(11) EP 1 041 204 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
02.06.2004 Bulletin 2004/23

(21) Application number: 00201116.1

(22) Date of filing: 28.03.2000
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7E02D 5/76


A method for anchoring a wall in the ground by means of pull anchors

Verfahren zum Ankern einer Wand im Boden mittels Spannanker

Procédé pour l'ancrage d'un mur en sol utilisant des ancres de tension

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 30.03.1999 NL 1011701

(43) Date of publication of application:
04.10.2000 Bulletin 2000/40

(73) Proprietor: Gebr. van Leeuwen Harmelen B.V.
3481 MC Harmelen (NL)

(72) Inventor:
  • van Leeuwen, Marinus Teunis, sr.
    3481 LP Harmelen (NL)

(74) Representative: Boelsma, Gerben Harm, Ir. 
Exter Polak & Charlouis B.V., P.O. Box 3241
2280 GE Rijswijk
2280 GE Rijswijk (NL)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 360 221
US-A- 3 665 717
US-A- 5 575 122
DE-C- 19 744 551
US-A- 4 253 781
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The invention relates to a method as defined in the first part of claim 1.

    [0002] Such a method is commonly known for anchoring (steel) sheet pile walls.

    [0003] In general one proceeds in a way that the required holes for a plurality of anchoring locations are made first before inserting the anchors therethrough and screwing the anchors to the desired depth. The tube sections, also called "dead man", are placed only after the anchor has been screwed to the desired depth. The tube sections have an inner diameter which is just large enough to allow the anchor rod and the extension rod to pass through it. On the lower end (i.e. at the end facing the wall) of the tube sections a flange is provided which is large enough to cover the entire cross-sectional area of the respective hole.

    [0004] Problems are encountered when the anchoring sites, i.e. the locations where the holes have to be made, are located (far) below (ground) water level. Even when one would, in such a case, postpone making of an individual sheet pile hole until the very moment at which the respective anchor would have to be placed through this hole, this would result in an unacceptable leakage of (ground) water through the sheet pile hole.

    [0005] Now the invention aims at providing an effective solution for this problem.

    [0006] According to the invention this aim is achieved thanks the features defined in the second part of claim 1.

    [0007] It will thus be understood that with the method of the present invention the tube sections are applied prior to making the holes through which the pull anchors have to be inserted into the ground behind the wall. For this purpose tube sections have to be used the inner diameters of which are substantially larger than in case of the well-known method, in order that not only the anchor rod but also the screw blade section of a pull anchor can pass through the respective tube section.

    [0008] It will be understood that with this way of proceeding, although water may flow into the tube section, such water can not escape from said tube section outwardly, because either the proximal end portion of the tube section is located above ground water level, or such escape is avoided by the annular flange, that sealingly closes the tube section.

    [0009] It is to be remarked that EP 0360221 and US 3,665,717 disclose a method for anchoring a sheet pile wall in the ground by means of a plurality of pull anchors, wherein upon an initial step of making or at least preparing an anchor hole in the wall a tube section is attached to the wall, prior to causing the anchor to pass therethrough and through the hole into the ground. In this case a pull anchor of a quite different type, called "grout anchor" is used. The tube section is thereby in the first place functioning as a guide means for a drill tube, which has to be withdrawn from the ground in a later stage, after the proper anchor rod having been inserted through this drill tube and after the annular space between the drill tube and the anchor rod being filled by injected "grout" (mortar). Moreover the tube section is provided with different seals for the drill tube and the anchor rod respectively.

    [0010] The method of the present invention may also be advantageously applied for securing the bottom part of a construction, such as a tunnel body, that extends into the ground to a level which is (far) under ground water level.

    [0011] Preferred embodiments are set out in the sub claims 2-7.

    [0012] The invention also relates to a pull anchor according to claims 8-10.

    [0013] With this it is to be remarked that US-A-5 575 122 discloses an earth screw anchor assembly comprising an elongated hollow tubular member and a helically shaped blade member. However, this known screw anchor is adapted to be driven into unbroken soil, does not comprise a cutting ring, and is not able to drill a hole in a wall to be anchored in the ground.

