27 of at least one of the cleat nodes 23 is generally coincident with the lateral side portion 29 of the sole 10. An outer surface 27 of at least another one of the cleat nodes 23 is generally coincident with the medial side portion 31 of the sole 10. Improved lateral shoe stability results and this feature aids in avoiding ankle injuries or in lessening their severity.

    [0078] It is also preferred that the sole 10 exhibit a high degree of cross-sole flexibility, particularly at and near the junction of toe and ball-of-the-foot portions, 17 and 15, respectively. Accordingly and in the first and second embodiments, shown in FIGURES 1 and 7 respectively, a first opposed pair of V-shaped spaces 33 defines one break (or flexing line or region) and a second opposed pair of V-shaped spaces 35 defines another break located forward of the first. The flexibility of the sole 10 is thereby preserved while yet maintaining an excellent traction capability.

    [0079] Referring next to FIGURES 3, 4, 5 and 6, a preferred cleat node 23 is shown to include a base portion 37, a distal end or tip 39 and a shoulder 41 located generally midway between the base portion 37 and the tip 39. Each cleat node 23 includes multiple planar surfaces 43 and edges 45 at the intersections of pairs of such planar surfaces 43. In particular, a cleat node 23 includes a first edge 45a and a second edge 45b, each formed by the intersection of two planar surfaces 43 having an acute included angle between them. The proximal ends 47 of the first edge 45a and second edge 45b terminate on the path 25 and each of the edges 45a, 45b cooperates with the main sole surface 19 to likewise define an acute included angle "A" between them. The tip 39 is a flat surface which is diamond-shaped as shown in FIGURE 3. This surface may be smooth or, preferably, cross hatched to a shallow depth for improved traction.

    [0080] Referring generally to FIGURES 3-5 and particularly to FIGURES 4 and 5, a highly preferred cleat node 23 is tapered in two dimensions D1, D2. A first dimension D1 is measured along the base portion 37 generally parallel to the path 25. It will be appreciated that if measurement is taken in a plane parallel to the path 25 and at progressive points along the first and second edges 45a, 45b, where the edges 45a, 45b intersect with the plane the dimension D1 between points on those edges 45a, 45b diminishes as the points of measurement move upward from the base portion 37 to the tip 39. Similarly and referring particularly to FIGURES 3 and 4, a second dimension D2, cleat node thickness, may be similarly measured generally radially to the path 25 and it will be noted that the thickness of the cleat node 23 also diminishes as the points of measurement are moved upward from the base portion 37 to the tip 39.

    [0081] Several benefits arise from the use of a cleat node 23 having the described configuration. Referring particularly to FIGURES 1, 3 and 4, it is apparent that the tip 39 has a relatively small surface area. As the tip 39 first makes contact with the turf, it tends to readily penetrate the turf, especially soft turf. Penetration is aided by the fact that the first and second edges 45a, 45b progressively slice the turf as the depth of penetration increases. This combination of a tip surface with a relatively small area and of first and second edges 45a, 45b exhibiting wedge-like or knife-like characteristics results in good penetration characteristics.

    [0082] Pivoting movement causes the annular cleat set 21 to move about a center cleat 49 which is located at or near the center of the circular path 25. As a cleat node 23 moves in either direction, its first edge 45a or second edge 45b, whichever is leading, cuts through the turf. The corresponding edge of the adjacent trailing cleat node 23 thereafter enters and follows the path cut by the leading cleat node 23. Pivoting effort is thereby reduced.

    [0083] Referring especially to FIGURE 4, the profile of a cleat node 23 as seen spanning the circular path 25 of the annular cleat set 21 is relatively small and this fact also aids in the ability of the cleat node 23 to more easily advance through the turf as the sole 10 is pivoted.

