(11) EP 1 466 863 A1


(43) Date of publication:
13.10.2004 Bulletin 2004/42

(21) Application number: 04445016.1

(22) Date of filing: 24.02.2004
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B67D 5/22
(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:

(30) Priority: 10.04.2003 SE 0301065

(71) Applicant: DRESSER WAYNE AB
S-200 61 Malmö (SE)

(72) Inventor:
  • Larsson, Bengt I.
    274 53 Skivarp (SE)

(74) Representative: Rostovanyi, Peter et al
200 71 Malmö
200 71 Malmö (SE)


(54) Electronic master-satellite fuel dispensers

(57) A fuel distribution device comprises a first and a second fuel distribution unit (2, 3) for refuelling a vehicle (11). The first fuel distribution unit (2) comprises a receiver (8), and the second fuel distribution unit (3) comprises a transmitter (9). The transmitter (9) is arranged to transmit information to the receiver (8) regarding the amount of fuel distributed from the second fuel distribution unit (3).


Technical Field of the Invention

[0001] The present invention relates to a fuel distribution device according to the preamble of claim 1.

Background Art

[0002] When refuelling large motor vehicles such as trucks, it is often possible to fill the fuel tank from both sides of the vehicle in order to speed up the filling procedure. This can of course be accomplished by using two different fuel pumps. However, this is a very unpractical solution for the customer, since he then will have to administer two different pumps and pay two bills.

[0003] Instead, a common solution is to provide a fuel pump with a so-called satellite column. The satellite column contains a hose with a fuel distribution nozzle and can be selectively activated by the customer when the main fuel pump is in use. The fuel is drawn from a reservoir by the main fuel pump and distributed to the satellite via a pressurised, preferably double walled, underground fuel pipe.

[0004] The customer inserts the fuel distribution nozzle of the main pump into one side of the fuel tank of the truck, presses a button on the main pump to activate the satellite, and then walks to the other side of the truck and inserts the fuel distribution nozzle of the satellite into the other side of the fuel tank of the truck and activates it for refuelling.

[0005] Using a satellite, all the fuel is fed to the vehicle fuel tank by one single pump, which means that the customer receives only one bill.

[0006] Another solution, which is essentially equivalent, is to provide the satellite on a side of another fuel pump so that the satellite and the other fuel pump are built together but the satellite is not functionally connected to the other fuel pump.

[0007] However, both of these solutions have the disadvantage of being rather expensive, owing to the installation of the double-walled, pressurised underground fuel pipe. The installation is rather complicated and the pipe itself is also expensive. Since the pipe is pressurised, a leakage in the fuel pipe would most probably not be noticed without extra detection means, which also adds to the costs.

[0008] A leakage could cause a large amount of fuel being dispensed into the surroundings causing serious environmental and safety problems.

Summary of the Invention

[0009] A purpose of the present invention is to provide a fuel distribution device which eliminates the above drawbacks. Such a fuel distribution device preferably comprises a first and a second fuel distribution unit for refuelling a vehicle, wherein said first fuel distribution unit comprises a receiver, and said second fuel distribution unit comprises a transmitter, wherein said transmitter is arranged to transmit information to the receiver regarding the amount of fuel distributed from the second fuel distribution unit. Thus, the fuel distribution device according to the invention allows a customer to fill the fuel tank of a truck from both sides while the amounts of fuel fed to the fuel tank from both sides of the truck are added so that the customer only sees the total amount of fuel and a total cost. There is no need for the owner of the fuel distribution device to make any complicated and expensive installations of pressurised pipes underground to distribute fuel from the first fuel distribution unit to both sides of the truck, but instead only information is exchanged between the transmitter and the receiver regarding the amount of fuel fed to the truck. Standard fuel distribution units can be used and if the fuel distribution device is connected to a network at a service station where the payments are administered, there is no need for any special configuration of that system. This further reduces the costs and adds to the simplicity of the installation of the fuel distribution device.