    [0014] The invention will be hereinafter further explained by two examples with reference to the accompanying drawing.

    Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic vertical section through a sheet pile wall, which has to be secured in the ground by applying the method of the present invention and

    fig. 2 is a diagrammatic vertical section through a portion of a tunnel body, which has to be secured by applying the method of the present invention.

    [0015] With reference to fig. 1, 1 designates a sheet pile wall which is to be secured against the lateral ground pressure exerted by the ground body 2 from the right. For this purpose pull anchors 3 are used, which have to be placed from the left side of the sheet pile wall, where e.g. a construction pit has to be established. For inserting the pull anchors, which may be screw anchors, through holes have to be provided in the sheet pile wall 1. The example shown in fig. 1 relates to a case, wherein the sites P, where the through holes must be provided, are located relatively far below the (ground) water level 4 on the right side of the sheet pile wall 1. Now, in order to prevent an uncontrolled (ground) water stream from flowing from the right to the left through the created through holes, the procedure of the invention is as follows.

    [0016] At each of the sites P a (steel) tube section 5 is attached as by welding, whereby the end of the tube section to be attached is bevelled off and placed according to the desired direction of insertion (arrow A). The length of the tube section 5 is slightly larger that the length of the screw body 3b of the anchor 3. A cutting ring 6 is welded to the distal end of the screw body 3b. E.g. widia scrap may be provided on the edge of the cutting ring that is facing the sheet pile wall 1.

    [0017] The thus prepared pull anchor is placed within the tube section 5, until the bevelled pin 3c, which closes the distal end of the (hollow) anchor rod 3a, strikes the sheet pile wall. The anchor rod 3a will then be projecting with its proximal end beyond the proximal end of the tube section 5. The proximal end of the tube section which is expected to become under ground water level, is closed by an end plate 7 to be welded to it, said end plate having a central opening which is just large enough for passing a connecting sleeve 9 that is required for connecting an extension rod 8. The end plate 7 is provided with a sealing member 10, that circumferentially engages the outwardly projecting end portion of the anchor rod and is e.g. in the form of a rubber disc, that is placed on the plate 7 and is then pushed inwardly to enclose the outgoing end portion of the anchor rod 3a. In the example shown the sealing member 10 is held by means of a cover plate 11 to be fastened by screws. The pull anchor 3 is then rotated by means of the usual equipment (not shown in the drawing) and pushed in the axial direction (direction A). The cutting ring 6 will thereby cut a correspondingly sized piece from the sheet pile wall 1 and said piece will be pushed inwardly by the bevelled pin 3c. This creates a hole through which (ground) water may flow from the right into the tube section 5. The amount of water thus leaking towards the left side of the sheet pile wall 1, however, will be limited to the space within the tube section 5. As soon as the anchor 3 has been screwed to the desired depth the proximal portion of the (last) extension rod extending beyond the tube section 5 may be connected to the tube section in a pull proof manner.

    [0018] The screw anchor 3 may be provided - at places between the successive screw blade convolutions of the screw blade body 3b - with injection ports. A stabilizing mortar may be injected through these ports, after the anchor has been screwed to the desired depth. Up to the moment of injecting these ports will have to be closed. For this purpose use may be advantageously be made of an injection screw anchor of the type disclosed in published Dutch patent application 8403178, wherein injection ports are closed by means of plastic plugs. The use of such an injection anchor with the present method will prevent (ground) water that flows away towards the left side, from entering the hollow anchor rod through the injection ports.

    [0019] In case the sheet pile wall in question is of a more or less permanent nature and maintenance of the tube sections 5 is undesirable because they form obstacles, it will be possible - upon the anchors having been screwed to the desired depth - to inject a stabilizing mortar through (hitherto plugged off) injection ports in the (last) extension rod into the ground immediately behind the sheet pile wall, so that the through hole made in the sheet pile wall may be at least provisionally sealed from the ground body 2. The tube sections 5 may then be removed, and the portion of the (last) extension rod which still projects beyond the sheet pile wall 1 may be secured relative to the sheet pile wall 1 and the through hole may be permanently closed by welding. In fact this has resulted in the usual situation.