    [0084] As explained above, a preferred sole 10 not only facilitates pivoting movement without the imposition of undue stress on the athlete's leg but also provides stability and traction for foot movements not involving pivoting. Referring particularly to FIGURE 5, the profile area of a side of the cleat node 23 is relatively large and this provides a substantial surface to resist slipping during stopping, starting, and cutting.

    [0085] Still another benefit of the described cleat node 23 configuration may be attributed to its tapered shape. That is, its base portion 37 has an area which is significantly larger than that of the surface of the tip 39. This "broad shouldered" configuration makes the cleat node 23 highly resistive to forces which may bend, twist or otherwise deform the cleat node 23 and impair traction.

    [0086] One of the most difficult of all playing field conditions is presented when very hard earth is covered with wet grass. This most frequently occurs upon the formation of dew. Not only is it difficult to penetrate the ground with any sort of cleat configuration, but conventional smooth-surfaced, conical cleats have a low coefficient of friction in contact with wetted grass. With the annular cleat sets 21 described herein, the multiple edges 45 on each cleat node 23 combined with an arrangement of cleat nodes 23 in an abutting relationship, with or without V-shaped spaces 35 therebetween, helps "tangle" with blades of grass. Improved traction results.

    [0087] With respect to the first embodiment, it should also be appreciated that during rare but very strenuous movements, the sole 10 may become severely flexed along any line passing through the center cleat 49. Many cleat nodes 23 may not then be in contact with the turf. Even in that event, the sole 10 maintains at least three cleat nodes 23 in turf contact for helping the athlete maintain footing.

    [0088] Referring next to FIGURE 7, a second embodiment of the cleated field-sports shoe sole 10 includes cleat nodes 23 arranged in a substantially abutting relationship to at least one adjacent cleat node 23. In the second embodiment and for all but one of the cleat nodes 23, the abutting relationship occurs at the shoulder portion 41 rather than at the base portion 37. For any given size of sole 10, this provides a greater cleat "density" and results in a sole 10 which more aggressively grips the turf. In the embodiments described above, that portion of the main sole surface 19 which is encompassed by the circular path 25 is not built up; that is, it lies generally on the same plane as those portions of the sole surface 19 lying outside the circular path 25.

    [0089] Referring to FIGURE 7, it will be noted that in this second embodiment, most of the cleat nodes 23 abut at the shoulder 41 rather than at the base portion 37. Unless special precautions are taken, air may become entrapped within the space encompassed by the annular cleat set 21, as previously explained. Accordingly, one cleat node 23a, preferably located at the rear part of the circular path 25, is arranged to abut adjacent cleat nodes 23b at the base portion 37 or to be slightly spaced therefrom. This arrangement provides a plurality of air passages to prevent air entrapment.

    [0090] Yet other arrangements of the cleated field-sports shoe are possible in view of the foregoing. For example, a sole 10 configured for use on artificial turf may employ concentric rings of cleat nodes 23 at the forefoot, and perhaps also on the heel. Still another variation may involve the use of cleat nodes 23 of slightly different size and/or physical arrangement. For example, cleat nodes 23 may be sized and arranged to define a pair of spaces adjacent the lateral sole portion 29 but only a single space adjacent the medial sole portion 31. The resulting spaces would provide for sole flexibility by defining a "V", the ends of which are at the lateral sole portion 29 and the apex of which is at the medial sole portion 31.

    [0091] Referring to FIGURE 8, a third embodiment involves arranging cleat nodes 23 in an abutting relationship at the tip 39 or distal end. Of the three embodiments, this third embodiment maximizes the area which initially contacts the turf and the area forming the bearing surface during pivoting movement. Therefore, this third embodiment has the least resistance to pivoting effort. However, the presence of its multiple edges 45 in engagement with the turf, including wet grass, provides improved traction over earlier shoes.

    [0092] While the principles of this invention have been described in connection with specific embodiments, it should be understood clearly that these descriptions are made only by way of example and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.


