(11) EP 1 036 523 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
07.05.2003 Bulletin 2003/19

(21) Application number: 00830099.8

(22) Date of filing: 11.02.2000
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7A46D 1/00, A46B 7/04, B25G 3/08, B25G 3/10, B24B 7/22, B24B 41/047, B24D 13/10


Brush for the surface treatment of materials

Bürste zur Oberflächenbehandlung von Materialien

Brosse pour le traitement de surface de matériaux

(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:

(30) Priority: 16.02.1999 IT MI990087 U

(43) Date of publication of application:
20.09.2000 Bulletin 2000/38

(73) Proprietor: Master Tre S.r.l.
37010 Cavaion Veronese (VR) (IT)

(72) Inventors:
  • Fidanzi, Erio
    20149 Milano (IT)
  • Azzoli, Mauro
    37015 Domegliara (Verona) (IT)
  • Marzari, Pierantonio
    35010 San Giorgio in Bosco (Padova) (IT)

(74) Representative: Pizzoli, Antonio et al
Società Italiana Brevetti SpA, Via Carducci, 8
20123 Milano
20123 Milano (IT)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 597 723
FR-A- 2 243 588
US-A- 5 607 346
DE-B- 1 014 964
US-A- 5 076 023
US-A- 5 679 067
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present invention relates to a brush for the surface treatment of materials, and particularly to a brush which can be used in combination with polishing machines for the surfaces of materials which are not perfectly planar in order to confer them a particular polished and glazed effect.

    [0002] Polishing machines for the surfaces of not perfectly planar materials such as granite and grès, which are useable also with other materials, such as porcelain-grès, ceramic, marble and other stones, are already known. Said known polishing machines comprise a rotating drum having one base provided with a multiplicity of abrasive blocks as disclosed in US 5076023 and US 5602346, which are oscillated by means of suitable motor-driven devices around axes arranged radially with respect to the axis of rotation of the rotating drum. By this measure an even polishing of the surface of the treated material is obtained, even when the planarity of said surface is imperfect.

    [0003] Object of the present invention is obtaining, by means of the known polishing machines, a new kind of surface treatment which confers to the treated material a particular and pleasant polished and glazed effect which has never been obtained until now by these polishing machines or by other machines for the surface treatment of materials such as the machines provided with the brushes disclosed in US 5679067. Said object has been achieved by using in combination with said polishing machines an innovatory brush whose main features are disclosed in claim 1 and other features are disclosed in the following claims.

    [0004] Thanks to the particular shape of the bristle support, the brush according to the present invention can be advantageously mounted in the known polishing machines in place of the oscillating abrasive blocks which carry out the polishing treatment. By this measure, besides obtaining said new polished and glazed effect, also purchasing a special machine only for obtaining the desired effect becomes superfluous, since it is possible to employ for this purpose the known polishing machines which are generally available in every workshop where the surface treatment of materials is carried out.

    [0005] According to a particular aspect of the invention, the bundles of abrasive bristles are advantageously arranged in a substantially radial orientation with respect to the rotation center of the rotating drum, so that the risk of scratching the materials to be treated is avoided.

    [0006] According to a further particular aspect of the invention, the ends of the bundles of abrasive bristles are comprised within a substantially curved profile, so that an even contact and pressure on the material to be treated during the brush oscillation are obtained.

    [0007] Finally, in order to accentuate the desired effect, the abrasive bundles are advantageously provided with a flattened profile and are made of nylon coated with corundum or carbide, such as the material named Tynex® of the company DuPont®.

    [0008] Further advantages and features of the brush according to the present invention will appear to those which are skilled in the art from the following detailed description of an embodiment thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings wherein:
    • figure 1 shows a prospective view of said embodiment;
    • figure 2 shows a top plan view of the embodiment of figure 1;
    • figure 3 shows a bottom view of the embodiment of figure 1; and
    • figure 4 shows a side view of the embodiment of figure 1.

    [0009] With reference to said figures, the brush according to the present embodiment of the invention is seen to comprise a support 1 preferably made of plastic material and having substantially a parallelepipedal shape. A multiplicity of parallel groovings, particularly four groovings, are made on the larger upper surface of support 1 and in each grooving the end of a bundle of abrasive bristles 2 is inserted and glued, for example by means of a two components epoxy glue. Said abrasive bristles have preferably a flattened cross-section, for instance elliptical or rectangular, and are preferably made of nylon coated with corundum or carbide, such as the material named Tynex® of the company DuPont®. The grain of abrasive bristles 2 can be freely chosen according to the desired effect, however it has been observed that a pleasant polished and glazed appearance can be conferred to most materials by using abrasive bristles having a grain whose index is included between 46 and 320µm.

    [0010] The groovings whereinto the bundles of bristles 2 are inserted are preferably arranged longitudinally with respect to support 1, so that when the brush according to the present invention is mounted on an oscillating device of the rotating drum of a polishing machine, said groovings are arranged according to a substantially radial orientation with respect to the rotation center of the drum itself. In order to obtain an even contact and pressure during the oscillation of the brush, the internal couple of bundles of bristles 2 protrudes from support 1 more than the external couple of bundles of bristles 2, so that the ends of said bundles are comprised within a substantially curved profile, as shown by the broken line of figure 4.

    [0011] In order to mount the brush to an oscillating device of the rotating drum of a polishing machine, the larger lower surface of support 1 is suitably joined to the upper base by an insert 3 which has substantially the shape of a prismoid having the bases and two opposite side surfaces of trapezoidal shape. Particularly, the upper base of insert 3 is slightly smaller than the lower base thereof, so that a double dovetail joint is obtained with a complementary cavity made in the oscillating device of the rotating drum. Insert 3 is preferably made in one piece of plastic material, for example PVC, with support 1 of bristles 2.