    [0020] The example of fig. 2 relates to a tunnel trough 20 provided in the ground 2 and comprising side walls 21 (only one of which is shown in the drawing) and a bottom 22. In this case the tunnel trough 20 is sunk deeply into the ground water (see the ground water level 4).

    [0021] In the example of fig. 2 the use of the method of the invention may be advantageous when:

    a. it has turned out that (additional) pull anchors are required to prevent the tunnel trough with (more) certainty from floating to the surface under the influence of the upward ground water pressure and/or

    b. it has turned out that the lateral ground pressure on the opposite tunnel side walls 21 results in a moment, due to which the tunnel trough tends to turn in a horizontal plane.

    [0022] In the first case tube sections 5 of the type shown in fig. 1 may be provided at suitable locations and placed at right angles onto the bottom 22 after which one may proceed further as described hereinabove with reference to fig. 1.

    [0023] In the second case (b) tube sections 5 of the type shown in fig. 1 may be placed onto the bottom 22 adjacent an end of the tunnel trough and preferably adjacent one of the two tunnel trough side walls 21 and in an obliquely outwardly directed position (see arrow B), whereas adjacent the other end of the tunnel trough and preferably adjacent the other of said two tunnels trough side walls tube sections 5 are placed which are obliquely directed to the opposite side. The procedure substantially corresponds with what has been described hereinabove with reference to fig. 1.

    [0024] To attach the tube sections 5 in the example of fig. 2 use may be made of fastening flanges 23, which may be received, if desired, in recesses which are precut in the upper surface of the bottom 22. Each tube section together with the flange 23 connected to it, the anchor 3 received therein and the closing end plate assembly 7, 10, 11 may be placed and attached (by screws) as a pre-assembled unit.

    [0025] In the example of fig. 2 the tube sections 5 will have to be removed after the anchors 3 have been screwed to the desired depth. To this end one may, in the manner as described with reference to fig. 1, inject mortar through the precut through hole into the directly underlying ground body 2 via temporarily closed injection ports in the (last) extension rod 8. See the area indicated by dash lines under the bottom 22 in fig. 2.

    [0026] Depending on the circumstances one may decide to effect injection into the ground behind the sheet pile wall or under the tunnel bottom respectively either prior to or after injecting the ground around the anchor screw body at the desired depth. For this freedom of choice one may use more or less jamming closure plugs or apply hoses for insertion into the extension rod.

    [0027] Upon the drilled through holes being thus sealed against the leakage of ground water each of the tube sections 5 may be removed, after which the still projecting portion of the (last) extension rod 8 may be secured - with the aid of a suitable auxiliary means, within the hole and then severed at the upper surface of the bottom 22.


    1. A method for anchoring a wall (1; 22) in the ground by means of a plurality of pull anchors (3), comprising the steps of:

    - making holes in the wall;

    - inserting an anchor (3), comprising an anchor rod (3a) with a screw blade section (3b) at its distal end, through each hole;

    - screwing the anchor (3) into the ground behind the wall (1; 22) until the proximal end of the anchor rod (3a) remains projecting just beyond the hole in front of the wall (1; 22);

    - connecting an extension rod (8) to the proximal end of the anchor rod (3a) and continuing screwing to bring the anchor (3) to the desired depth;

    - attaching - at the side of each hole - a tube section (5) to the wall (1; 22) at an angle that corresponds to the desired angle of inclination of the anchor (3), after which

    - the proximal end portion of the or last extension rod (8), that projects upwardly through the hole, is fixedly connected to the wall,

    characterised by the additional steps of

    - selecting tube sections (5) of an inner diameter which allows the screw blade section (3b) of a pull anchor (3) to pass therethrough;