    1. A cleated field-sports shoe including a sole (10) of the type having ground-penetrating cleats (23) extending from a main sole surface (19), and having heel (11), arch (13), ball-of-the-foot (15) and toe portions (17) comprising:

    - an annular cleat set (21) projecting from the main sole surface (19) and disposed along a substantially circular path (25) encompassing a major area of the toe (17) and ball-of-the-foot portions (15), the set (21) having a plurality of cleat nodes (23) each arranged in a substantially abutting relationship to at least one adjacent cleat node (23);

    - each cleat node (23) having a base portion (37) which is joined to the main sole surface (19) and has a length (L) measured generally along the path (25) and a thickness (T) measured generally radially to the path (25), the length (L) being substantially greater than the thickness (T), each cleat node (23) having a distal end (39) spaced from the main sole surface (19) and first and second edges (45a,45b) on opposite sides of the distal end (39);

    - each cleat node distal end (39) having a length, as measured generally along the path (25), which is substantially less than the length (L) of the base portion (37), and a thickness, as measured generally radially to the path (25), which is substantially less than the thickness (T) of the base portion (37);

    - each of said first and second edges (45a,45b) being the intersection of two substantially planar surfaces (43) which together form an angle substantially centered on said path (25) and each edge having a proximal end (47) terminating substantially on the circular path (25);

    characterized in that
    each of the cleat nodes (23) includes multiple planar surfaces (43) and edges (45a,45b) at the intersection of pairs of the planar surfaces (43), and
    is tapered in two dimensions (D₁,D₂), a first dimension (D₁) measured generally parallel to the circular path (25) and a second dimension (D₂) measured generally radially to the circular path (25), whereby the distal end (39) has reduced area, and
    a flat diamond-shaped surface; and
    the angles substantially centered on said circular path (25) are acute angles.
    2. The cleated field-sports shoe of claim 1, wherein when the cleat nodes (23) are in contact with the ground, each of the edges (45,45a,45b) defines with the ground an acute included angle, thereby reducing resistance of the sole (10) to pivoting motion.
    3. The cleated field-sports shoe of claim 1, wherein each of the first and second edges (45a,45b) forms an acute angle (A) with the main sole surface (19), thereby further facilitating pivoting.
    4. The cleated field-sports shoe of claim 1, wherein each adjacent pair of tapered cleat nodes (23) defines a generally V-shaped space therebetween, a plurality of opposed pairs of the V-shaped spaces (33,35) forming a plurality of straight-line uninterrupted cross-sole breaks in the annular cleat set (21) extending fully across the sole (10).
    5. The cleated field-sports shoe of claim 1, wherein the abutting relationship occurs at the base portions (37) of abutting cleat nodes (23).
    6. The cleated field-sports shoe of claim 1, wherein each cleat node (23) has a shoulder portion (41) intermediate the distal end (39) and the main sole surface (19), said abutting relationship occurring at the shoulder portions (41) of abutting cleat nodes (23).
    7. A cleated field-sports shoe including a sole (10) of the type having ground-penetrating cleats (23) extending from a main sole surface (19), and having heel (11), arch (13), ball-of-the-foot (15) and toe portions (17), comprising:

    - an annular cleat set (21) projecting from the main sole surface (19) and disposed along a substantially circular path (25) encompassing a major area of the toe (17) and ball-of-the-foot portions (15), the set (21) having a plurality of cleat nodes (23) each of which is arranged in a substantially abutting relationship to at least one adjacent cleat node (23);

    - each cleat node (23) having a distal end (39) which is spaced from the main sole surface (19) and has first and second endpoints on opposite sides of the distal end (39), said endpoints terminating substantially on the circular path (25); and

    characterized in that
    each of the cleat nodes (23) includes multiple planar surfaces (43) and edges (40,45a,45b) at the intersection of pairs of the planar surfaces (43), and
    is tapered in two dimensions (D₁,D₂), a first dimension (D₁) measured generally parallel to the circular path (25) and a second dimension (D₂) measured generally radially to the circular path (25), whereby the distal end (39) has reduced area, and
    a flat diamond-shaped surface, and
    the abutting relationship of cleat nodes (23) occurs at the endpoints of the distal ends (39) of the abutting cleat nodes (23).


