(11) EP 0 250 321 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
04.09.1991 Bulletin 1991/36

(21) Application number: 87401365.9

(22) Date of filing: 17.06.1987
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)5A44C 11/00


Ornamental article


Article ornemental

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 17.06.1986 JP 141165/86

(43) Date of publication of application:
23.12.1987 Bulletin 1987/52

(73) Proprietor: Yoda, Mitsuhiro
Kokubunji-shi Tokyo (JP)

(72) Inventor:
  • Yoda, Mitsuhiro
    Kokubunji-shi Tokyo (JP)

(74) Representative: Sauvage, Renée et al
Cabinet Sauvage 100 bis, avenue de Saint-Mandé
75012 Paris
75012 Paris (FR)

(56) References cited: : 
DE-A- 3 319 163
JP-U-57 060 341
US-A- 1 711 848
GB-A- 236 866
US-A- 1 522 297
US-A- 3 685 284
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present invention relates to an ornamental article comprising a multiplicity of gem objects interconnected by a string passing through holes defined in the gem objects. The present invention is applicable to annular ornamental articles such as a necklace, a pendant, a bracelet, a hair band, a string of beads, an anklet ring, and the like.

    [0002] The term "gem objects" used throughout the specification means precious stones, semiprecious stones, pearls, pieces of coral, amber, tortoise shell, and ivory, synthetic stones, imitation stones, and precious metals.

    [0003] The gem objects, when finished, are generally of a spherical shape or in the form of a particulate body or small mass having a spherical surface.

    [0004] FIG. l5 of the accompanying drawings illustrates three spherical gem objects la, lb, lc having respective through holes through which a string 2 passes. Each of the gem objects has a radius r. The length L of the string 2 which is inserted in the three gem objects is therefore equal to 6r.

    [0005] These strung gem objects are generally used as a necklace, for example, in an annular or arcuate form and worn by the user. When in use, the string 2 is subjected to a strong tensile force.

    [0006] FIG. l6 shows the manner in which the three strung gem objects are used in an arcuate form. It is empirically known that the maximum angle α through which adjacent two of the strung gem objects are angularly displaced, or the string is bent, when the chain of the gem objects flexes, is 45 degrees. This requires manufacturers of ornamental articles to thread the gem objects on the string so that they can withstand damaging stresses even when two adjacent gem objects are angularly displaced through 45 degrees. Stated otherwise, the strung gem objects are practically usable sufficiently if they can withstand stresses arising from bending through 45 degrees. However, there are some technical difficulties in meeting the above requirement.

    [0007] More specifically, unless the string 2 is tensioned to an appropriate extent under the condition of FIG. l5, there are gaps formed between the gem objects la, lb, lc, making the overall chain unsightly and lowering its commercial value.

    [0008] If the string 2 is kept under suitable tension in FIG. l5, the string 2 tends to be excessively tensioned and at times cut off or elongated when bent as shown in FIG. l6. The unduly tensioned string 2 imposes localized forces on ends of the hole of the gem object, with the result that the ends of the hole of the gem object are highly likely to be damaged especially when the gem objects are easily damageable pieces such as pearls. Therefore, the procedure for threading gem objects requires much skill on the part of the worker who assembles chains of gem objects. Furthermore, the string used is limited in terms of material and performace. Even if a chain of gem objects is assembled with the required degree of skill and a desired string, the string is still apt to rupture when the chain of gem objects is strongly bent over or caused to flex.

    [0009] As disclosed in Japanese Utility Model Publication No. 57(l982)-6034l, there is known an ornamental article design in which an elastomeric spacer is placed as a spring member between two adjacent gem objects. With this conventional arrangement, when the chain of interconnected gem objects is bent over, the string on which the gem objects are threaded is excessively tensioned, and tends to be cut off or elongated. The gem objects are also prone to damage since undue localized forces are imposed on ends of the holes in the gem objects. More specifically, as shown in FIG. l7, two spherical gem objects la, lb each of a radius r are interconnected by a string 2 with a flat spacer 9 of a thickness s being interposed between the gem objects la, lb. While the string 2 remains straight as indicated by the solid line, the distance L between the centers of the two gem stones la, lb is expressed by L = 2r + s. When the string 2 is bent over as indicated by the dot-and-dash line, the distance Lʹ between the centers of the gem stones la, lb is expressed by Lʹ = 2r + s + 2ℓʹ, which is greater than the distance L by 2ℓʹ. As a consequence, the string 2 is pulled under a force commensurate with 2ℓʹ, and the reactive force produced by the string 2 acts on the gem objects.