    - attaching a selected tube section (5) at the site of each hole to be made prior to making the respective hole;

    - placing the anchor (3) with its screw blade section (3b), which carries a cutting ring (6) at its distal end, into each thus attached selected tube section (5) with the anchor rod (3a) projecting beyond the upper end of the tube section (5) and thereafter

    - rotating and pushing the anchor (3) to cause the cutting ring (6) to drill the respective hole in the wall (1; 22) and thereby allowing the anchor (3) to pass through the wall (1; 22) and the ground therebehind, wherein

    - the latter step is effected either immediately upon attachment of the tube section (5) to the wall when the upper end of the tube section (5) is above the ground level behind the wall or upon the upper end of the tube section (5) being first closed by an annular flange (7), through which the proximal end portion of the anchor rod (5a) extends outwardly with the intermediary of a sealing member (10) that sealingly engages the anchor rod, in case the upper end of the tube section is under ground water level.

    2. A method according to claim 1, characterised in that the wall is a sheet pile wall (1) and that - after the anchor rod (3a) has been screwed to the desired depth - the portion of the or last extension rod (8) extending beyond the proximal end of the tube section (5) is connected to the tube section (5) in a pulltight manner.
    3. A method according to claim 1, characterised in that as a last extension rod (8) use is made of an extension rod which is provided with injection ports which are temporarily closable by means of plugs, through which injection ports a stabilizing mortar is injected - while pushing the respective plugs away - into the ground just behind the wall (1) in such a way, that this will seal the through hole in the wall, after which the tube section is removed and the portion of the extension rod, that still projects beyond the wall, is connected to the wall (1) in a pulltight manner.
    4. A method according to claim 1 or 2, characterised in that it is applied for anchoring the bottom (22) of a structure, such as a tunnel (20) trough that is sunk deeply below ground water level into the ground, wherein the tube section (5) is connected to the bottom (22) to be anchored by means of a fastening flange (23).
    5. A method according to claim 4, characterised in that at first a recess is provided in the upper surface of the bottom (22) for receiving the flange (23).
    6. A method according to claim 5, characterised in that for a pulltight connection of the portion of the or last extension rod (8) use is made of an auxiliary piece, adapted to take a flush-mounted position within the through hole of the bottom (22).
    7. A method according to claims 4-6, characterised in that a through hole or a group of through holes is made at each of two longitudinally spaced sites, each through hole being adapted to screwingly insert a pull anchor through it, wherein the axis (axes) of one through hole or group of through holes extend(s) laterally obliquely in one direction, whereas the axis (axes) of the second through hole or group of through holes extend(s) laterally outwardly in the opposite direction.
    8. A pull anchor for use with the method according to any of the foregoing claims, comprising an anchor rod (3a) with a screw blade section (3b) at the distal end thereof, characterised in that a cutting ring (6) is provided at the distal end of the screw blade section (3b), adapted to drill a hole in the wall (1) to be anchored in the ground of a size allowing the screw blade section (3) to pass through it.
    9. A pull anchor according to claim 8, characterised in that widia scrap is provided on the edge of the cutting ring (6) that is to face said wall (1).
    10. A pull anchor according to claims 8 or 9, characterised in that a bevelled pin (3c) closes the distal end of the anchor rod (3a).


    1. Verfahren zum Befestigen einer Wand (1; 22) im Boden mittels eines Mehrzahl an Zugankern (3), umfassend die Schritte:

    - Anordnen von Löchern in der Wand (1; 22);

    - Einführen eines Ankers (3) mit einem Ankerstab (3a) mit einem an seinem distalen Ende angeordneten Schraubenblatt-Abschnitt (3b) in jedes Loch;

    - Einschrauben des Ankers (3) in den Boden jenseits der Wand (1; 22), bis das nahe Ende des Ankerstabes (3a) gerade über das Loch hinaus von der Wand (1; 22) nach vorne vorstehen bleibt;

