(11) EP 3 825 488 A1

published in accordance with Art. 153(4) EPC

(43) Date of publication:
26.05.2021 Bulletin 2021/21

(21) Application number: 19837083.5

(22) Date of filing: 24.06.2019
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC): 
E04B 9/00(2006.01)
E04B 9/28(2006.01)
E04C 2/32(2006.01)
E04B 9/06(2006.01)
E04C 2/00(2006.01)
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 2020/014796 (23.01.2020 Gazette 2020/04)
(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:
Designated Validation States:

(30) Priority: 19.07.2018 CL 20181963

(71) Applicant: Moser Rossel, Roberto Felipe
Santiago (CL)

(72) Inventor:
  • Moser Rossel, Roberto Felipe
    Santiago (CL)

(74) Representative: Urizar Anasagasti, Jesus Maria et al
IPAMARK, S.L. C/ Segre 27- 1°
28002 Madrid
28002 Madrid (ES)



(57) The present invention discloses a ceiling module of the rectangular type, registrable one by one, which allows the use of formats higher than the standard and in smaller thicknesses, with one face, one back and four edges, with obtuse angled corners and robust geometry, it is installed from below without exceeding the height of the standard support profile, it is supported on the profile on its four edges or sides and leaves the profile hidden. Its use is as a standard false ceiling, which hides air conditioning installations, electrical installations, fire systems, weak currents, etc., located under the slab, mostly in office buildings, being also an element of insulation and / or absorption acoustics, depending on the material used.


State of the Technique

[0001] In the constructions world, where the separation between a false ceiling tiles and the slab is used to carry the facilities of all the services that the place has such as electricity, fire systems, air conditioning systems, weak currents, etc., the removable ceiling panel is commonly used to give a flat termination to it and to have easy access to this equipment's. For its installation is used a standard profile suspension grid that hangs from the slab and is known as 15/16 profiles, in inches, or 24 mm profiles in metric system. A 61x61cm or 61x122cm grid is assembled on which the modular ceiling is installed, leaving the profiles in view. As an evolution of better aesthetic presentation, the low-edged ceiling modules were developed, where the module, as its name indicates, has a recess in its four supporting edges, which allow the panel or tile to lower more than the profile, taking away the aesthetic prominence from the profile. An even better aesthetic alternative is that of the ceiling tiles that hide the profiles, to which the present invention belongs, where the dimensions of the face of these modules are greater than the space left by the support grid. A standard 15/16 grid (24mm face), is composed of a 366 cm principal profile and 122 cm and 61 cm secondaries profile, leaves a clearance between profile edges of 586x586mm or 586x1.196mm (610-24 = 586mm or 1,220-24 = 1,196mm). Depending on the solution used, they hide the grid, leaving a gap between the modules that ranges from 1 mm to 6 mm, depending on the chosen system. The smaller the gap between de ceiling tiles, the smoother the modular ceiling is perceived as a whole.

[0002] In the market for accessible modular ceilings that hide the support profiles and leaving a small gap exposed, there are several alternatives that have the characteristic of being supported on two sides, requiring attached elements such as hooks, folded cans, clamps, etc. which act as a retention or security element when the ceiling module, due to a manipulation movement or a telluric movement, has released one of the two supports it has, so the module falls to the ground. (examples, Natura-Sky by Hunter Douglas or Vector by Armstrong). By leaning on two sides, it also has the limitation that the distance between the two support points is limited since the force of gravity, that acts on these modules in flexion and it causes them to deform due to its action. To avoid deformation, these types of ceilings are forced to have a maximum width format (between the two supported edges) of 61 cm and a minimum material thickness of 16mm for agglomerates and 18mm for mineral fiber.