    [0010] Some strung gem objects have conventionally been threaded on stretchable strings. FIGS. l8 through 2l show a conventional process of stringing a series of gem objects 42 and securing them to a stretchable string 4l. As shown in FIG. l8, a string 4l is threaded successively through holes 43 of the gem objects, and the end 4la of the string 4l is passed through a ring 44 and then folded back. The string 4l is firmly joined to the ring 44 by a knot 45, and passed successively through the gem objects 42 backwards while under strong tension. Each time the string 4l is passed through one gem object 42, a knot 46 is formed on the string 4l to keep the gem object 42 in position on the tensioned string 4l, as shown in FIGS. l9 through 2l. The string 4l is knotted in this manner until all of the gem objects 42 are securely fastened in place. Therefore, the gem objects 42 are strung by and fixed in place on two strings.

    [0011] It is also known to use a nonstretchable string such as a metal wire for strining gem objects, as disclosed in Japanese Utility Model Publication No. 57(l982)-6034l.

    [0012] When selling a string of ornamental gem objects, it is customary to adjust the length of the string according to the preference of the customer and to meet the customer's physical requirements. Where a stretachable string is employed, it is highly tedious and time-consuming for even a skilled worker to insert two strings through gem objects, and make firm knots between the gem objects to fasten them on the string.

    [0013] Since the gem objects are fixed in place by the knots of the tensioned string, the string tends to be elongated during usage and with time, leaving gaps between the gem objects, which are then loosened and become unsightly. As a stretchable string or a metal wire is inserted successively through gem objects, the tip end of the string or wire is apt to be frayed and the frayed string or wire would not be threaded easily through the gem objects. It would be impossible to mechanically thread a string through a succession of gem objects. Even after the gem objects have been strung, the tip end of the string tends to be frayed, and the frayed string end may be responsible for loosening of the gem objects and is poor in appearance.

    [0014] It therefore poses problems for a jeweler to make finished strung products prior to sale. It is general practice for the seller to string gem objects after they have been ordered, and deliver them to the purchaser at least two or three hours later or usually on the next day. This practice is however disadvantageous from the standpoint of consumer protection in that the purchaser cannot obtain her selected goods upon purchase, and is forced to wonder whether the very goods her ordered will be delivered or not.

    [0015] Since gem objects are threaded on two strings, the product may be not so graceful and smooth as it should be, and its movement may be somewhat sluggish.

    [0016] Where a metal wire is employed to string gem objects, the open ends of the through holes of the gem objects are worn by the metal wire as they rotated during usage over a long period of time. The worn gem objects are quite unsightly, and, above all, it is intolerable to the consumers to find their expensive gem objects damaged.

    [0017] It is an object of the present invention to provide a ornamental article of strung gem objects which can easily and quickly be threaded on and fixed to a string by anyone.

    [0018] Another object of the present invention is to provide an ornamental article of strung gem objects which is so designed that no excessive tensile forces will be applied to the string even when the article is strongly bent over, for protection of the string and the gem objects against damage.

    [0019] Still another object of the present invention to provide an ornamental article of strung gem objects which can be adjusted in length even after it is completed.

    [0020] A further object of the present invention is to provide an arnamental article of strung gem objects which are prevented from being loosened, has its string end prevented from being frayed, and prevents the through holes of the gem objects from being worn during usage over an extended period of time, so that the ornamental article will be kept graceful and smooth over a long period of time.

