(19) |
(11) |
EP 0 062 986 B1 |
(12) |
(45) |
Mention of the grant of the patent: |
25.09.1985 Bulletin 1985/39 |
(22) |
Date of filing: 24.03.1982 |
(54) |
Lance for repairing refining vessel
Lanze zum Ausbessern von Frischgefässen
Lance pour réparer des récipients d'affinage
(84) |
Designated Contracting States: |
(30) |
Priority: |
06.04.1981 JP 51391/81 06.04.1981 JP 51392/81
(43) |
Date of publication of application: |
20.10.1982 Bulletin 1982/42 |
(71) |
Chuo-Ku, Kobe-City Hyogo 651 (JP) |
(72) |
Inventors: |
- Hiramatsu, Teruo
Chiba City (JP)
- Tanaka, Teifi
Chiba Pref. (JP)
- Tanno, Eiichi
Chiba Pref. (JP)
- Nagamine, Tsuneo
Chiba Pref. (JP)
- Morimoto, Tadashi
Chiba City (JP)
- Tsukamoto, Masaaki
Chiba City (JP)
(74) |
Representative: Overbury, Richard Douglas et al |
Haseltine Lake & Co.,
Imperial House,
15-19 Kingsway London WC2B 6UD London WC2B 6UD (GB) |
Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European
patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to
the European patent
granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall
not be deemed to
have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent
[0001] This invention relates to a spray lance for a flame gunning device for repairing
partially damaged portions of the refractory linings of refining vessels such as converters
for steel making and more particularly, but not exclusively, it is concerned with
a lance for spraying melted or sintering or semisolid refractory material against
the walls of vessels such as steel making converters and for removing accumulated
adhering substances from the bottoms of furnaces.
[0002] A method of repairing partially damaged portions of the refractory lining of refining
vessels such as steel making converters is disclosed in United States patent No. 3,883,078.
In this method pulverized refractory repairing material, pulverized solid fuel and
oxygen are sprayed through a nozzle at the front end of a lance against the surface
of the furnace wall of the refining vessel at a high temperature, for example, 1,350-1,500°C,
immediately after delivery or removal of the molten steel from the furnace so that
the damaged or consumed portion of the refractory lining is coated with the melted
or semisolid refractory repairing material produced from the pulverized refractory
repairing material by fuel combustion whereby the refractory repairing material becomes
joined to the lining refractory.
[0003] The equipment used, in this gunning method, is shown in Figure 1 of the accompanying
drawings. The equipment includes a spray lance having one end rotatably supported
on a movable trolley 3. The other end 1 is curved and has affixed thereto a nozzle
2 extending in a radial direction with respect to the lance axis. With this arrangement,
as only one nozzle 2 is used to repair the cylindrical wall of the refining vessel,
the lance is required to have the curved end 1. Such a conventional spray lance is
suitable only for repairing a lining partially or locally and requires much time if
it is used for repairing a wider area.
[0004] In Stahl and Eisen, Vol. 100, No. 3, pages 125 to 126, H. Sperl discusses the flame
gunning method and discloses the use of a lance having a plurality of nozzles radially
directed with respect to the lance axis.
[0005] It is an object of the invention to provide an improved lance which eliminates the
disadvantages of the prior art.
[0006] According to the present invention there is provided a lance for repairing the wall
of a refining vessel by flame gunning said lance including (a) multiple concentric
tubes forming a passage for repairing material to be sprayed and a passage for a combustion
supporting gas and (b) at least one nozzle provided on the cylindrical surface of
the lance and consisting of two concentric pipes communicating with said passages
respectively characterised in that said nozzle is forwardly inclined at an angle to
the longitudinal axis of the lance.
[0007] In a particularly preferred embodiment, the lance includes a plurality of nozzles
extending in various directions. The nozzles may, for example, be provided along a
generator of the cylindrical surface or in pairs at diametrically opposed positions.
Preferably the nozzles are selectively closable by means of plugs so as to be able
to freely adjust the delivery amount, range and direction of the repairing material
and the gas to effectively repair refractory walls in the most preferable condition.
[0008] In a further embodiment, the front end of the lance is such that combustion supporting
gas only is emitted for the purpose of removing adherent substances accumulated on
the bottom of the furnace.
[0009] For a better understanding of the invention and to show how the same may be carried
out, reference will now be made, by way of example, to the accompanying drawings in
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of the conventional flame gunning device and lance as
above mentioned;
Fig. 2 is a schematic sectional view of an embodiment of a lance according to the
invention; and
Fig. 3 is a schematic sectional view of another embodiment of a lance according to
the invention.
