(11) EP 0 726 044 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
15.12.1999 Bulletin 1999/50

(21) Application number: 96200261.4

(22) Date of filing: 06.02.1996
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)6A47B 96/06


Double-adjustment shelf carrier means

Regalträgermittel mit Doppeleinstellung

Moyens pour supporter une étagère avec un double réglage

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 09.02.1995 IT MI950085 U

(43) Date of publication of application:
14.08.1996 Bulletin 1996/33

(73) Proprietor: LEONARDO S.r.l.
22060 Figino Serenza, Como (IT)

(72) Inventor:
  • Cattaneo, Carlo
    I-22060 Figino Serenza, Como (IT)

(74) Representative: Martegani, Franco et al
Franco Martegani S.r.l. Via Carlo Alberto, 41
20052 Monza (Milano)
20052 Monza (Milano) (IT)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 383 213
DE-U- 8 906 646
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present invention relates to double-adjustment carrier means for shelves, i.e., capable of being adjusted in its horizontal, as well as vertical, position, in order to install the shelf in a properly horizontally levelled position and at the desired level.

    [0002] For the sake of simplicity, said carrier means for shelves is referred to in the following as "shelf carrier means".

    [0003] Several types of shelf carrier means are known, which are constituted by supporting means (arms, brackets or other types of supporting means) suitable for being fastened onto a wall -- and on which a carrier plane (i.e., the shelf) is mounted and fastened.

    [0004] In general, one pair of said shelf carrier means are fastened onto a wall, with a certain distance between them, and then on them the shelf is installed and fastened in its turn.

    [0005] DE-U-8906646 shows a shelf carrier means according to the prior art.

    [0006] The greatest difficulty which one meets when installing said shelf carrier means consists in mutually positioning both shelf carrier means in the proper way, in such a way that the shelf results to be exactly level led in horizontal direction, and at the desired level from the floor, also relatively to other previously existing interior decoration elements.

    [0007] The purpose of the present invention is of solving the above said drawback by providing a shelf carrier means with several possibilities of adjustment, such that the supported shelf can be easily installed in a perfectly horizontal position, and, possibly, also at the desired level, and immediately fastened in its so adjusted position even if the position of each of both mutually spaced apart shelf carrier means fastened onto a wall is not the exactly correct position which is necessary for that purpose.

    [0008] The above purpose is achieved by a shelf carrier means displaying the features shown in the appended claims.

    [0009] The structural and functional characteristics of the instant invention and the advantages it offers over the prior art will be clear from a study into the following disclosure, referred to the accompanying drawings, which display an embodiment of the shelf carrier means according to the present invention.

    [0010] In the drawings:

    -- Figure 1 shows a front elevation view of the shelf carrier means according to the instant invention;

    -- Figure 2 shows a side elevation view;

    -- Figure 3 shows a plan view;

    -- Figure 4 shows a sectional view illustrating the shelf carrier means according to Figures 1-3 with its clamp elements being in their maximal opening position;

    -- Figure 5 shows a similar sectional view to Figure 4, illustrating the shelf carrier means with its clamp elements being in their maximal closure position.

    -- Figure 6 shows a a front elevation view illustrating one pair of shelf carrier means according to the instant invention from which an object-supporting shelf extends;

    -- Figure 7 shows a front elevation view illustrating one single shelf carrier means according to the instant invention carrying an object-supporting shelf;

    -- Figure 8 shows a front elevation view of the base element of the shelf carrier means according to the instant invention;

    -- Figure 9 shows a bottom plan view of the base element of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 10 shows a top plan view of the base element of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 11 shows a side elevation view of the base element of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 12 shows a side elevation view of the rear side of the base element of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 13 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XIII-XIII of Figure 12;

    -- Figure 14 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XIV-XIV of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 15 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XV-XV of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 16 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XVI-XVI of Figure 8;

    -- Figure 17 shows a front elevation view illustrating one only of both clamp elements of the shelf carrier means according to the instant invention with the other clamp element being structurally the same, but with different dimensions;

    -- Figure 18 shows a side elevation view of the clamp element of Figure 17;

    -- Figure 19 shows a top plan view of the clamp element of Figure 17, from which the closing lid was removed;

    -- Figure 20 shows an elevation view of the rear side of the clamp of Figure 17;

    -- Figure 21 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XXI-XXI of Figure 19; and

    -- Figure 22 shows a sectional view taken along the section plane XXII-XXII of Figure 19.

    Referring first to Figures 1-5 of the drawings, the shelf carrier means according to the present embodiment is generally indicated with the reference numeral (10) and is structurally formed by three mutually connected elements: a base element (11), an upper clamp element (12) and a lower clamp element (13).

    [0011] As one will clearly see from the drawings, the clamp elements (12, 13) are partially spherical (i.e., they have the shape of 1/4 of a hollow sphere) and preferably, although not necessarily, the upper clamp element (12) is smaller than the lower clamp element (13).

