(11) EP 0 746 445 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
09.04.2003 Bulletin 2003/15

(21) Application number: 95934823.6

(22) Date of filing: 19.10.1995
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B24B 9/10, B24B 55/04, B24B 57/02, B24B 55/00, B24B 47/26
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 9601/3356 (09.05.1996 Gazette 1996/21)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 27.10.1994 IT TP940005

(43) Date of publication of application:
11.12.1996 Bulletin 1996/50

(73) Proprietor: Sardo, Alberto
91025 Marsala (TP) (IT)

(72) Inventor:
  • Sardo, Alberto
    91025 Marsala (TP) (IT)

(56) References cited: : 
FR-A- 2 571 645
US-A- 1 660 350
US-A- 2 968 897
GB-A- 356 099
US-A- 2 551 332
US-A- 4 060 938
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    Technical Field

    [0001] This invention relates to a machine as per the preamble of claim 1. An example of such a machine is disclosed by US 2 551 332 A.

    Background Art and disclosure of invention

    [0002] Bevelling machines for the glass sheets use containers with big rubber bellow bonnets to work in the different angles and in the same time to cool the wheels without that the cooling fluid goes out. The bellow conformation and the rubber elasticity allow the traverse of the swinging wheels console. Whatever is the bellow conformation, these bonnets always limit within a determinate angle, the wheels traverse and cause big problems because of the accumulation of grinding wheels residual that putting down the bellow cause considerable damages at the bonnets. A bevelling machine with a swinging unit is described in US 2 551 332 A.

    [0003] The current invention, has resolved this big problem eliminating the use of the bonnets and using a new type of container. It is fixed on the swinging console of the machine and it makes possible either the containing of the wheels without any loss of fluid or the free traverse of the swinging console from zero to ninety degree.

    [0004] The object of this invention is acheived by the machine of claim 1.

    [0005] Figure 1 shows a frontal straight machine to work mitre bevel, bevel in its different gradation and flat edge with arris on the glass sheets.

    [0006] In the figure we can noticed the swinging console (1) and the fixed motors-spindles X and Y to grind and to polish the arris on the flat edge working. The view B, figure 2, shows the swinging console (1) which carry the different groups motor-spindles wheel, that driven by a reducer, screw and scroll (2), does a rotation from zero to ninety degrees around the empty centre (4), doing as fulcrum point on a circular support (3). The numbers (5-6) represents schematically the front and back track that have the function of advancement and keeping of the glass sheets.

    [0007] In the figure 3 view C is represented in section the swinging console (1), with the motor-spindle-wheel group (7) in the position of ninety degrees measured among the inside face of the two tracks (5-6) and the higher face of the wheels. The new system of container of the wheels (8) is showed in this drawing too. This container fixed on the swinging console (1), for its conformation, makes possible the spraying on the wheels (24) at any angle without loss of fluid or sprinkling but from the special draim (23) where also the working residual are send out.

    [0008] In this container, the open higher part is closed for all its length by two thin plates like rubber (9-10). They make possible the rotation of all the swinging group at any angle, as exemplify showed also in the C view in the figure 4, angle 45 degree and in the figure 5 angle 32 degree, keeping close the container without any loss of cooling fluid. In the figure (3-4-5) of the C view are represented the Cerium Oxide mixture jets (11) that continually flows on the bottom of the container by a closed circuit system and the compressed air jets (12) that intervening only when the glass sheets pass on the wheels. The air compressed jets change the direction of the fluid of the Cerium Oxide mixture pulverizing it on the wheels.

    [0009] In the figure 6 view A, a realization of an automatic synchronized in vertical movement of the front track (5) is represented. It is driven by a sector gear (13) fixed on the swinging console (1) and it causes the rotation of a double gear (14), also it connected with pinion and chain (15), causes the rotation of a cam (16) assembled on a tie-rod (22), which connects the opposite cam and by its rotation caused the go up and go down of the sliding support (17) solid with the front track (5), always in the same determinate height with relation to the gradation in which is the swinging group.

    [0010] A safety system set combined to the sliding support (17) where a lever mechanism (18) is pivoted on the chassis of the machine on the point (19) and have a supporting bearing (21) for the sliding support (17). It is kept in the vertical normal position by a ratchet with a round tip (20) which have a set spring that keeps it pressed and hammered into an adequate slot on the chassis of the machine. If happen excessive pressure on the supporting bearing (21) because of the introduction of a glass sheet with a more thickness than that the machine as been arranged it releases the ratchet (20) and mechanism (18) rotates outward causing the immediately widening of the spar (5), stopping the advancement by a micro switch and avoiding very serious damages to the member which keeps and moves the glass sheets.