[0010] Referring to Fig. 2 illustrating one embodiment of a lance according to the invention,
the lance 12 consists of four concentric tubes forming four passages 18, 19, 20 and
21. The central flow passage 18 is for powdered refractory repairing material (e.g.
MgO and carbon powder) together with a carrier gas (N
2), the annular flow passage 19 surrounding the central flow passage 18 is for a combustion
supporting gas (e.g. a gas including more than 50% oxygen), and the two outer annular
passages 20 and 21 which communicate with each other and surround the passages 18
and 19 are for feeding and returning cooling water. As an alternative, the central
passage 18 may be used for the combustion supporting gas, and the annular passage
19 may be used for the repairing material.
[0011] The lance 12 includes a plurality of nozzles 16. These are located on the outer cylindrical
surface and the front end of the lance and each nozzle 16 communicates with the central
passage 18 and the annular passage 19. Each nozzle 16 consists of an inner nozzle
pipe 16a communicating with the central passage 18 and an outer nozzle pipe 16b concentric
with the inner nozzle pipe 16a and communicating with the annular passage 19. The
nozzles 16 on the cylindrical surface of the lance are inclined forwardly at an angle
to the longitudinal axis 1 of the lance and the nozzle at the front end of the lance
extends in the axial direction. The inclination of the nozzles on the cylindrical
surface is advantageous from the point of view of the resistance to the flow of the
[0012] The lance 12 may be provided, on its cylindrical surface, with only one nozzle 16
or a plurulity of nozzles 16 as the case may be. Such a plurality of nozzles 16 is
preferably arranged along at least one generator of the cylindrical lance. A lance
having thus arranged nozzles is advantageous for repairing wider areas of a wall at
a time and, when some of the nozzles have been plugged, can also be used for local
or partial repairing of the wall. The use of plugs for some of the nozzles allows
control of the direction of spraying and of the amount of combustion supporting gas
and repairing material sprayed. In this way repairs can be effected appropriate to
the position and the degree of damage without any superfluous effort.
[0013] Fig. 3 illustrates a further embodiment of the invention, wherein the lance 12 includes
a furnace bottom cleaning device for removing adhesive substances from the furnace
bottom. These adhesive substances decrease the volume of the furnace and arise as
a consequence of insufficient slag removal in, for example an upper blow converter
or the like requiring agitation gas to be blown into the converter through the furnace
bottom. In order to effect the cleaning operation, a nozzle 16 is not provided at
the front end of the lance. On the contrary, the front end of the passage 18 for the
repairing material is closed at 24 to form a cleaning opening 23 extending in the
axial direction of the lance and communicating with the annular passage 19 for the
combustion supporting gas. With this arrangement, when the lance is inserted into
the converter, the cleaning opening 23 is in opposition in the furnace bottom, so
that a part of the combustion supporting gas which is introduced contacts the high
temperature adhesive substances on the furnace bottom and causes the same to melt
so as to ensure the cleaning of the bottom. As an alternative, if the central passage
18 is used for the combustion supporting gas, the cleaning opening 23 is arranged
at a location corresponding to the central passage 18.
[0014] As can be seen from the above explanation, the lance according to the invention can
effectively perform controlled repairs to the linings of furnaces to bring good results
in life, cost and rate of operation of the furnaces. In addition, the lance according
to the invention has a remarkable advantage when hot repairing a refining furnace
in that not only is it capable of repairing wider areas of the furnace wall at a time
but also it is simultaneously capable of cleaning the furnace bottom.
[0015] While the invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to preferred
embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the foregoing
and other changes in form and details can be made therein without departing from the
spirit and scope of the invention.
1. A lance for repairing the wall of a refining vessel by flame gunning said lance
including (a) multiple concentric tubes forming a passage for repairing material to
be sprayed and a passage for a combustion supporting gas and (b) at least one nozzle
provided on the cylindrical surface of the lance and consisting of two concentric
pipes communicating with said passages respectively characterised in that said nozzle
is forwardly inclined at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the lance.
2. A lance as claimed in claim 1, wherein a plurality of said nozzles is provided
along a generator of the cylindrical surface of the lance.
3. A lance as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein a plurality of said nozzles is provided,
pairs of said nozzles being provided on the cylindrical surface of the lance at diametrically
opposed positions.