    1. Brush for the surface treatment of materials, characterized in that it comprises at least one bundle of abrasive bristles (2) fixed to a support (1) joined to the upper base of an insert (3) which has substantially the shape of a prismoid having the bases and two opposite side surfaces of trapezoidal shape, wherein the upper base of said insert (3) has a smaller extension than the lower base thereof.
    2. Brush according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the support (1) of the abrasive bristles (2) has a substantially parallelepipedal shape.
    3. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that a multiplicity of groovings is provided on the upper base of the support (1), in each grooving being inserted one end of a bundle of abrasive bristles (2).
    4. Brush according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the groovings wherein the bundles of abrasive bristles (2) are inserted are arranged longitudually with respect to the support (1).
    5. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the internal bundles of abrasive bristles (2) protrude from the support (1) more than the external bundles, so that the ends of said bundles are comprised within a substantially curved profile.
    6. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the insert (3) is made in one piece of plastic material with the support (1) of the abrasive bristles (2).
    7. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the abrasive bristles (2) have a flattened cross-section.
    8. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the abrasive bristles (2) are made of nylon coated with corundum or carbide.
    9. Brush according to the preceding claim, characterized in that the abrasive bristles (2) are made of the material named Tynex® of the company DuPont®.
    10. Brush according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the grain index of the abrasive bristles (2) is included between 46 and 320µm.


    1. Bürste zur Oberflächenbehandlung von Materialien dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie mindestens ein Bündel von an einem Halter (1) fixierten Schleifborsten (2) enthält, der mit der oberen Grundfläche eines als Prismoid wesentlich geformten Einsatzes (3) verbunden ist, in dem die Basen und zwei trapezförmige seitliche Oberflächen entgegengesetzt sind, wobei die obere Basis solches Einsatzes (3) eine kleinere Erstreckung als die untere Basis weist.
    2. Bürste gemäss dem vorherigen Anspruch dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Halter (1) der Schleifborsten (2) wesentlich parallelepipedonförmig ist.
    3. Bürste gemäss einem der vorherigen Ansprüche dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass auf der oberen Grundfläche des Einsatzes (1) eine Mehrheit von Nuten verschaffen ist, wobei in jeder Nut ein Ende eines Bündels von Schieilborsten (2) eingesetzt ist.
    4. Bürste gemäss dem vorherigen Anspruch dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Nuten, in denen die Bündel von Schleifborsten (2) eingesetzt sind, der Länge nach in bezug auf den Halter (1) angeordnet sind.
    5. Bürste gemäss einem der vorherigen Ansprüche dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die innere Bündel von Schleifborsten (2) mehr als die Aussenbündel aus dem Halter (1) hinausragen, so dass die Enden der genannten Bündel in einem wesentlich kurvenlinearen Profil umfassen sind.
    6. Bürste gemäss einem der vorherigen Ansprüche dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Einsatz (3) aus einem einzigen Stück von Kunststoff zusammen mit dem Halter (1) der Schleifborsten (2) gebildet ist.
    7. Bürste gemäss einem der vorherigen Ansprüche dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schleifborsten (2) einen flachen Querschnitt haben.
    8. Bürste gemäss einem der vorherigen Ansprüche dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schleifborsten (2) aus mit Karborundum oder Karbid übergedecktem Nylon bestehen.
    9. Bürste gemäss dem vorherigem Anspruch dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Schleifborsten (2) aus dem Werkstoff Tynex® der Firma DuPont® bestehen.
    10. Bürste gemäss dem vorherigen Anspruch dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Kornzahl der Schleifborsten (2) zwischen 46 und 320 µm eingeschlossen ist.


    1. Brosse pour le traitement de surface de matériaux, caractérisée en ce qu'elle comprend au moins un faisceau de poils abrasifs (2) fixés à un support (1) réuni à la base supérieure d'une plaquette (3) qui a substantiellement la forme d'un prismoïde ayant les bases et deux surfaces latérales de forme trapézoïdale, dans laquelle la base supérieure de ladite plaquette (3) a une étendue plus petite que sa base inférieure.
    2. Brosse selon la revendication précédente, caractérisée en ce que le support (1) a substantiellement une forme parallélépipédique.
    3. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que sur la base supérieure du support (1) une pluralité de rainures est ménagée, dans chacune des quelles une extrémité d'un faisceau de poils abrasifs (2) est insérée.
    4. Brosse selon la revendication précédente, caractérisée en ce que les rainures dans lesquelles sont insérés les faisceaux de poils abrasifs sont disposées longitudinalement par rapport au support (1).
    5. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que les faisceaux intérieurs de poils abrasifs (2) saillent du support (1) plus que les faisceaux extérieurs, de sorte que les extrémités desdits faisceaux sont comprises à l'intérieur d'un profil substantiellement courbé.
    6. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que la plaquette (3) est réalisée dans une seule pièce de matériau plastique avec le support (1) des poils abrasifs.
    7. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que les poils abrasifs (2) ont la section transversale aplatie.
    8. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que les poils abrasifs (2) sont faits de nylon enrobé de corindon ou carbure.
    9. Brosse selon la revendication précédente, caractérisée en ce que les poils abrasifs (2) sont faits du matériau nommé Tynex® de la société DuPont®.
    10. Brosse selon l'une des revendications précédentes, caractérisée en ce que l'indice de grain des poils abrasifs (2) est compris entre 46 et 320 µm.