    [0012] The base element (11) is provided with a central slot (14) which enables it to be fastened onto a wall by means of a screw or an expansion fastener (not displayed in the figures), therefore with possibility of performing adjustment movements in horizontal direction, according to the directions of arrow (15), and rotation movements in the directions of arrow (16) (Figure 1).

    [0013] The clamp elements (12, 13) are mounted on the base element (11) by means of respective screws (17, 18) (Figures 4, 5) which allow said clamp elements to be independently adjusted in the vertical direction, according to the directions of arrow (19) (Figures 1, 2).

    [0014] In this way, a supporting plane (shelf) (20) positioned between the clamp elements (12, 13) of two shelf carrier means (10) fastened onto a support wall at a certain distance from each other, as shown in Figure 6, can be easily adjusted in a perfectly horizontal position by independently adjusting the position of the clamp elements (12, 13) of both shelf carrier means (10), depending on whether the base elements of said pairs of clamp elements (12, 13) are correctly positioned relatively to each other, or not.

    [0015] Of course, the horizontal adjustment (i.e., levelling) of a shelf (21) installed on one shelf carrier means (10) only (Figure 7) will be carried out by adjusting the position of the base element (11), and the vertical adjustment, or alignment with other interior decoration pieces, can be carried out by acting on clamp element (12, 13).

    [0016] The structure of the base element (11) is displayed in detail in Figures 9-16.

    [0017] More precisely, said base element (11) comprises a plate (22) from whose top and bottom sides two pairs of anchoring teeth (23, 24) extend and define, together with the same plate (22), guides (25) for the clamp elements (12, 13), which get coupled with them by means of wings (26) they are purposely provided with (Figures 19-21).

    [0018] Through the respective centre of each of teeth (23, 24) respective threaded bores (27, 28) are provided which engage screws (17, 18) which are used in order to perform the vertical adjustment of the respective positions of clamp elements (12, 13) according to arrow (19)

    [0019] As one will clearly see from Figures 4, 5 and 19-22 of the drawings, such screws (17, 18) extend through the bores (29) provided through the clamp elements (12, 13) and engage said threaded bores (27, 28) provided in the base element (11), thus realizing an operative connection between said three elements, i.e., the base element (11) and the clamp elements (12, 13).

    [0020] The clamp elements (12, 13) are furthermore provided with respective closing lids (30, 31) constrained by means of pins (32) which are pressure fitted inside holes (33) provided in said clamp elements (12, 13).

    [0021] The purpose mentioned in the preamble to the disclosure is thus achieved.


    1. Shelf carrier means with a suitable base element (11) capable of being fastened onto a support wall, mutually opposite, mutually spaced apart clamp elements (12, 13) being provided on said base element (11) characterized in that said clamp elements (12, 13) can be each independently adjusted relative to the base element in the vertical position, hence with possibility of being moved towards, or apart from, each other.
    2. Shelf carrier means according to claim 1, characterized in that said base element (11) is fastened onto a wall with possibility of being adjusted in its horizontal position and of performing rotational adjustments around its fastening point according to the directions shown by arrow (16), thanks to a slot (14) through which the wall fastening means extends.
    3. Shelf carrier means according to claim 1, characterized in that said base element (11) comprises a plate (22) from whose top and bottom sides two pairs of anchoring teeth (23, 24) extend which define, in cooperation with said plate, guides (25) for the clamp elements (12, 13), which clamp elements are engaged within said guides in a slide relationship by means of wings (26) they are purposely provided with.
    4. Shelf carrier means according to claim 3, characterized in that in the centre of each of said teeth (23, 24) respective threaded bores (27, 28) are provided which are designed to get into engagement with vertical adjustment screws (17, 18) which adjustment screws (17, 18) cause said clamp elements (12, 13) to perform vertical adjustement movements according to arrow (19), with said screws (17, 18) extending through bores (29) provided through said clamp elements (12, 13) to get into engagement with the above said threaded bores (27, 28) provided in X said teeth (23,24), thus realizing an operative connection between components (11, 12 and 13).
    5. Shelf carrier means according to claim 1, characterized in that said clamp elements (12, 13) are of partially spherical shape.
    6. Shelf carrier means according to claim 5, characterized in that said partially spherical clamp elements (12, 13) are hollow and are provided with respective closing lids (30, 31) constrained by means of pins (32) which are pressure fitted inside holes (33) provided in said clamp elements (12, 13).