    [0021] According to the present invention, the above object can be achieved by an ornamental article comprising a plurality of gem objects each having a spherical surface and a through hole extending substantially perpendicularly to the spherical surface, a string threaded through the gem objects to interconnect them, and a plurality of spacers of an elastomeric material interposed between adjacent ones of the gem objects and having through holes through which the string extends, the spherical surface of each of the adjacent gem objects having a radius of curvature of r, the thicker central portion having a thickness of at most 0.15r, each spacer having a diameter of at most 0.77r.

    [0022] The above and further objects, details and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of preferred embodiments thereof, when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.

    FIG. l is a schematic view of an ornamental article according to an embodiment of the present invention;

    FIGS. 2 through 6 are schematic views of ornamental articles according to other embodiments of the present invention;

    FIG. 7 is a schematic view illustrative of the principles of the present invention;

    FIG. 8 is a perspective view, partly omitted from illustration and partly in cross section, of an ornamental article according to still another embodiment of the present invention;

    FIG. 9 is a perspective view, partly omitted from illustration, of an ornamental article with accent rings interposed between gem objects;

    FIG. l0A is a fragmentary view showing a pendant coupled to an annular member interposed between two adjacent strung gem objects;

    FIG. l0B is a fragmentary view showing a brooch coupled to an annular member interposed between two adjacent strung gem objects;

    FIG. l0C is a fragmentary view showing an earwire attached to an annular member interposed between two adjacent strung gem objects;

    FIG. l0D is a fragmentary view showing a brooch coupled directly to a string of gem objects;

    FIG. l0E is a fragmentary view showing an ornamental object coupled directly to a string of gem objects;

    FIGS. ll through l4 are views showing a process of making a string of gem objects according to the present invention;

    FIGS. l5 and l6 are schematic views explanatory of problems associated with a conventional ornamental article;

    FIG. 17 is a schematic view explanatory of problems of another conventional ornamental article; and

    FIGS. 18 through 21 show a conventional process of stringing gem objects.

    [0023] FIG. 7 shows the principles of the present invention. Two small spherical gem objects 1d, 1e each having a radius r are angularly displaced so that the through holes in the gem objects 1d, 1e have their central axes 1d-1, 1e-1 intersecting at 45 degrees. The through holes have exit ends A, B, respectively. The gem objects 1d, 1e are held in contact with each other at a point C.

    [0024] A perpendicular from the point C to a line AB has a foot H. At this time, AB = 0.15r and CH = 0.385r.

    [0025] Where a thin abacus-bead-shaped member is interposed between the gem objects 1d, 1e as a spacer between the points A, B, the spacer would prevent the strung ornamental article from flexing unless the spacer had a thickness of 0.15r or smaller and a diameter of 0.77r.

    [0026] The string threaded through the gem objects 1d, 1e can be kept at constant tension without preventing the strung ornamental article from flexing, by placing, between the gem objects 1d, 1e, an elastomeric thin abacus-bead-shaped spacer having a thickness of 0.15r or smaller and a diameter of 0.77r or smaller.

    [0027] FIG. 1 shows an ornamental article according to an embodiment of the present invention. The ornamental article has a multiplicity of spherical gem objects threaded on a string 2. Only adjacent two 1a, 1b out of the strung gem objects are illustrated in FIG. 1, the gem objects 1a, 1b each having a radius r. A thin abacus-bead-shaped spacer 3 made of rubber is interposed between the gem objects 1a, 1b and threaded on the string 2. The spacer 3 has a maximum thickness of 0.15r and a diameter of 0.77r or less. Assuming that each of the gem objects 1a, 1b has a diameter R, the diameter of the spacer 3 is 0.77r or smaller. However, it is preferable that the radius of the spacer 3 be 0.15r or less to make the spacer 3 less conspicuous. The spacer 3 is required to be thicker in its central portion and a thinner in its outer circumferential edge.

    [0028] With the ornamental article thus constructed as shown in FIG. 1, the spacer 3 serves to keep the string 2 under substantially constant tension without preventing the ornamental article from flexing even when the gem objects 1a, 1b are angularly displaced or bent as indicated by the imaginary lines.