    - Verbinden eines Verlängerungsstabes (8) mit dem nahen Ende des Ankerstabes (3a) und weiteres Einschrauben, um den Anker (3) in die gewünschte Tiefe zu bringen;

    - Befestigen - am Rand eines jeden Loches - eines Rohrabschnittes (5) an der Wand (1; 22) unter einem Winkel, welcher dem gewünschten Neigungswinkel des Ankers (3) entspricht, wonach

    - der nahe Endabschnitt des oder des letzten Verlängerungsstabes (8), welcher sich durch das Loch nach oben erstreckt, starr mit der Wand (1; 22) verbunden worden ist;

    gekennzeichnet durch die folgenden zusätzlichen Schritte:

    - Auswählen von Rohrabschnitten (5) mit einem Innendurchmesser, welcher das Hindurchführen des Schraubenblatt-Abschnittes (3b) eines Zugankers (3) ermöglicht;

    - Befestigen eines ausgewählten Rohrabschnittes (5) an der Stelle eines jeden Loches vor dem Anordnen des jeweiligen Loches;

    - Plazieren des Ankers (3) mit seinem Schraubenblatt-Abschnitt (3b), welcher an seinem distalen Ende einen Schneidering (6) trägt, in jedem auf diese Weise befestigten, ausgewählten Rohrabschnitt (5) unter Vorstehenlassen des Ankerstabes (3a) über das obere Ende des Rohrabschnittes (5) hinaus; und anschließendes

    - Drehen und Eindrücken des Ankers (3), um mittels des Schneiderings (6) das entsprechende Loch in die Wand (1; 22) hinein zu bohren, unter Gewährleistung eines Durchtritts des Ankers (3) durch die Wand (1; 22) hindurch in den dahinter angeordneten Boden; wobei

    - der letztgenannte Schritt durchgeführt wird entweder unmittelbar nach dem Befestigen des Rohrabschnittes (5) an der Wand (1; 22), wenn sich das obere Ende des Rohrabschnittes (5) oberhalb des Grundwasserniveaus jenseits der Wand befindet, oder nachdem das obere Ende des Rohrabschnittes (5) zunächst mittels eines Ringflansches (7) verschlossen worden ist, durch welchen sich der nahe Endabschnitt des Ankerstabes (5a) unter Zwischenanordnung eines dem Ankerstab (5a) dichtend anliegenden Dichtungselementes (10) hindurch nach außen erstreckt, wenn sich das obere Ende des Rohrabschnittes (5) unterhalb des Grundwasserniveaus befindet.

