(11) EP 1 626 386 A1

published in accordance with Art. 158(3) EPC

(43) Date of publication:
15.02.2006 Bulletin 2006/07

(21) Application number: 04727917.9

(22) Date of filing: 16.04.2004
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC): 
G09F 3/20(1968.09)
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 2004/102510 (25.11.2004 Gazette 2004/48)
(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 14.05.2003 ES 200301115

(71) Applicant: Yudigar S.L.
50400 Carinena (Zaragoza) (ES)

(72) Inventor:
  • ARTERO RUIZ, Fernando
    E-50400 Carinena (Zaragoza) (ES)

(74) Representative: Schäfer, Matthias W. 
Patentanwalt Schwanseestrasse 43
81549 München
81549 München (DE)



(57) The invention relates to an improved label-bearing section of the type that is used with shelves in commercial establishments and warehouses, in order to support and protect labels containing the prices, characteristics, etc. of the products stored thereon. The invention is characterised in that it comprises: separate, independent anchoring elements which are used to fix same to the shelf and to determine the positioning angle of the label; and a double sheet comprising a transparent front part, which is used to house the label and which can move independently of the two anchoring elements. The main advantages offered by the invention lie in the fact that it comprises only one type of label-bearing section which can be fixed to the shelf using various inclination angles which can be easily selected and altered. In this way, the front label-bearing sheet is provided with extensive mobility such as to prevent the assembly from falling or breaking accidentally.


[0001] As its title indicates, this patent describes an improved label-holder, of the type used on shelving at commercial establishments and warehouses to support and protect the labels that indicate the prices, features, etc. of the products placed on the shelves, characterized in that it has separate and independent anchors for fastening to the shelves and for determining the angle at which the label is positioned, and a double plate with a transparent front to house the label, with independent movement of the two anchors mentioned above.

[0002] Currently, there are several different well-known types of label-holders and systems for fastening them to the shelves, of which the most technically advanced is probably the one described in Patent W0100465ES "Anchoring system for label-holders and shelving," which uses a configuration with a dovetail bend on the front of the shelf, inside of which the pins that hold the rear faces of the different types of label-holders are anchored.

[0003] These label-holders can be of various types: some bulky and rigid that anchor to the dovetail on the shelving and entail the major problem that, given their structural rigidity, there is a high probability that, with any accidental contact or friction with the merchandise stored on the shelves when that merchandise is deposited or removed, the label-holder will come off the shelf, with the resulting possibility that it will break, because these label-holder configurations are quite long. Also, given their rigidity, the front of this type of label-holder where the paper label is fastened can only tilt at a single angle, which adds the further problem that when the labels have to tilt at different angles, for example, in order to compensate for the different heights of the shelves and thus make it easier for the customer or user to read them, label-holders have to be manufactured with different angles in the front, with the resulting increase in cost because different models are needed.

[0004] Other types of existing label-holders attempt to resolve these problems by separating the front band that serves to support the informative label from the rear part that is fastened to the edge of the shelving. Both parts are then connected using a neck in the label-holder in the form of a flexible element that allows the front label-holder band to move relative to the rear part anchored to the shelf. This is a way of solving the problem of the label-holder being pulled off or broken in the event of accidental contact, but the angle at which the front band of the label-holder tilts cannot be varied, which leaves the major problem of the need to manufacture different models with different tilt angles for different shelf heights.

[0005] There are also other types of label-holders that, in addition to separating the front band from the rear part with a neck in the label-holder, as in the above case, add a position anchor that emerges from the rear of that front band and that, thanks to the combination of the movement of the front band achieved with the neck and the different interlocks provided with the position anchor, makes it possible to fasten the front band in various angles with regard to the shelf. Thus, the problem of tilt angles is partially solved, but the front band continues to be fixed to the edge of the shelf, which means that there are still significant problems with accidental dismounting or breakage, in addition to the fact that there is now the problem that the accidental contact with the merchandise can also easily alter the position of the position anchor, therefore changing the tilt angle of the front band and forcing maintenance personal to correct its position frequently.