    [0029] Where the outer profile of the spacer is defined by straight lines AC, BC in FIG. 9, it physically interferes with arcs AC, BC. By constructing the spacer 3 of rubber, however, such physical interference can be absorbed by elastic deformation and displacement of the spacer 3.

    [0030] FIG. 2 shows another embodiment of the present invention. A spacer 4 interposed between the gem objects 1a, 1b has its circumferential edge cut off or chamferred. The spacer 4 has a central hole with its open ends enlarged for facilitating the threading of the string therethrough.

    [0031] According to still another embodimement shown in FIG. 3, two spacers 5 are placed side by side between the gem objects 1a, 1b. The combined thickness of the two spacers 5 is selected to be 0.15r or less.

    [0032] FIG. 4 illustrates an ornamental article according to a still further embodiment of the present invention. A spacer 6 interposed between the gem objects 1a, 1b is shaped like a double-convex lens.

    [0033] FIG. 5 shows a modification of the ornamental article of FIG. 4. A spacer 7 is constructed of a combination of conical and frustoconical layers having an outer profile inscribed in a reference surface 6' (indicated by the imaginary lines) of a double-convex-lens form. The outer circumferential edged of the spacer 7 may be cut off or chamferred as indicated by the dotted lines 7ʹ.

    [0034] Where the two gem objects between which a spacer is to be interposed have difference radii, no practical problems would arise by calculating the dimensions of the spacer based on the arithmetic mean of the radii of the gem objects.

    [0035] According to still another embodiment shown in FIG. 6, gem objects lf, lg are substantially cylindrical in shape and have respective end surfaces lf-l, lg-l which are near-plane spherical surfaces (their radii of curvature are quite large). The gem objects lf, lg have respective through holes lf-2, lg-2 through which a string is inserted, the holes lf-2, lg-2 extending substantially perpendicularly to the spherical surfaces lf-l, lg-l. A spacer 8 interposed between the gem objects lf, lg is of a double-convex shape with its outer circumferential edge chamferred.

    [0036] The ratio of the number of spacers to the number of gem objects, and the positions where the spacers are placed may be varied to enable the spacers to function properly.

    [0037] With the arrangement of the present invention, gem objects can easily be threaded on a string without requiring much skill on the part of the worker. Even when the strung ornamental article is caused to flex, the string is kept under substantially constant tension without the danger of getting broken, elongated, or loosened. Since the string is prevented from being cut off, elongated, or loosened, undesirable accidents are reduced during use or in sale. Therefore, the ornamental article of the invention is highly effective for greater consumer protection and smoother distribution in the gem market. Inasmuch as the string is not subjected to strong tensile forces, a range of strings that can be used is widened, i.e., more and less stretchable strings can be employed. In the absense of undue tensile forces on the string, the strung gem objects are of higher durability as they are free of damage which would otherwise arise from undue tension of the string.

    [0038] FIG. 8 shows an ornamental article according to still another embodiment of the present invention. The ornamental article, generally denoted by the reference numeral 10, includes a nonstretchable string 11 threaded through gem objects 12. The string 11 is in the form of a metal wire of steel (for example, of SAS 304 or SAS 316) coated with synthetic resin such as vinyl, nylon, Teflon, or the like or natural resin such as lacquer, or inserted through a slender tube made of any of these resins. Instead of the steel wire, a silk thread or a non-stretchable thread may be used and coated with any of the above resins. The string 1 may be colored to match the color of the gem objects 12.

    [0039] The gem objects 12 are of a spherical shape such as pearls, for example, and have diametrical through holes 13 extending substantially perpendicularly to the spherical surface of the gem objects 12, which are interconnected by the string 11 inserted through the holes 13.

    [0040] An O-ring-shaped or annular spacer 14 made of an elastomeric material such as silicone rubber is interposed between two adjacent gem objects 12 and threaded on the string 11. The spacer 14 has a maximum thickness of 0.15r and a diameter of 0.77r.

