[0001] This invention relates to an electric thruster for spacecraft propulsion, the thruster
including an ionisation chamber, means for providing propellant in the chamber when
thrust is required, means for ionising the propellant in the chamber, a grid at one
end of the chamber and means for providing an electrostatic field to accelerate positive
propellant ions out of the chamber through the grid as an exhaust beam which gives
the required thrust.
[0002] Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a known electric thruster according to the
above description.
[0003] Referring now to Figure 1, propellant gas, for example xenon, is provided to a propellant
tank 1 through a fill and drain valve 2. The tank 1 feeds a plenum tank 3 with propellant
gas at reduced pressure through a solenoid operated valve 4. The plenum tank 3 is
monitored with a pressure sensor 5 and feedback control electronics 6 used to operate
the valve 4. When thrust is required a solenoid operated thruster inlet valve 7 is
opened. Approximately 90% of the propellant gas flowing from the valve 7 is supplied
into an ionisation chamber 8 through a main flow assembly inlet 9 connected to a back
plate 10 of the chamber 8. Approximately 5% of the propellant gas flowing from the
valve 7 is supplied via a first tee junction through a hollow cathode 11 into the
chamber 8 and picks up electrons which are emitted by the hollow cathode 11. These
electrons are accelerated from the region of a keeper 12 towards an anode 13 by an
electrostatic field provided between the keeper and the anode and they ionise the
propellant gas supplied from the inlet 9 by a collision process. A series of solenoids
14 (or possibly permanent magnets) provide a magnetic field which causes the electrons
to spiral between the keeper 12 and anode 13 so increasing their path length and hence
the number of collisions and the ionisation efficiency. Positive propellant ions produced
in the chamber 8 at a very low pressure,for example
3 to
-4 Torr, tend to drift towards a screen grid 15 at the front end of the chamber 8 and
an accelerator grid 16 at that end of the chamber 8 in front of the screen grid 15.
A high negative voltage applied to the accelerator grid 16 provides an electrostatic
field which accelerates positive propellant ions out of the chamber 8 through the
two grids 15 and 16 as an exhaust beam 17 which gives the required thrust. In a typical
thruster as described so far approximately 1000V is applied to the accelerator grid
16, the positive xenon ions have an exhaust velocity of approximately 30Km/s and the
thrust produced is approximately lOmN. Accelerator grid and beam supply d.c. power
supplies 20, 21 have terminals connected to the spacecraft potential VO provided by
the connection SVO to the spacecraft, to the accelerator grid l6.and to the thruster
potential VI as shown. Anode and discharge chamber keeper d.c. power supplies 22,
23 have terminals connected to the anode 13, to the keeper 12, and to the thruster
potential V1 as shown. A heater 24 for the hollow cathode 11 is also connected to
the potential V1. The supplies 20,21,22,23 and the heater 24 are controlled together
with the thruster inlet valve 7 from a central processor (not shown) and switched
on simultaneously when thrust is required
[0004] In the arrangement as described so far, the emission of the positive ion exhaust
beam would result in the thruster and spacecraft becoming electrically negatively
charged which would impair the performance of the thruster and be generally undesirable.
To overcome this problem, a separate electron emitter, known as a neutraliser, is
used to dissipate electrons and in effect produce a net neutral exhaust. The neutraliser
includes a second tee junction which supplies approximately 5% of the propellant gas
flowing from the thruster inlet valve 7 through a second hollow cathode 30 which emits
electrons to a second keeper 31. The electrons picked up by propellant gas from the
region of the keeper 31 tend to be caught up in the ion beam emitted from the chamber
8 and so effectively neutralise the ion beam to prevent the thruster and spacecraft
becoming charged. A neutraliser bias d.c.,power supply 32 has one terminal connected
to the spacecraft potential V0 and the other terminal provides a neutraliser potential
V2. The hollow cathode 30 and keeper 31 are connected to the terminals of a neutraliser
keeper d.c. power supply 33 connected to the neutraliser potential V2 and a heater
34- for the hollow cathode 30 is also connected to the neutraliser potential V2. The
neutraliser power supplies are also switched on under control of the central processor
when thrust is required.
[0005] One disadvantage of the separate neutraliser just described is the extra cost in
providing the second tee junction propellant supply, the second hollow cathode device,
and its associated heater and power supplies. Another disadvantage is that hollow
cathode electron emitters presently available are inherently rather unreliable devices
due to, for example, the use of a heater which could fail and contamination problems.
The use of the first hollow cathode device 11, 12 is at present required as part of
the preferred means for producing ionisation in the chamber 8,but tne increased risk
in using the second hollow cathode device is undesirable for spacecraft where reliability
is a prime factor.
[0006] An object of the invention is substantially to overcome the disadvantages just described.