    1. Regalträgermittel mit einem passenden Grundelement (11), das imstande ist, an einer Stützwand befestigt zu werden, mit wechselseitig gegenüberliegenden und wechselseitig voneinander beabstandeten Klemmelementen (12, 13), die auf dem Grundelement (11) vorgesehen sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Klemmelemente (12, 13) unabhängig voneinander bezüglich des Grundelements in der vertikalen Stellung einstellbar sind, also mit der Möglichkeit, aufeinander zu oder voneinander weg bewegt zu werden.
    2. Regalträgermittel nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß das Grundelement (11) an einer Wand befestigt wird, mit der Möglichkeit, in seiner horizontalen Stellung eingestellt zu werden, und daß entsprechend den durch den Pfeil (16) gezeigten Richtungen Dreheinstellungen um seinen Befestigungspunkt durchgeführt werden können, dank eines Schlitzes (14), durch den sich das Wandbefestigungsmittel erstreckt.
    3. Regalträgermittel nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß das Grundelement (11) eine Platte (22) umfaßt, von deren oberen und unteren Seiten sich zwei Paar Ankerzähne (23, 24) erstrecken, die zusammen mit der Platte Führungen (25) für die Klemmelemente (12, 13) definieren, wobei die Klemmelemente mittels Flügeln (26), mit denen sie absichtlich versehen sind, in den Führungen gleitend in Eingriff stehen.
    4. Regalträgermittel nach Anspruch 3, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß im Zentrum jedes der Zahne (23, 24) jeweilige Gewindebohrungen (27, 28) vorgesehen sind, die so gestaltet sind, daß sie mit vertikalen Einstellschrauben (17, 18) in Eingriff kommen, wobei die Einstellschrauben (17, 18) bewirken, daS die Klemmelemente (12, 13) vertikale Einstellbewegungen entsprechend dem Pfeil (19) durchführen, wobei sich die Schrauben (17, 18) durch Bohrungen (29) erstrecken, die in den Klemmelementen (12, 13) vorgesehen sind, um mit den in den Zähnen (23, 24) vorgesehenen Gewindebohrungen (27, 28) in Eingriff zu kommen, wodurch eine Wirkverbindung zwischen den Bauteilen (11, 12 und 13) hergestellt wird.
    5. Regalträgermittel nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Klemmelemente (12, 13) von teilweise sphärischer Form sind.
    6. Regalträgermittel nach Anspruch 5, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die teilweise sphärischen Klemmelemente (12, 13) hohl sind und mit entsprechenden Schließdeckeln (30, 31) versehen sind, die mittels Stiften (32) angedrückt werden, die mit Preßsitz in die in den Klemmelementen (12, 13) vorgesehenen Löcher (33) eingepaßt sind.


    1. Dispositif support de tablette, comprenant un élément de base approprié (11) pouvant être fixé sur un mur, des éléments de serrage (12, 13) mutuellement opposés et mutuellement espacés étant disposés sur ledit élément de base (11), caractérisé en ce que lesdits éléments de serrage (12, 13) peuvent être réglés chacun indépendamment par rapport à l'élément de base dans la position verticale, et ont donc la possibilité d'être rapprochés ou éloignés l'un de l'autre.
    2. Dispositif support de tablette selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que ledit élément de base (11) est fixé à un mur avec la possibilité d'être réglé dans sa position horizontale et permettant de réaliser des réglages en rotation autour de son point d'attache selon les directions indiquées par la flèche (16), grâce à une fente (14) à travers laquelle s'étend le dispositif de fixation du mur.
    3. Dispositif support de tablette selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que ledit élément de base (11) comprend une plaque (22), deux paires de dents d'ancrage (23, 24) s'étendant depuis les côtés supérieur et inférieur de ladite plaque en définissant, en coopération avec ladite plaque, des dispositifs de guidage (25) pour les éléments de serrage (12, 13), lesquels éléments de serrage sont engagés à coulissement dans lesdits dispositifs de guidage à l'aide d'ailes (26) dont ils sont pourvus à cet effet.
    4. Dispositif support de tablette selon la revendication 3, caractérisé en ce qu'au centre de chacune desdites dents (23, 24), des alésages taraudés respectifs (27, 28) sont prévus et sont conçus pour se mettre en prise avec des vis de réglage verticales (17, 18), lesquelles vis de réglage (17, 18) provoquent des déplacements de réglage vertical desdits éléments de serrage (12, 13) suivant la flèche (19), lesdites vis (17, 18) s'étendant dans des alésages (29) réalisés dans lesdits éléments de serrage (12, 13) pour se mettre en prise avec lesdits alésages taraudés (27, 28) prévus dans lesdites dents (23, 24), réalisant ainsi une connexion fonctionnelle entre les composants (11, 12 et 13).
    5. Dispositif support de tablette selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que lesdits éléments de serrage (12, 13) sont de forme partiellement sphérique.
    6. Dispositif support de tablette selon la revendication 5, caractérisé en ce que lesdits éléments de serrage (12, 13) partiellement sphériques sont creux et sont pourvus de couvercles obturateurs respectifs (30, 31) maintenus à l'aide d'ergots (32) qui sont ajustés par pression dans des trous (33) réalisés dans lesdits éléments de serrage (12, 13).