4. A lance as claimed in any one of the preceding claims and including a plurality
of nozzles wherein a plug is fitted into at least one nozzle so as to close it.
5. A lance as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein there are four of
said concentric tubes, the two inner tubes being for the repairing material and the
gas and two outer tubes being for feeding and returning a cooling medium.
6. A lance as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 5 wherein additionally a nozzle is
provided at the front end of the lance.
7. A lance as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 5 wherein the front end of the lance
is such as to allow egress, in an axial direction, of said gas only without said repairing
1. Eine Lanze zum Ausbessern der Wandung eines Frischgefäßes durch Flammenschießen,
wobei besagte Lanze (a) eine Vielzahl konzentrischer Rohre, die eine Passage für das
Ausbesserungsmaterial, das eingesprüht werden soll, und eine Passage für ein verbrennungspeisendes
Gas bilden, und (b) zumindest eine Düse, die an der zylindrischen Oberfläche der Lanze
vorgesehen ist und aus zwei konzentrischen Kanälen besteht, die mit,besagten Passagen
kommunizieren, aufweist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß besagte Düse in einem Winkel
zur Längsachse der Lanze nach vor geneigt ist.
2. Eine Lanze gemäß Anspruch 1, bei der eine Mehrzahl von besagten Düsen entlang einer
Erzeugenden der zylindrischen Oberfläche der Lanze vorgesehen ist.
3. Eine Lanze gemäß dem Anspruch 1 oder 2, bei der eine Mehrzahl von besagten Düsen
vorgesehen ist, wobei Paare von besagten Düsen an der zylindrischen Oberfläche der
Lanze an genau entgegengesetzt liegenden Positionen vorgesehen sind.
4. Eine Lanze gemäß einem der vorhergehenden Ansprüche und eine Mehrzahl von Düsen
aufweisend, bei der ein Stöpsel in zumindest eine Düse eingepaßt ist, um sie so zu
5. Eine Lanze gemäß einem der vorhergehenden Ansprüche, bei der vier von besagten
konzentrischen Rohren vorhanden sind, wobei die zwei inneren Rohre für das Ausbesserungsmaterial
und das Gas und zwei äußere Rohre für das Anspeisen und Zurückführen eines kühlenden
Mediums bestimmt sind.
6. Eine Lanze gemäß einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 5, bei der zusätzlich eine Düse am Frontende
der Lanze vorgesehen ist.
7. Eine Lanze gemäß einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 5, bei der das Frontende der Lanze derartig
ist, um ein Austreten von besagtem Gas, in einer axialen Richtung, nur ohne besagtes
Ausbesserungsmaterial zu erlauben.
1. Une lance pour réparer la paroi d'un récipient d'affinage par projection à la flamme,
cette lance comprenant (a) plusieurs tubes concentriques délimitant un passage pour
le matériau de réparation destiné à être pulvérisé et un passage pour le gaz assurant
la combustion et (b) au moins un ajutage ménagé sur la surface cylindrique de la lance
et constitué par deux tubes concentriques communiquant chacun avec un passage, caractérisé
en ce que cet ajutage est incliné vers l'avant en faisant un angle avec l'axe longitudinal
de la lance.
2. Une lance selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle plusieurs ajutages sont disposés
le long d'une génératrice de la surface cylindrique de la lance.
3. Une lance selon l'une des revendications 1 ou 2, dans laquelle il est prévu plusieurs
desdits ajutages, des couples de ces ajutages étant disposés à des positions diamétralement
opposées sur la surface cylindrique de la lance.
4. Une lance selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes et comportant plusieurs
ajutages dans laquelle on introduit un bouchon dans au moins un ajutage pour le fermer.
5. Une lance telle que revendiquée dans l'une des revendications précédentes, dans
laquelle il est prévu quatre tubes concentriques, les deux tubes intérieurs étant
destinés au matériau de réparation et au gaz et les deux tubes extérieurs étant destinés
à l'amenée et à l'évacuation d'un milieu de réfrigération.
6. Une lance telle que revendiquée dans l'une des revendications 1 à 5, dans laquelle
de plus un ajutage est prévue à l'extrémité avant de la lance.
7. Une lance telle que revendiquée dans l'une quelconque des revendications 1 à 5,
dans laquelle l'extrémité avant de la lance est conçue de manière à ne permettre la
sortie dans le sens axial que du gaz sans le matériau de réparation.