[0007] According to the invention there is provided an electric thruster for spacecraft
propulsion, the thruster including an ionisation chamber, means for providing propellant
in the chamber when thrust is required, means for ionising the propellant in the chamber,
a grid at one end of the chamber and means for providing an electrostatic field to
accelerate positive propellant ions out of the chamber through the grid as an exhaust
beam which gives the required thrust, characterised in that said means for providing
an electrostatic field comprises an alternating voltage supply connected to the grid
such that positive propellant ions and negatively charged particles are alternately
accelerated out of the chamber through the grid to provide an exhaust beam having
a predetermined net electrical charge.
[0008] The invention will now be described in more detail will reference to the accompanying
drawings, in which:
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a known electric thruster as has been described
Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of the thruster of Figure 1 modified in accordance
with the invention, and
Figure 3 shows a diagram of the voltage waveform applied to the accelerator grid of
the thruster of Figure 2.
[0009] Referring now to Figures 1 to 3, where the same reference numerals are used in Figure
2 as in Figure 1 this indicates that the same component parts are present and operate
in the same manner. The separate neutraliser of the thruster of Figure 1, that is
to say the second tee junction for propellant gas, the second hollow cathode electron
emitter 30 and keeper 31 and the associated power supplies 32, 33 and heater 34 are
entirely eliminated in the thruster of Figure 2. The d.c. accelerator grid power supply
20 of the thruster of Figure 1 is replaced by an alternating voltage power supply
201 in the thruster of Figure 2 such that positive propellant ions and electrons are
alternately accelerated out of the chamber 8 through the grids 15, 16 to provide an
exhaust beam from the chamber having a predetermined net electrical charge. It may
also be desirable to isolate the screen grid 15 and provide it with a separate alternating
voltage power supply, but this will depend upon the individual thruster parameters
including the type of propellant used.
[0010] To produce a neutral exhaust beam, that is to say one in which the predetermined
net electrical charge of the exhaust beam is zero, the amount of charge contained
in the alternating negative and positive sections of the exhaust beam must be equal.
Because the electrons are much lighter and more abundant in the ionisation chamber
8 than the positive propellant ions, much shorter electron accelerating periods and
much smaller electron accelerating voltages are required than the equivalent positive
propellant ion accelerating parameters. As a result a waveform of the type shown in
Figure 3 is required to be supplied to the accelerating grid 16 by the alternating
voltage power supply 201. The normal convention is to consider zero potential as that
which exists an infinite distance downstream of the exhaust beam, but it is adequate
to consider the abscissa axis of Figure 3 representing time to intersect the ordinate
axis at the spacecraft potential VO. The values of the positive propellant ion and
electron accelerating grid voltages V3 and V4 are dependent on the type of propellant,
and thruster design, and are therefore well defined for any particular thruster. The
periods tl and t2 for which positive propellant ions and electrons respectively are
accelerated are less well defined but again depend upon the thruster design. In a
typical example with a xenon gas propellant, V3 and V4 are -1000V and +5V respectively,
and tl is equal to 98% of the waveform period T.
[0011] Spacecraft tend to become electrically charged for a variety of environmental reasons
other than that related to the thruster as described above and this is undesirable.
Since a system is normally fitted for measuring spacecraft potential it is envisaged
that this system can be linked with means for varying the ratio of tl to t2 so that
the exhaust beam of the thruster may have a net positive or negative electrical charge
which balances these other spacecraft charging effects and maintains a spacecraft
zero potential.
[0012] It has been suggested that molecular compounds may be used as the propellant in the
type of electric thruster to which this invention relates, that is to say as described
in the first paragraph of this specification. In this case negatively charged particles
will be produced in the form of negative ions in the ionisation chamber. It is envisaged
that this invention is applicable to such use of molecular compound propellants so
that positive propellant ions and negatively charged particles are alternately accelerated
out of the ionisation chamber to provide an exhaust beam having a predetermined net
electrical charge.
1. An electric thruster for spacecraft propulsion, the thruster including an ionisation
chamber (8), means (7, 9) for providing propellant in the chamber (8) when thrust
is required, means (11, 12, 13) for ionising the propellant in the chamber (8), a
grid (16) at one end of the chamber (8) and means for providing an electrostatic field
to accelerate positive propellant ions out of the chamber (8) through the grid (16)
as an exhaust beam which gives the required thrust, characterised in that said means
for providing an electrostatic field comprises an alternating voltage supply (201)
connected to the grid (16) such that positive propellant ions and negatively charged
particles are alternately accelerated out of the chamber (8) through the grid (16)
to provide an exhaust beam having a predetermined net electrical charge.
2. An electric thruster as claimed in Claim 1, in which the predetermined net electrical
charge of the exhaust beam is zero.
3. An electric thruster as claimed in Claim 1 or Claim 2, in which the means (7,9)
for providing propellant in the chamber includes an inlet (9) for supplying a gaseous
element propellant into the chamber (8) and in which the negatively charged particles
exhausted from the chamber are electrons.