    2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die Wand eine Spundwand (1) ist, und daß - nachdem der Ankerstab (3a) bis zur gewünschten Tiefe eingeschraubt worden ist - der Abschnitt des oder des letzten Verlängerungsstabes (8), welcher sich über das nahe Ende des Rohrabschnittes (5) hinaus erstreckt, mit dem Rohrabschnitt (5) in einer festgezogenen Weise verbunden wird.
    3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß als letzter Verlängerungsstab (8) ein Verlängerungsstab eingesetzt wird, welcher mit mittels Stopfen zeitweilig verschließbaren Einspritzöffnungen ausgestattet ist, wobei durch die Einspritzöffnungen - während die jeweiligen Stopfen entfernt werden - stabilisierender Speis in den Boden unmittelbar hinter der Wand (1) derart eingespritzt wird, daß das die Wand durchsetzende Loch auf diese Weise abgedichtet wird, wonach der Rohrabschnitt entfernt und der Abschnitt des Verlängerungsstabes, welcher noch über die Wand hinaus vorsteht, mit der Wand in einer festgezogenen Weise verbunden wird.
    4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß es zum Befestigen des Bodens (22) einer Struktur, wie der Sohle eines Tunnels (20), eingesetzt wird, welche tief unterhalb des Grundwasserniveaus in den Boden eingesenkt wird, wobei der Rohrabschnitt (5) mit dem zu befestigenden Boden (22) mittels eines Befestigungsflansches (23) verbunden wird.
    5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß an der oberen Fläche des Bodens (20) zunächst eine Ausnehmung zur Aufnahme des Flansches (23) angeordnet wird.
    6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 5, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß zur Verbindung des Abschnittes des oder des letzten Verlängerungsstabes (8) in einer festgezogenen Weise ein Zusatzstück eingesetzt wird, welches zu einer bündig eingelassenen Anordnung in dem den Boden (22) durchsetzenden Loch ausgebildet ist.
    7. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 4 bis 6, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß ein Durchgangsloch bzw. eine Gruppe von Durchgangslöchern jeweils an zwei in Längsrichtung voneinander beabstandeten Stellen angeordnet wird, wobei jedes Durchgangsloch zum Einschrauben eines Zugankers in dieses ausgebildet wird, wobei sich die Achse (Achsen) des einen Durchgangsloches bzw. der einen Gruppe von Durchgangslöchern seitlich schräg in eine Richtung erstreckt (erstrecken), während sich die Achse (Achsen) des zweiten Durchgangsloches bzw. der zweiten Gruppe von Durchgangslöchern seitlich nach außen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung erstreckt (erstrecken).
    8. Zuganker zum Einsatz für ein Verfahren nach einem der vorangehenden Ansprüche, mit einem Ankerstab (3a) mit einem an seinem distalen Ende angeordneten Schraubenblatt-Abschnitt (3b), dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß an dem distalen Abschnitt des Schraubenblatt-Abschnittes (3b) ein Schneidering (6) vorgesehen ist, welcher zum Bohren eines Loches in die im Boden zu befestigende Wand (1) in einer Größe ausgebildet ist, welche das Einführen des Schraubenblatt-Abschnittes (3b) in dieses ermöglicht.
    9. Zuganker nach Anspruch 8, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß an dem Rand des Schneiderings (6) ein der Wand (1) zugewandtes Widia-Stück vorgesehen ist.
    10. Zuganker nach Anspruch 8 oder 9, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß ein konischer Stift (3c) das distale Ende des Ankerstabes (3a) abschließt.


    1. Procédé d'ancrage d'un mur (1 ; 22) dans le sol à l'aide d'une pluralité de pièces d'ancrage à traction (3), comprenant les étapes consistant à :

    - faire des trous dans le mur ;

    - insérer une pièce d'ancrage (3), comprenant une tige d'ancrage (3a) possédant une section de lame de vis (3b) à son extrémité distale, dans chaque trou ;

    - visser la pièce d'ancrage (3) dans le sol situé derrière le mur (1 ; 22) jusqu'à ce que l'extrémité proximale de la tige d'ancrage (3a) reste en se projetant juste au-delà du trou sur le devant du mur (1 ; 22) ;

    - relier une tige d'extension (8) à l'extrémité proximale de la tige d'ancrage (3a) et continuer à visser afin d'amener l'ancrage (3) jusqu'à la profondeur souhaitée ;

    - relier - sur le côté de chaque trou - une section de tube (5) au mur (1 ; 22) à un angle qui corresponde à l'angle souhaité d'inclinaison de l'ancrage (3), après quoi

    - la partie d'extrémité proximale de la ou de la dernière tige d'extension (8), qui se projette vers le bas au sein du trou, est reliée de manière fixe au mur,

       caractérisé par les étapes supplémentaires consistant à

    - choisir des sections de tube (5) qui possèdent un diamètre intérieur qui permette à la section de lame de vis (3b) d'un ancrage à traction (5) de passer dedans ;

    - relier une section de tube sélectionnée (5) à l'emplacement de chaque trou devant être effectué avant de faire le trou respectif ;

    - placer l'ancrage (3) et sa section de lame de vis (3b), qui porte un emporte-pièce (6) au niveau de son extrémité distale, dans chaque section de tube ainsi reliée (5) avec la tige d'ancrage (3a) se projetant au-delà de l'extrémité supérieure de la section de tube (5), puis