    [0041] In the illustrated embodiment of FIG. 8, the spacer 14 is disposed in each space between two adjacent gem objects 12. However, the spacer 14 may be constructed of larger and smaller spacer members, and may be interposed between gem objects of different diameters or different shapes. A spherical spacer having a radius of 0.15r or less may be interposed between two adjacent gem objects 12.

    [0042] The opposite ends of the string 11 are folded back to form rings 11a and tubular clamps 15 of synthetic resin are fitted respectively over folded back portions llc. The tubular clamps l5 are fixed by fusing or bonding to an intermediate portion of the string ll adjacent to the rings lla. Alternatively, the clamps l5 of synthetic resin may be dispensed with, and the resin on the string ll may be fused or bonded to fix the folded back portion of the string ll to the intermediate portion thereof. Although the tubular clamps l5 are shown as being fixed to the folded string portions, the clamps l5 are actually concealed from view as they are positioned in through holes l3 of the endmost gem objects l2 during usage of the ornamental article l0. The clamps l5 may be of metal rather than synthetic resin, and may be fixed in place by staking which may preferably be followed by bonding for increased strength. To prevent the clamps l5 from becoming loose in use, one or two knots may be formed on the string ll at the folded-back ends thereof. If a conventional string or a metal wire were employed in this case, it should be knotted firmly as it is slippery. Since the string ll of the invention is coated, the coated surfaces are brought into intimated contact with each other even when the string ll is lightly knotted, and the string ll remains firmly knotted. The string ll can easily be unknotted because it is lightly knotted.

    [0043] The ring lla on the end of the string ll is coupled via a C ring l6 to a ring l7a or directly to a ring l7a integrally formed with a clasp member l7b, which may be connected to a companion clasp member l7c coupled to the other ring l7a.

    [0044] The gem objects l2 can easily and quickly be placed on the string ll simply by threading the string ll through the gem objects l2 alternating with the spacers l4. The assembling process is highly efficient and can be carried out by an unskilled worker. Since the string ll is protected by the resin coating, its end is not frayed during the threading operation and also usage, and the string ll can smoothly be threaded successively through the gem objects l2 and the spacers l4 while the string ll itself is serving as a guide needle. The string ll can thus automatically be threaded through the gem objects l2 and the spacers l4 on an automatic assembling machine.

    [0045] Since the folded-back ends of the string ll are secured by the tubular clamps l5, the length of the string ll can be adjusted even after the ornamental article has been completed. The strung gem objectgs l2 of the present invention are prevented from being loosened during usage for a long period of time, and the ends of the string ll are also prevented from being frayed, so that the string of gem objects will remain gracefull and smooth for an extended period of time.

    [0046] FIG. 9 shows an ornamental article with accent rings 2l each interposed between two adjacent gem objects l2. Each of the accent rings 2l includes diamonds or other precious stones 22 set on a side wall 2la of the ring. The rings 2l are located in one or more angularly spaced positions on the ornamental article l0 to give the latter an accent in appearance. Each of the accent rings 2l has a slant groove 2lb defined in the side wall 2la, and can be brought into or out of a position between two adjacent gem objects l2 by inserting the string ll through the groove 2lb. The rings ll are prevented from being accidentally detached since the groove 2lb extends oblightly to the axis thereof. Instead of inserting the string ll through the groove 2lb, the ring 2l may itself be spread out so as to be removed from the ornamental article. Each of the accent rings 2l may be disposed over one of the spacers l4, or may be positioned between one of the spacers l4 and an adjacent gem object l2. Each of the accent rings 2l has spherical recesses defined in its opposite axial ends for contact with the gem object l2 and the spacer l4 so that the accent ring 2l is fixed stably in position and the gem object l2 and the spacer l4 are prevented from damage.

    [0047] FIG. l0A shows a pendant 33 suspended from an annular member 3l supported on the string and interposed between two adjacent gem objects l2. The pendant 33 is suspended by a C ring 22 from the annular member 3l to give the strung gem objects l2 an accent in appearance. The annular member 3l may have a groove defined in its side wall or may be spread out so that it can be removed from the ornamental article. Instead of the annular member 3l, a member similar to a paper clip may be interposed between the gem objects l2 and the pendant 33 may be hung from such a member.