[0010] The fuel distribution device can further comprise selection means for selectively distributing fuel only from the first distribution unit or from the first and the second fuel distribution unit essentially simultaneously. This enables the customer to choose whether or not he wishes to use the so-called satellite function of the fuel distribution device and fill the fuel tank of the vehicle from both sides.

[0011] The selection means is preferably provided at the first fuel distribution unit, which prevents abuse of the satellite function. This means that it is not possible for another customer to activate the satellite function from the second fuel distribution unit and in that way fill the fuel tank of his vehicle at the expense of the first customer.

[0012] The transmitter can be arranged to transmit information to the receiver via a wire and the receiver to receive the information via the wire. This is a simple and inexpensive way of exchanging information between the transmitter and the receiver.

[0013] As an alternative, the transmitter and the receiver can be arranged for wireless exchange of information. This completely eliminates the need for any extra installations of wires or lines in or above the ground.

[0014] According to another embodiment of the invention, the fuel distribution device comprising a first and a second fuel distribution unit for refuelling a vehicle and a central unit, wherein said first fuel distribution unit comprises a first transceiver, and said second fuel distribution unit comprises a second transceiver, wherein said first and second transceiver (15, 16) are arranged to transmit information to the central unit regarding the amount of fuel distributed from the first and the second fuel distribution unit, respectively, and said central unit is arranged to add these amounts to obtain a total fuel amount. This is a solution which can be implemented on an existing system, without any modifications to the fuel distributing units, since these are already arranged to send the amount of fuel to a central unit. However, according to the present invention, the amounts of fuel from two different pumps are added automatically in the central unit, which greatly facilitates the billing and payment procedure, since the staff at the counter by the central unit only have to administer one amount of fuel and one bill per customer.

[0015] The central unit can be arranged to transmit the total fuel amount to the transceivers, and the transceivers arranged to receive said total fuel amount. This is useful when the payments are handled at the fuel distribution units. Then the customer pays at one fuel pump, for instance the first one, for the total amount of fuel filled from both fuel distribution units.

[0016] The first fuel distribution unit, or both of the units can be arranged to display the total fuel amount on a display. This tells the customer how much fuel he has filled into the fuel tank of his vehicle. When both fuel distribution units have displays on which the total amount is displayed, the customer can be on either side of his vehicle, and still be able to supervise the total amount of fuel filled into his vehicle at one display.

Brief Description of the Drawings

[0017] The invention will be further elucidated below with reference to the accompanying drawings, which show exemplifying embodiments of the invention.

[0018] Fig. 1 is a schematic view of a fuel dispensing device according to an embodiment of the invention, and

[0019] Fig. 2 is a schematic view of a fuel dispensing device according to another embodiment of the invention.

Detailed Description of Preferred Embodiments of the Invention

[0020] The fuel distribution device 1 in Fig. 1 has a first fuel distribution unit, or fuel pump 2, and a second fuel distribution unit, or fuel pump 3. The fuel pumps 2, 3 are provided with hoses 4 and 5, respectively, and fuel distribution nozzles 6 and 7, respectively. The first fuel pump 2 is further provided with a receiver 8 and the second fuel pump 3 is provided with a transmitter 9. The fuel pumps 2, 3 are connected to a fuel reservoir 10.

[0021] On the first fuel pump 2, means are provided for activating the satellite function of the fuel distribution device 1, i.e. enable the customer to fill the fuel tank of the vehicle 11 from both sides. These means can of course also be provided on the second fuel pump 3.

[0022] The transmitter 9 and the receiver 8 are arranged to exchange information either via a wire 12 or via some sort of wireless communication link, for instance a radio link. The wire can be arranged underground, as in Fig. 1, or above ground. The transmitter 9 and the receiver 8 can each be provided with a microprocessor.

[0023] The satellite activating means are for instance provided in the form of a button 13 which the customer should press if he wishes to fill the fuel tank of his vehicle 11 from both sides, i.e. to use the satellite function of the fuel distribution device. The pressing of the button 13 sends a signal to the second fuel pump 3 and the transmitter 9 so that the transmitter 9 transmits to the receiver the amount of fuel fed from the second fuel pump 3. This amount can for instance be measured by a microprocessor. When the satellite function is deactivated, for instance by pressing the button 13 one more time, the transmitter 9 stops sending information to the receiver 8.