    1. Machine for producing mitre bevels of different gradation or flat edges on glass sheets or other hard materials with parallel faces, wherein a container (8) of adequate shape is used to contain the operating wheels (24) and their cooling system in order to avoid the loss of cooling fluid or their sprays, said container is (8) anchored in the same console where the operating wheels (24) are located and performs together with the wheels, a rotating movement from zero to ninety degrees, characterised in that in order to avoid loss of cooling fluid, the front closing of the wheels container (8) is realised by the longitudinal bulkheads (9,10)that are located both in the front part and in the back part of the container (8), and are made of flexible material, for example rubber, or are realised by means of telescopic bulkheads, and are working in an opposite system, i.e. when the wheels' inclination goes from zero to ninety degrees the front bulkhead (9) uncovers itself, thereby widening its visible area and in the same time the back bulkhead (10) comes inside the container (8), thereby disappearing from view.
    2. Machine for producing mitre bevels of different gradation or flat edges on glass sheets or other hard materials with parallel faces as in claim 1, characterised in that said longitudinal bulkheads (9,10), in order to close the container, are fixed either in the upper spar or in the same swinging container.
    3. Machine for producing mitre bevels of different gradations or flat edges on glass sheets or other hard material with parallel faces as in claims 1, characterised in that a front track, which holds and advances the glass sheets together with a back track, is vertically movable to work bevel.


    1. Maschine zur Herstellung von Schraegkanten verschiedener Gradationen oder von Flachkanten auf Scheiben aus glas oder anderem Hartmaterial mit parallelen Fasetten, wo ein Behaelter (8) von angepasstem Mass benutzt wird um die operativen Scheiben (24) und deren kuehlsystem zu enthalten um den Verlust von kuehlfluessigkeit oder deren Spritzen zu vermeiden, der genannte Behaelter (8) ist an der gleichen konsole verankert wo die operativen Scheiben (24) angebracht sind und bilden zusammen mit den Scheiben eine Drehbewegung von null bis neunzig Grad, von der Tatsache charakterisiert den Verlust der kuehlfluessigkeit zu vermeiden ist die Stirnseite des Scheibenbe-haelters (8) mit longitudinalen Schotten (9,10) realisiert die sich sowohl an der Vorderseite als auch an der Rueckseite des behaelters (8) befinden, und aus flessiblem Material, wie z.B. Gummi, oder mit teleskopischen Schotten hergestellt sind, und mit einem entgegengesetztem System arbeiten, d.h. wenn die Neigung der Scheiben von null bis neunzig Grad geht befreit sich die vordere Schotte (9), die operative Zone wird sichtbar und gleichzeitig geht die hintere Schotte (10) in das Innere des Behaelters (8) und wird unsichtbar.
    2. Maschine zur Herstellung von Abschraegung verschiedener Gradation oder Flachkante auf Scheiben aus Glas oder anderem Hartmaterial mit paraallelen Fasetten, wie Anforderung 1, ist davon charakterisiert, dass die genannten longitudinalen Schotten (9,10), zum Schliessen des Behaelters sowohl im oberen Traeger als auch im kippbaren Behaelter befestigt sind.
    3. Maschine zur Herstellung von Abschraegung verschiedener Gradation oder Flachkante auf Schreiben aus Glas oder anderem Hartmaterial mit parallelen Fasetten, wie anforderung 1, ist davon charakterisiert, dass der vordere Traeger (5) zusammen mit dem rueckwaertigen, die Glasscheiben festhaelt und vorrueckt und sich zur Bearbeitung der Abschraegung vertikal bewegt.


    1. Machine pour la production des chanfreins de différent gradation ou fil plat sur des plaques de verre ou d'autre matériel dur avec faces parallèles, où est utilisé un récipient (8) de mesure proportionnée pour contenir les meules opérationnelles (24) et leur système réfrigérant au but d'éviter la perte de fluide réfrigérant ou leurs embruns.
    Ce récipient (8) est ancré dans la même consol où les meules opérationnels (24) sont placées et forment, ensemble à les meules, un mouvement rotatif de zéro à quatre-vingt-dix (90) degrés, marqué par le fait que, pour éviter la perte de fluide réfrigérant, la partie frontale du récipient des meules (8) est composé de parois longitudinales (9,10) qui sont placées soit dans la partie antérieure soit dans la partie postérieure du récipient (8).
    Ces parois sont faites de matériel flexible, par exemple gomme, ou elle sont réalisées avec des parois télescopiques et travaillent avec un système opposé, c'est à dire quand l'inclination des meules va de zéro à quatre-vingt-dix (90) degrés, la paroi frontale (9) se découvre, en rendant visible la zone opérationnelle et en même temps la paroi postérieure (10) va à l'intérieure du récipient (8) et n'est plus vue.
    2. Machine pour la production des chanfreins de différent gradation ou fil plat sur des plaques de verre ou d'autre matériel dur avec faces parallèles, comme à la demande 1, marqué par le fait que les parois longitudinales (9,10) pour fermer le récipient, sont fixées soit dans le longeron supérieure soit dans le même récipient oscillant.
    3. Machine pour la production des chanfreins de différent gradation ou fil plat sur des plaques de verre ou d'autre matériel dur avec faces parallèles, comme à la demande 1, marqué par le fait que le longeron frontal (5), qui retient et fait avancer les plaques de verre ensemble au longeron postérieur, on déplace verticalement pour travaille le biseau.