[0006] The improved label-holder configuration covered by this invention has been designed to solve the difficulties that currently exist with regard to problem of fastening informative labels to shelving. It is intended for use in shelving equipped with a dovetail edge, such as in the above cases, and consists of a single piece of variable length in which there are three clearly differentiated parts:
  • Shelf anchor: the back part that performs the function of anchoring and interlocking to the edge of the shelf using rounded lugs or flanges, staying firmly in the set position due to the intrinsic elasticity of the material of construction, at the same time serving as firm support for the other two parts through a top "T" termination.
  • Position anchor: the middle part used to anchor the label-holder in position by selectively interlocking a semi-cylindrical bottom termination into different parts provided for that purpose, staying firmly in the set position due to the intrinsic elasticity of the material of construction. This position anchor is connected to the upper horizontal end of the shelf anchor, or back part, with a flexible area formed by a neck that gives it a swinging movement with regard to that part.
  • Visor: the front part that performs the function of the label-holder band, formed by a parallel double plate with the outermost part made of transparent material. The parallel double plate is open on the top to allow the informative label to be slipped inside. The visor is also connected to the aforementioned upper horizontal end of the shelf anchor or back part with a flexible area formed by a neck emerging from the upper part of the inside plate of the visor, which gives it a swinging movement with regard to the back part and therefore also with regard to the middle part.

[0007] The back part allows firm and secure anchoring to shelving equipped with a dovetail anchor, while the position anchor makes it possible to safely select the tilt of the middle part from the vertical up to angles of approximately 45° by selectively interlocking it in different positions. The visor, or front part, rests on the front the position anchor by gravity, thus assuming approximately the same tilt angle as the front of the position anchor, but still moving freely both with regard to the both the position anchor and the shelf anchor.

[0008] The improved label-holder described here provides several advantages over the systems that are currently available due to the fact that the three component parts have movement between them provided by their flexible connections.

[0009] The most significant of these advantages is that this label-holder combines all the advantages and functions of all known types in a single piece. The back part allows firm and secure anchoring to shelving equipped with a dovetail anchor, while the middle part makes it possible to select the tilt angle of the front visor that, in turn, has independent movement from the above two parts.

[0010] Another significant advantage is that, because the visor has independent movement, even if it is accidentally struck or shifted by the materials stored on the shelving or by the users, this does not affect either the preset angle or the shelf anchor, thus avoiding the breakage or frequent alterations inherent to other configurations.

[0011] It should also be emphasized that the position anchor makes it possible to quickly and safely set the assigned position for the visor from among the various possible angles by quick interlocking of the end of the visor into the points provided for that purpose. This position can be easily changed at any time by simply varying the anchoring point.

[0012] Another advantage of this invention is that personnel can place or change the identifying labels quickly because the visor has independent movement from the other parts and can be handled comfortably, since the preset angle for the visor is not altered. When the visor is released, it always automatically returns to its resting position on the position anchor, which, in turn, is independent of the shelf anchor. This means that any operation can be done with label-holder without the need to either release it or to readjust or change the tilt angle.

[0013] Furthermore, another added advantage is that combining all the necessary functions into one configuration greatly reduces the need to manufacture and store different types of label-holders, thus allowing serial manufacturing in much greater numbers, with the resulting greater cost-effectiveness of the manufacturing process.

[0014] In order to better understand the object of this invention, the attached drawings illustrate a preferred practical implementation of an improved label-holder, showing the different positioning angles of the visor, and several alternative practical implementations of the improved label-holder.

[0015] In the drawings, Fig. 1 shows an improved label-holder with a flat visor in vertical position.

[0016] Fig. 2 shows an improved label-holder with a flat visor in intermediate tilt position.

[0017] Fig. 3 shows an improved label-holder with a flat visor in maximum tilt position.

[0018] Fig. 4 shows an alternative implementation of the improved label-holder with a visor that is curved over its entire length.

[0019] Fig. 5 shows an alternative implementation of the improved label-holder with a visor that has a curved bend that separates it into two straight lengths at different angles.

[0020] Fig. 6 shows an alternative implementation of the improved label-holder that has a visor with a straight bend that separates it into two straight lengths at different angles.