[0003] A better solution to the previously described alternatives of ceilings with hidden profile is the Chilean patent 200500058 Removable Ceiling Module and patents US20060162283 and EP1690994 (Fig. 14). The fundamental characteristic of this solution is that it is supported on its four sides, where the installation is carried out using recesses or hole on the shorter sides of the module, which cut the geometry of the edge, maintaining continuity only on the face, in order to install it. This design is currently on the market and uses 12 mm medium density fiber panel as a substrate, (mdf = medium density fiber panel) that does not deform because it rests on all four sides, which works without problems since its density is the right one for the design of the edges, their resistance and the dimensions of the modules, which cannot exceed 61 cm on the shorter sides, where the installation recesses go. If you wanted to make a ceiling module with a width of 122cm, you would have to increase the length of the installation recess (Figure N ° 14) to such an extent that it compromises the effectiveness of the anti-seismic condition, since the elimination so significant (90cm from 122cm) and leaving 90 cm of the edge recess as the deformation distance of the mdf board product of gravity, which would imply the need to use a greater thickness, which implies a greater weight. Therefore, the real range where this design can be used is, at most, a medium density fiber panel ceiling module of 12 mm of 61x122cm and in the case of low-density materials, given the fragility of the figure of their edges, it can be used only where there is no need for high registrability, but the acoustic capabilities of the mineral fiber module are needed.

[0004] The ceiling module of the invention allows its dimensions to be increased without losing its safety characteristics, not deforming and also reducing the weight per square meter by requiring a smaller thickness, which for MDF can be 9 mm and for mineral fiber 12 mm or 15 mm, depending on the density of the material. In the case of materials of lower density such as mineral fiber, given the robustness of their design, they can be used in all places, regardless of your need for registrability.

Detailed Description of the Invention

[0005] The technical problem that the new hidden profile removable ceiling module solves is that it allows the use of low-density materials without registrability limitations, in formats greater than the standards and in thicknesses less than 12 mm, without losing anti-seismic safety characteristics and without deformation. It does not differentiate between widths and lengths, since its four edges have the same design at the corners. For materials such as MDF or medium density fiber panel and others similar, it allows the use of 9 mm thicknesses, which implies a significant reduction in the final weight.

[0006] The invention is a rectangular module with a face (c) that is visible from below and which has the largest dimension, four edges (3), each one composed of the recesses (3a), (3b), (3c) and (3d), and a back (d) with a dimension greater than the distance between the edges of the support profiles. Generally, this dimension is 5mm longer on each side and is where it rests (3d). This support profile (3d) has at least two recessed corners, which goes from (1) to (2), increasing the angle of these corners, being the optimum to use the four equal corners. Considering a 610x610 mm module, these recessed corners go from a right angle to an obtuse angle of 94 ° and where the length of the recess is 10 cm, distance from (1) to (2), equal in length to the recess of (1b) to (2b) corresponding to edge 3b and which is parallel to the recess of edge 3d. The length of both recesses must be the same and may vary, depending on the format of the ceiling module.

[0007] The corners of the invention make installation much more intuitive, simple and in fewer steps. The angle of the corners increases from 90 ° to 94 ° by reducing the upper support flange (3d) 3mm thick and 5mm deep (1), from a distance of 10 cm, to 0 mm deep (2). The recess describes a diagonal from 10 cm from the corner (1), where the flange has a depth of 5 mm, to the corner itself (2), where its depth decreases until it reaches 0 mm. In the corner (2) its thickness (3d) is added to the thickness of the second groove (3c), resulting in a support rectangle 7 mm thick and 6 mm deep, much more robust. The new ceiling design, in addition to the above, "hides the profiles, is installed from below without exceeding the height of the support profiles, can be accessed one by one, individually, without difficulty or deterioration and it is anti-seismic because it rests on all four sides.

[0008] The length of the corner recess makes sense from 1cm to 15cm. If the length of the module is 122cm, 15cm is justified so that its end does not move so far from the profile, for a 61cm side, a 10 cm recess is sufficient.

[0009] By increasing the dimensions of the module from 61x61 cm to 122x122 cm, the design of the corners remains unaltered, maintaining the security of its support, the simplicity of installation, using the same standard profiles and also without the need to increase its thickness.

[0010] The edges (3) of the module are made up of the recesses (3a), (3b), (3c) and (3d), which have as a restriction that, in order to be able to use separation edges of the modules of 0.5 mm or more, its registration can be done one by one, simply and independently from the rest of the sky modules. This is achieved by making the rectangle of the ceiling face (3a) have a thickness less than the sum of the rectangles in the middle of the module, (3b) + (3c), plus the thickness of the fixing profile, which is 1 mm.