[0024] When using the satellite function, the transmitter 9 sends information regarding the amount of fuel fed from the second fuel pump 3 to the receiver 8, where this amount is added, e.g. by a microprocessor, to the amount fed from the first fuel pump 2. The sum can then be displayed on a display 17 on the first fuel pump 3, and is used to determine the cost for the filling of the fuel tank.

[0025] As an alternative, the transmitter 9 can be arranged to send to the receiver 8, the total amount of fuel fed from the second fuel pump 3 in the interval when the satellite function was activated, just after, or at the instance when, the satellite function is deactivated.

[0026] Depending on the set-up of the service station, the customer could either pay at the first fuel pump, or the amount to pay could be sent from the first fuel pump 3, via some sort of link, to a central unit at the service station where all payments are handled.

[0027] According to a second embodiment of the invention, which is shown in Fig. 2, both the first fuel pump 2 and the second fuel pump 3 are connected to a central unit 14, either via a wire or by some sort of wireless link. Each of the fuel pumps have a transceiver 15 and 16, respectively. The transceivers 15, 16 send information regarding the amount of fuel filled from the first and the second pump 2 and 3, respectively, to the central unit 14. The central unit 14 adds the amount of fuel from both pumps and, if that is desired, sends this sum to one of or both of the transceivers 15, 16 in the fuel pumps 2, 3 so that the sum can be displayed on a display 17, 18 on one of, or each of, the pumps.

[0028] When the customer has finished filling the fuel tank of his vehicle, he either pays at the first (or second) fuel pump for the total amount of fuel, or he pays at a counter connected to the central unit 14 where the total amount of fuel was calculated. In either case, the customer only has to pay for one single amount of fuel, and in the latter case, the staff at the counter only have to administer one bill.


1. A fuel distribution device comprising a first and a second fuel distribution unit (2, 3) for refuelling a vehicle (11), characterised in that said first fuel distribution unit (2) comprises a receiver (8), and said second fuel distribution unit (3) comprises a transmitter (9), wherein said transmitter (9) is arranged to transmit information to the receiver (8) regarding the amount of fuel distributed from the second fuel distribution unit (3).
2. A fuel distribution device according to claim 1, further comprising selection means (13) for selectively distributing fuel only from the first distribution unit (2) or from the first and the second fuel distribution unit (2, 3) essentially simultaneously.
3. A fuel distribution device according to claim 2, wherein the selection means (13) are provided at the first fuel distribution unit (2).
4. A fuel distribution device according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the transmitter (9) is arranged to transmit information to the receiver (8) via a wire (12) and the receiver (8) to receive the information via the wire (12).
5. A fuel distribution device according to any of the preceding claims, wherein the transmitter (9) and the receiver (8) are arranged for wireless exchange of information.
6. A fuel distribution device comprising a first and a second fuel distribution unit (2, 3) for refuelling a vehicle (11) and a central unit (14), characterised in that said first fuel distribution unit (2) comprises a first transceiver (15), and said second fuel distribution unit (3) comprises a second transceiver (16), wherein said first and second transceiver (15, 16) are arranged to transmit information to the central unit regarding the amount of fuel distributed from the first and the second fuel distribution unit (2, 3), respectively, and said central unit (14) is arranged to add these amounts to obtain a total fuel amount.
7. A fuel distribution device according to claim 6, wherein the central unit (14) is arranged to transmit the total fuel amount to the transceivers (15, 16), and the transceivers (15, 16) are arranged to receive said total fuel amount.
8. A fuel distribution device according to claim 7, wherein at least the first fuel distribution unit (2) is arranged to display the total fuel amount on a first display (17).
9. A fuel distribution device according to claim 8, wherein the second fuel distribution unit (3) is arranged to display the total fuel amount on a second display (18).


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