    1. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh, der mit einer Sohle (10) mit in den Untergrund eindringenden Stollen (23), die sich von einer Hauptsohlenfläche (19) erstrecken, Fersenteilen (11), Ristteilen (13), Fußballenteilen (15) und Zehenteilen (17) versehen ist, wobei

    - ein ringförmiger Stollensatz (21) von der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) hervorsteht und entlang einer im wesentlichen kreisförmigen Bahn (25) angeordnet ist, die eine Hauptfläche der Zehenteile (17) und Fußballenteile (15) umfaßt, wobei der Stollensatz (21) eine Mehrzahl von Stollen (23) aufweist, die jeweils im wesentlichen angrenzend zu wenigstens einem benachbarten Stollen (23) angeordnet sind;

    - jeder Stollenknoten (23) ein mit der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) verbundenes Basisteil (37) mit einer Länge (L), im wesentlichen entlang der Bahn (25) gemessen, und einer Dicke (T) im wesentlichen radial zu der Bahn (25) gemessen, aufweist, wobei die Länge (L) im wesentlichen größer als die Dicke (T) ist und jeder Stollen (23) ein von der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) beabstandetes freies Ende (39) und erste und zweite Kanten (45a, 45b) auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten des freien Endes (39) aufweist;

    - die Länge des freien Endes (39) jedes Stollens, im wesentlichen entlang der Bahn (25) gemessen, im wesentlichen kurzer als die Länge (L) des Basisteils (37) ist, und die Dicke des freien Endes (39) jedes Stollens, im wesentlichen radial zu der Bahn (25) gemessen, im wesentlichen kürzer als die Dicke (T) des Basisteils (37) ist;

    - jede erste und zweite Kante (45a, 45b) die Schnittlinien zweier im wesentlichen ebener Flächen (43) bildet, die zusammen einen auf die Bahn (25) zentrierten Winkel bilden, und jede Kante ein im wesentlichen an der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) endendes nahes Ende (47) aufweist,

    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß jeder der Stollen eine Mehrzahl ebener Flächen (43) und Kanten (45a, 45b) an den Schnittlinien von Paaren der ebenen Flächen (43) aufweist,
    und sich jeder Stollen in zwei Abmessungen (D1, D2) verjüngt, wobei eine erste Abmessung (D1) im wesentlichen parallel zu der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) gemessen und die zweite Dimension (D2) im wesentlichen radial zu der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) gemessen wird, so daß das freie Ende (39) eine reduzierte Fläche und eine flache diamantförmige Oberfläche aufweist, und
    die im wesentlichen auf die kreisförmige Bahn (25) zentrierten Winkel spitze Winkel sind.
    2. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß bei Kontakt der Stollen (23) mit dem Untergrund, jede der Kanten (45, 45a, 45b) mit dem Untergrundeinen spitzen Winkel einschließen, wobei der Drehwiderstand der Sohle (10) reduziert ist.
    3. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß jede der ersten und zweiten Kanten (45a, 45b) einen spitzen Winkel (A) mit der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) bildet, wobei die Drehbarkeit erleichtert ist.
    4. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß jedes Paar benachbarter, sich verjüngender Stollen (23) einen im wesentlichen V-förmigen Raum zwischen sich begrenzen, wobei eine Mehrzahl von gegenüberliegenden Paaren der V-förmigen Räume (33, 35) eine Mehrzahl geradlinig ununterbrochener Kreuzbrüche in dem ringförmigen Stollensatz (21) bildet, die sich vollständig über die Sohle (10) erstrecken.
    5. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß aneinandergrenzende Stollen (23) an ihrem Basisteil (37) aneinandergrenzen.
    6. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß jeder Stollen (23) ein zwischen dem freien Ende (39) und der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) angeordnetes Schulterteil (41) aufweist, und aneinandergrenzende Stollen (23) an den Schulterteilen (41) aneinandergrenzen.
    7. Mit Stollen versehener Feld-Sportschuh, der mit einer Sohle (10) mit in den Untergrund eindringenden Stollen (23), die sich von einer Hauptsohlenfläche (19) erstrecken, Fersenteilen (11), Ristteilen (13), Fußballenteilen (15) und Zehenteilen (17) versehen ist, wobei