[0021] As shown in the attached drawing, in its preferred practical implementation with a straight visor, the improved label-holder covered by this invention basically consists of a single piece of variable length, preferably made of thermoplastic materials, in which there are three clearly differentiated parts:
  • Shelf anchor (1), the back part that performs the function of anchoring and interlocking to the edge of the shelving (2) using rounded lugs or flanges (3 and 4), at the same time serving as firm support for the other two parts through a top "T" termination (5).
  • Position anchor (6), the middle part intended for anchoring the label-holder in position by selectively interlocking a semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) into different parts provided for that purpose. This position anchor is connected to the upper horizontal end (5) of the shelf anchor (1), or back part, with a flexible area (8) that gives it swinging movement with regard to that part (5).
  • Visor (9), the front part that performs the function of label-holder band, made of a parallel double plate, mostly straight, with the outermost part (10) made of transparent material. The parallel double plate is open on top (11) to allow the informative label to be slipped inside. This visor (9) is also connected to the aforementioned horizontal upper end (5) of the shelf anchor (1), or back part, with a flexible area (12) formed by a neck emerging from the upper part of the inside plate of the visor (9) which gives it swinging movement with regard to the back part (1) and therefore also with regard to the middle part (6).

[0022] As we can see in Fig. 1, if the semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) of the position anchor (6) is interlocked into the lower angle of the shelf configuration (2), most of its length is approximately parallel to the shelf anchor (1), and therefore in an approximately vertical position. Consequently, the (9) visor also sits in vertical position.

[0023] In Fig. 2, we see that if the semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) of the position anchor (6) is interlocked between the bottom termination of the shelf configuration (2) and the bottom part (13) of the shelf anchor (1), in this case most of its length forms an angle with the shelf anchor (1). The visor (9) is supported on the position anchor (6) by gravity, and therefore sits at approximately the same angle as the position anchor.

[0024] Finally, in Fig. 3, we see that if the semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) of the position anchor (6) is interlocked into the bottom part (13) of the shelf anchor (1), where it fits perfectly, in this case it forms a nearly 45° angle with the shelf anchor (1). The visor (9) is supported on the position anchor (6) by gravity, and therefore sits at approximately the same angle as the position anchor.

[0025] A detailed description of the rest of the features of the system described here or the components that comprise it is voluntarily omitted because, on our part, we believe that those features are not covered by any claim.

[0026] Now that the nature of this invention has been sufficiently described, as well as four ways of putting it into practice, the only thing left to add is that the description is not restrictive, and several variations are possible, both in materials and in forms or sizes, provided such variations do not alter the essential characteristics claimed below.


1. An improved label-holder, of the type used on shelving in commercial establishments and warehouses to support and protect the labels that indicate the prices, characteristics, etc. of the products placed on that shelving, characterized in that it consists of a single piece of variable length and preferably manufactured from thermoplastic materials, made up of three differentiated parts: a shelf anchor (1), a position anchor (6) and a visor (9), interconnected with flexible areas (8) and (12) that allow independent swinging movement between them.
2. Improved label-holder as in the previous claim, characterized in that the shelf anchor (1) has rounded lugs or flanges (3 and 4) for anchoring and interlocking to the edge of the shelf (2), serving at the same time as support for the other two parts through a top "T" termination (5).
3. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that the position anchor (6) has a semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) for interlocking and is connected to the upper horizontal end (5) of the shelf anchor (1) through a flexible area (8) that gives it swinging movement with regard to that part (5).
4. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that the visor (9) is made of a parallel double plate, mostly straight, open on top (11), with the outermost part (10) made of transparent material, and is connected to the aforementioned horizontal upper end (5) of the shelf anchor (1) with a flexible area (12) that gives it swinging movement with regard to the back part (1) and therefore also with regard to the middle part (6).
5. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that the position anchor (6) can be positioned at different angles by interlocking the semi-cylindrical bottom termination (7) into the lower angle of the shelf configuration (2), between the bottom termination of the shelf configuration (2) and the bottom part (13) of the shelf anchor (1), or into the bottom part (13) of the shelf anchor (1).
6. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that the visor (9) is supported on the position anchor (6) by gravity, therefore sitting at approximately the same angle as the position anchor.
7. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that an alternative implementation of the visor is curved along its entire length, as seen in Fig. 4.
8. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that in an alternative implementation, the visor has a curved bend that separates it into two straight lengths of different angles, as seen in Fig. 5.
9. Improved label-holder as in the previous claims, characterized in that in an alternative implementation, the visor has a straight bend that separates it into two straight lengths of different angles, as seen in Fig. 6.


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