[0011] The conditions that each of these recesses must meet that make up the edge are:

3a.- visible face and edge: it must have a maximum thickness that allows entering the manipulation space left by rectangles two and three minus the thickness of the profile, which in the case of mdf should be 2x17mm and for mineral fiber 15mm should be 5x17mm.

3b.- handling space: it must have a sufficient height to be able to manipulate the profile inside while the installation is being carried out, which in the case of mdf should be 2mm and for mineral fiber 15mm it should be 3mm.

3c.- spacer between profile edges: this fixing recess must have a thickness that allows the module to easily find its position contained between the edges of the space defined by the profiles, which in the case of 12 mm mdf should be 3x6mm and for the 15mm mineral fiber it should be 4x6mm.

3d.- support on the profile: it must be solid enough to support the weight of the module, which for the case of 9mm mdf should be 2x5mm and for 15mm mineral fiber it should be 3x5mm.

[0012] The modules are supported by through of a continuous inverted T-shaped grid, which is hung from the roof slab using wires or profiles designed for this function. These profiles are hung at a distance of 1220 mm from each other, separated by a profile module of the same inverted T design that is clipped with the main one, thus creating a grid of rectangles of 1220x1220 mm between axes. If, parallel to the main profiles, another secondary profile of 1220 mm is installed between both main profiles, a grid of 1220x610mm rectangles is formed. If these rectangles in turn are subdivided by means of a secondary of 610 mm, squares of 610x610mm are formed, grid of 610x610 mm. All these grids are also supported by an angled profile that surrounds the entire perimeter and is fixed to the wall containing the modular ceiling space and is called a perimeter profile. The width of the perimeter profile in its visible or lower part is 24 mm (15/16 inches). The perimeter profiles are made of galvanized and enameled steel approximately 0.8 mm thick.

[0013] The four corners (2) of the removable ceiling module of the invention allow the installation to be carried out from a turning movement with vertical displacement plus a straight diagonal adjustment. The installation and uninstallation system is part of the patent applied for.

[0014] Installation is done by inserting the profile into the recess (3b) in the corner (2a) of the module, until it touches the vertical part of the profile. This corner (2a) is moved parallel to its profile towards the corner of the grid (5), taking care that when the corner (2b) moves, the grid enters the slot (3b) of the module until it touches the vertical part of the profile. With both corners, (2a) and (2b), touching the profiles on their vertical wall, the corner (2a) of the module is moved to the corner (5) of the profile, producing a rotation of the module that will carry the corner (2b) of the module to the corner (6) of the grid. In that position the lengths (7) and (8) of the module are supported against the respective profiles, so the opposite lengths of the module are free from the profile at the level of the back, so this corner is raised above the profile level. Once this has been achieved, the module is moved diagonally in the direction of the corner (9), managing to locate the ceiling in the final position, where the module goes down, being completely supported on the back flange (3d) and leaving the four lengths at the same distance from the grid.

[0015] The module removable procedure consists of carrying out the reverse process, that is, the module is lifted leaving the rear face of the face recess (3a) touching against the profile, the module is moved diagonally towards the corner of the grid (5), up to their maximum position, that is, the lengths (7) and (8) are touching the profiles, at which point the opposite corner (9) is free to lower the level with respect to the profile, move the corner to one side that is touching the profile (2a) in parallel to the corresponding profile at the same time that the front corner (2b) also moves in parallel to its respective profile, that is, two straight movements in a perpendicular direction produce rotation and translation which finally leaves the ceiling module free, the module being removed when it is rotated about 20 degrees with respect to the grid.

[0016] If we consider a ceiling module formed only by the back (d) and the third recess or adjustment (3c), which is the one that is contained between the edges of the grid profiles, we have a recordable ceiling module of edge recessed, where the spacing recess (3c) has a thickness of 9 mm, the distance from point (1) to (2) corresponds to the recess of the support flange (3d) and that for this case does not reach 0 mm in corner, but at 2mm (4), so that it cannot be seen from below, up the corner. That is, it can be up to 0 mm as well, but it is not the most aesthetic. The installation and removal method are the same as those of the module of the invention, considering that when the profile is inserted into the largest recess (3b) for the main design of the invention, in this case the new face of the module (c1) will be left on the wing of the profile.