    - à faire tourner et à pousser l'ancrage (3) afin de provoquer le fait que l'emporte-pièce (6) perce le trou respectif dans le mur (1 ; 22) et permette ainsi à l'ancrage (3) de traverser le mur (1 ; 22) et le sol situé derrière,

    dans lequel
       la dernière étape est effectuée immédiatement lors de la fixation de la section de tube (5) sur le mur lorsque l'extrémité supérieure de la section de tube (5) se trouve au-dessus du niveau phréatique situé derrière le mur, l'extrémité supérieure de la section de tube (5) étant tout d'abord fermée par une collerette annulaire (7), dans laquelle la partie d'extrémité proximale de la tige d'ancrage (5a) s'étend vers l'extérieur avec la partie intermédiaire d'un élément de fermeture (10) qui engage la tige d'ancrage de manière étanche, lorsque l'extrémité supérieure de la section de tube se trouve sous le niveau phréatique.
    2. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que le mur est un mur en bois de garnissage (1) et en ce que - après que la tige d'ancrage (3a) ait été vissée à la profondeur souhaitée - la partie de la tige d'extension ou de la dernière tige d'extension (5) est reliée à la section de tube (5) d'une manière ne pouvant être tirée.
    3. Procédé selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que la dernière tige d'extension (8) est constituée d'une tige d'extension qui est munie de ports d'injection qui sont provisoirement refermables à l'aide de bouchons, dans lesquels un mortier stabilisant est injecté - tout en poussant les bouchons respectifs - dans le sol situé juste derrière le mur (1) de telle sorte que cela referme le trou traversant le mur, après quoi la section de tube est retirée et la partie de la tige d'extension, qui se projette toujours au-delà du mur, est reliée au mur (1) d'une manière ne pouvant être tirée.
    4. Procédé selon la revendication 1 ou 2, caractérisé en ce qu'il est appliqué pour ancrer le bas (22) d'une structure, telle qu'un tunnel (20) qui est enfoncé en profondeur sous le niveau de la nappe phréatique dans le sol, dans lequel la section de tube (5) est reliée au bas (22) devant être ancré à l'aide d'une collerette de fixation (23).
    5. Procédé selon la revendication 4, caractérisé en ce que, tout d'abord, un renfoncement est prévu dans la surface supérieure du bas (22) pour recevoir la collerette (23).
    6. Procédé selon la revendication 5, caractérisé en ce que, pour relier de manière ne pouvant être tirée la partie de ou la dernière tige d'extension (8), est utilisée une pièce auxiliaire, adaptée pour prendre une position encastrée dans le trou traversant le bas (22).
    7. Procédé selon les revendications 4 à 6, caractérisé en ce qu'un trou traversant ou un groupe de trous traversants est réalisé sur chacun des deux emplacements espacés de manière longitudinale, chaque trou traversant étant adapté pour insérer un ancrage à traction à l'intérieur en le vissant, dans lequel l'axe (les axes) d'un trou traversant ou d'un groupe de trous traversants s'étend/s'étendent latéralement et de manière oblique dans une direction, alors que l'axe (les axes) du deuxième trou traversant ou du groupe de trous traversants s'étend/s'étendent latéralement vers l'extérieur dans la direction opposée.
    8. Ancrage à traction pour utilisation avec le procédé selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, comprenant une tige d'ancrage (3a) munie d'une section de lame de vis (3b) à l'extrémité distale de celle-ci, caractérisé en ce qu'un emporte-pièce (6) est prévu à l'extrémité distale de la section de lame de vis (3b), et adapté pour percer un trou dans le mur (1) devant être ancré dans le sol possédant une taille permettant à la section de lame de vis (3) de passer dedans.
    9. Ancrage à traction selon la revendication 8, caractérisé en ce qu'un caoutchouc Widia est prévu sur le bord de l'emporte-pièce (6) qui fait face audit mur (1).
    10. Ancrage à traction selon les revendications 8 ou 9, caractérisé en ce qu'une goupille biseautée (3c) ferme l'extrémité distale de la tige d'ancrage (3a).