    - ein ringförmiger Stollensatz (21) von der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) hervorsteht und entlang einer im wesentlichen kreisförmigen Bahn (25) angeordnet ist, die eine Hauptfläche der Zehenteile (17) und Fußballenteile (15) umfaßt, wobei der Stollensatz (21) eine Mehrzahl von Stollen (23) aufweist, die jeweils im wesentlichen angrenzend zu wenigstens einem benachbarten Stollen (23) angeordnet sind;

    - jeder Stollen (23) ein von der Hauptsohlenfläche (19) beabstandetes freies Ende (39) aufweist und erste und zweite Endpunkte auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten des freien Endes (39) angeordnet sind, die im wesentlichen auf der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) angeordnet sind;

    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    daß jeder der Stollen eine Mehrzahl ebener Flächen (43) und Kanten (45a, 45b) an den Schnittlinien von Paaren der ebenen Flächen (43) aufweist,
    und sich jeder Stollen in zwei Abmessungen (D1, D2) verjüngt, wobei eine erste Abmessung (D1) im wesentlichen parallel zu der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) gemesssen und die zweite Dimension (D2) im wesentlichen radial zu der kreisförmigen Bahn (25) gemessen wird, so daß das freie Ende (39) eine reduzierte Fläche und eine flache diamantförmige Oberfläche aufweist, und
    die aneinandergrenzenden Stollen (23) an den Endpunkten der freien Enden (39) aneinandergrenzen.


    1. Chaussure de sport de plein air à crampons, comprenant une semelle (10) du type présentant des crampons (23) pénétrant dans le sol, s'étendant depuis une surface de semelle (19) principale, et présentant un talon (11), une partie voûte plantaire (13), une partie antérieure de plante de pied (15) et des parties orteils (17), comprenant :

    - un jeu de crampons (21) annulaire faisant saillie de la surface de semelle principale (19) et disposé le long d'un chemin (25) essentiellement circulaire, englobant une aire principale des orteils (17) et des parties antérieures de plante de pied (15), le jeu (21) présentant une pluralité de têtes de crampon (23) disposées chacune en relation essentiellement en bout-à-bout avec au moins une tête de crampon (23) adjacente;

    - chaque tête de crampon (23) présentant une partie de base (37) qui est reliée à la surface de semelle principale (19) et présente une longueur (L) mesurée globalement le long du chemin (25) et une épaisseur (T) mesurée globalement radialement par rapport au chemin (25), la longueur (L) étant sensiblement supérieure à l'épaisseur (T), chaque tête de crampon (23) présentant une extrémité distale (39) espacée de la surface de semelle principale (19) et des premier et second bords (45a, 45b) sur les côtés opposés de l'extrémité distale (39);

    - chaque extrémité distale de tête de crampon (39) présentant une longueur, mesurée globalement le long du chemin (25), qui est sensiblement inférieure à la longueur (L) de la partie base (37), et une épaisseur, mesurée globalement radialement par rapport au chemin (25), qui est sensiblement inférieure à l'épaisseur (T) de la partie de base (37);