[0017] If we add, to a hidden profile ceiling module with a spacing recess of 9mm, to one of its edges of the face (c1) a rectangle of 5 mm thick by 25 mm long (11), we have a ceiling module of lowered edge that one of the edges is a hidden profile. This module can be defined as a hidden corridor profile ceiling module, where it is installed one after the other, covering the separation profile, leaving the last one only as a traditional lowered edge, so that the same end of lowered edge remains throughout the perimeter of the installed "corridor ceiling", which is a lowered edge and which is a hidden profile in all the separations between modules.

[0018] increasing the format of the removable ceiling module of this invention is very simple since the corners remain unchanged and only the length between them is the one that increases its dimension, which maintains its support for the entire length to be increased. This, in the case of the state-of-the-art CL200500058, is not the case since by increasing the width format, which is the one with the installation recess, the recessed section must be lengthened, since otherwise it cannot be installed. This means that if we lengthen the width up to 120 cm, so that the installation recess can work, this will be the one that must increase its length, so the support section (e) to (f) will remain unaltered. This makes the support area of these sides decrease from 50% to 25%, that is, the recess will be 91.5 cm from the 122 cm long, which will not be supported or adjusted by the profiles, which It implies a lower degree of security against manipulation and earthquakes, that is, its anti-seismic quality will be lost. In addition, as the module is 91.5 cm unsupported, with a length of 122 cm, it will be affected by the deformation caused by the force of gravity, which would lead to increase its thickness, and therefore its weight, in order to make up for it.

Brief Description of the Figures


Figure 1: represents a perspective of a corner of a module of the state of the art.

Figure 2: represents a perspective of a corner of the ceiling module of the invention, where the increase in thickness is appreciated when the first rectangle on the edge is added to the second.

Figure 3: represents the rear view of the ceiling module of the invention and the rear view of the face can be seen, which is larger than the rear, standing out in a darker tone.

Figure 4: represents the sectional view of the edge, the enumeration of the recesses and as it is located with respect to the profile.

Figure 5: represents the position with which the ceiling module of the invention begins to be installed on the standard profile suspension grid

Figure 6: represents the position of the ceiling module of the invention installed in the profiles when the translation movement is applied, with the effect of rotation.

Figure 7: represents the position of the ceiling module of the invention installed in the profiles where it is already contained in it and the movement is going to be applied diagonally towards the corner.

Figure 8: represents the final position of the ceiling, installed on the profiles, resting on the back-face support tabs.

Figure 9: represents the position of the ceiling module, after lifting it until it touches the rear part of the face of the grid and moving it diagonally towards the corner.

Figure 10: represents the position of the ceiling module, after applying the translational movement with rotation, once the corner has been lowered, leaving it in a free position to be removed.

Figure 11: represents a perspective of a lowered edge ceiling, with the recess in the corner of the supporting edge.

Figure 12: represents a perspective from below of a lowered edge ceiling with the recess in the corners up to the supporting edge.

Figure 13: represents a perspective of a lowered edge ceiling with the recess in the corners of the supporting edge, with one protruding rectangle on the face and that hides the corresponding profile.


1. Removable ceiling module of a larger format and thickness less than the standard, which is installed from below without exceeding the height of the profile and leaves the profile hidden, CHARACTERIZED because the module is rectangular in shape, with a face (c), a backside (d) and four edges (3), where each edge is composed of (3a) a front flange o rectangle , which is the plane of greatest dimension of the module and has a thickness ranging from 2 to 8 mm, (3b) an installation recess with a thickness of 2 to 5 mm and a depth with respect to the vertex of the face of 0 to 22 mm, (3c) a fixing recess with a thickness of 2 to 8 mm and a depth of 0 to 16mm with respect to the face vertex, (3d) a support flange or rectangle having a thickness of 1.5 to 6 mm with a depth with respect to the vertex of the face of 2 to 10 mm; where the support grooves (3d) have a full thickness recess, on both sides of the corners, of a length ranging from 1 to 15 cm, which begin when the difference in depth between the support groove (3d) and the fixing slot (3c) is maximum (1), until reaching the corner (2) with a difference of 0 mm and where the thicknesses of both are added, increasing its firmness.
2. Removable ceiling module, according to claim N ° 1, CHARACTERIZED in that the levels (3a) or face and the level (3b) or installation are eliminated from the module, leaving a new face (c1), smaller than the back (d) and that fulfills the function of adjustment, that is to say to fit tightly between the edges of the profiles; the back panel (d) by means of its support tabs (3d) is the one that supports the module on the grid and has a recess of the entire thickness of the support slot, with a length of 1 to 15 cm from the corner, which starts when the difference in depth between the support groove (3d) and the fixing groove (3c) is maximum (1), until it reaches 2 mm deep in the corner (4).
3. Removable ceiling module according to claims No. 1 and 2, CHARACTERIZED in that the recesses on both sides of the corners can be alternately in one, two, three or four corners.
4. Removable ceiling module according to claims No. 1, 2 and 3, CHARACTERIZED in that the recesses can be alternately on one side of the corners.
5. Removable ceiling module according to claim N ° 2, CHARACTERIZED in one of the edges of the face (11) a rectangle protrudes the entire length, with a thickness ranging from 2 mm to 7 mm, a depth ranges from 10mm to 24mm and covers the installation profile, separating it from the next module.
6. Installation procedure of the removable ceiling module of a larger format and thickness less than the standard, which is installed from below without exceeding the height of the profile and leaves the profile hidden, of claim N ° 1 CHARACTERIZED because it comprises the following steps:

a) approach the module with its face down level with respect to the rectangle of support profiles where it will be installed, rotated about 20 degrees with respect to it, so that two corners are with the profiles inserted in the third slot, the installation slot (3b), the deepest, and with the corners (2a) and (2b) as close as possible to the vertical part of the respective profiles;

b) move the corners, (2a) and (2b), fully inserted into the grid, parallel to the grid, towards the immediate corners of each of them, until both module lengths, (7) and (8), are touching the lengths of the respective profiles;

c) lift the corner opposite to which is fully inserted (9) into the grid to the level of this and move the module diagonally until the module fits through the adjustment slots (3c) between the corners of the grid, leaving the back-support grooves (3d) fully supported on the profiles.

7. Installation procedure of the removable ceiling module, according to claim N ° 6, CHARACTERIZED because since the module does not have the levels of the face (3a) and the installation recess (3b), the recess level remains set (3c) as new face (c1), this passes over the grid when the procedure refers to staying with the grid inserted in the third or installation slot (3b), since this was eliminated.
8. Procedure for uninstalling the removable ceiling module of a larger format and thickness less than the standard, which is installed from below without exceeding the height of the profile and leaves the profile hidden, of claim N ° 1, CHARACTERIZED because it comprises the same installation steps, but in the reverse order and reverse direction, that is:

a) lift the module until it touches the rear flange of the face with the face of the grid and move diagonally towards a corner of the grid (5) leaving the corner of the module (2a) fully inserted in the corner (5) inside the installation recess (3b) and both lengths of the module, (7) and (8), touching the lengths of the corresponding grid;

b) lower the opposite corner (9) from the line of the profile and move the corner that is touching the profile (2a) to a side, parallel to the corresponding profile, at the same time as the previous corner (2b) also parallel to its respective profile, but perpendicular, that is, two straight movements in a perpendicular direction that produce the rotation and translation of the module;

c) a straight movement removing the module when the module is approximately 20 degrees rotated from the grid, which finally removes it from the grid.

9. Procedure for uninstalling the removable ceiling module, according to claim N ° 8, CHARACTERIZED in that given that the module does not have the levels of the face (3a) and the installation recess (3b), the recess level remains set (3c) as new face (c1), this passes over the grid when the procedure refers to staying with the grid inserted in the third or installation slot (3b), since this was eliminated.


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Cited references


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Patent documents cited in the description