    - chacun desdits premier et second bords (45a, 45b) étant l'intersection de deux surfaces (43) essentiellement planes qui forment ensemble un angle essentiellement centré sur ledit chemin (25) et chaque bord présentant une extrémité proximale (47) se terminant essentiellement sur le chemin circulaire (25);
       caractérisée en ce que :
       chacune des têtes de crampon (23) comprend des surfaces planes (43) multiples et des bords (45a, 45b) au niveau de l'intersection des couples des surfaces planes (43), et
       est effilée dans deux dimensions (D₁, D₂), une première dimension (D₁) mesurée globalement parallèlement au chemin circulaire (25) et une seconde dimension (D₂) mesurée globalement radialement par rapport au chemin circulaire (25), de manière que l'extrémité distale (39) présente une aire réduite, et
       une surface plate en forme de diamant; et
       les angles essentiellement centrés sur ledit chemin circulaire (25) sont des angles aigus.

    2. Chaussure de sport en plein air à crampons selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle, lorsque les têtes de crampon (23) sont en contact avec le sol, chacun des bords (45,45a, 45b) définit avec le sol un angle inclus aigu, de manière à réduire la résistance de la semelle (10) à un mouvement pivotant.
    3. Chaussure de sport en plein air à crampons selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle chacun des premier et second bords (45a, 45b) forme un angle aigu (A) avec la surface de semelle principale (19), de manière à faciliter encore le pivotement.
    4. Chaussure de sport de plein air à crampons selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle chaque couple adjacent de têtes de crampon (23) effilées définit entre elles un espace globalement en forme de V, une pluralité de couples opposés d'espaces en forme de V (33, 35) formant une pluralité de ruptures transversales rectilignes ininterrompues dans le jeu de crampons (21) annulaire s'étendant complètement sur la semelle (10).
    5. Chaussure de sport de plein air à crampons selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle la relation en bout-à-bout a lieu au niveau des parties base (37) des têtes de crampon (23) disposées bout-à-bout.
    6. Chaussure de sport de plein air à crampons selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle chaque tête de crampon (23) présente une partie épaulement (41) située entre l'extrémité distale (39) et la surface de semelle principale (19), ladite relation en bout-à-bout ayant lieu au niveau des parties épaulement (41) des têtes de crampon (23) disposées bout-à-bout.
    7. Chaussure de sport de plein air à crampons comprenant une semelle (10) du type présentant des crampons (23) pénétrant dans le sol, s'étendant depuis une surface de semelle (19) principale, et présentant un talon (11), une partie voûte plantaire (13), une partie antérieure de plante de pied (15) et des parties orteils (17), comprenant :

    - un jeu de crampons (21) annulaire faisant saillie de la surface de semelle principale (19) et disposé le long d'un chemin (25) essentiellement circulaire, englobant une aire principale des orteils (17) et des parties antérieures de plante de pied (15), le jeu (21) présentant une pluralité de têtes de crampon (23) disposées chacune en relation essentiellement en bout-à-bout avec au moins une tête de crampon (23) adjacente;

    - chaque tête de crampon (23) présentant une extrémité distale (39) qui est espacée de la surface de semelle principale (19) et présente des premier et second points d'extrémité sur les côtés opposés de l'extrémité distale (39), lesdits points d'extrémité se terminant essentiellement sur le chemin circulaire (25);
       caractérisée en ce que
       chacune des têtes de crampon (23) comprend des surfaces planes (43) multiples et des bords (45, 45a, 45b) au niveau de l'intersection des couples des surfaces planes (43), et
       est effilée dans deux dimensions (D₁, D₂), une première dimension (D₁) mesurée globalement parallèlement au chemin circulaire (25) et une seconde dimension (D₂) mesurée globalement radialement par rapport au chemin circulaire (25), de manière que l'extrémité distale (39) présente une aire réduite, et
       une surface plate en forme de diamant; et
       la relation en bout-à-bout entre les têtes de crampon (23) ayant lieu au niveau des points d'extrémité des extrémités distales (39) des têtes de crampon (23) disposées bout-à-bout.