    [0048] FIG. l0B illustrates a brooch 34 coupled to an annular member 35 suspended from the string between two adjacent gem objects. The annular member 35 has a groove 35a defined in its side portion and two through holes 35b defined in portions spaced from the groove 35a in opposite directions and aligned with each other. The brooch 34 has an engaging pin 34a extending through the holes 35b to prevent the string from slipping out of the annular member 35 through the groove 35a. The brooch 34 thus attached to the ornamental article gives an additional ornamental effect to the ornamental article.

    [0049] FIG. l0C shows an earwire 36 for attachment to a pierced ear. The earwire 36 has an engaging pin 36a extending through the holes 35b defined in the annular member. 35 hanging from the string between two adjacent gem objects.

    [0050] FIG. l0D shows a brooch 37 including an integral annular member for directly attaching the brooch 37 to the ornamental article. The brooch 37 also includes an engaging pin 37a pivotally joined to its back by a pivot member 37b having an integral ring 37c serving as the annular member. The ring 37c has a slit 37d through which the string is inserted into the ring 37c to couple the brooch 37 directly to the ornamental article between two adjacent gem objects thereof.

    [0051] FIG. l0E depicts an ornamental spherical gem object 38 including an engaging pin 38a inserted therein and a ring 39 mounted on the outer end of the engaging pin 38a and suspended from the string of the ornamental article. The ring 39 has a slit 39a through which the string is inserted into the ring 39 to couple the spherical gem object 38 to the ornamental article between two adjacent gem objects thereof.

    [0052] According to the embodiments shown in FIGS. l0A through l0E, various ornamental pieces such as a pendant, a brooch, an earwire and the like may be attached to strings of gem objects to give the latter an added ornamental effect.

    [0053] A process of making a string of gem objects according to the present invention will be described by way of example with reference to FIGS. ll through l4.

    [0054] As shown in FIG. ll, one end lb of a non-stretchable string l coated on its outer surface with synthetic resin or natural resin is folded back to form a ring la. Tubular clamps l5 of synthetic resin are fitted over a folded-back portion llc adjacent to the ring lla, and fused or bonded to secure the string end llb to an intermediate portion lld of the string ll. Alternatively, tubular clamps of metal may be fitted over the folded-back portion llc and secured by staking to secure the string end llb to the intermediate portion lld. While two tubular clamps l5 are shown, only one tubular clamp may be used to secure the string end llb.

    [0055] Then, as shown in FIG. l2, a C ring 6 is coupled to the ring lla, and as shown in FIG. l3, a desired number of gem objects l2 alternating with O-ring-shaped spacers l4 of elastomeric material such as silicone rubber are successively threaded on the string ll from the other end thereof.

    [0056] After the string ll has been threaded through all of the gem objects l2 and the spacers l4, as illustrated in FIG. l4, the other end of the string ll is folded back to form a ring lla, and the folded-back portion of the string ll is inserted into the hole l3 of the endmost gem object l2. Thereafter, the end of the string ll is secured to the intermediate portion of the string ll by tubular clamps l5.

    [0057] Although there have been described what are at present considered to be the preferred embodiments of the present invention, it will be understood that the invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof. The present embodiments are therefore to be considered in all aspects as illustrative, and not restrictive. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended claims rather than by the foregoing description.


    1. An ornamental article comprising:
       a plurality of gem objects each having a spherical surface and a through hole extending substantially perpendicularly to said spherical surface;
       a string threaded through said gem objects to interconnect them; and
       a plurality of spacers of an elastomeric material interposed between adjacent ones of said gem objects and having through holes through which said string extends, the spherical surface of each of said adjacent gem objects having a radius of curvature of r, said spacer having a thicker central portion with a thickness of at most 0.15r, each said spacer having a diameter of at most 0.77r.
    2. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers is in the form of an abacus bead.
    3. An ornamental article according to claim 2, wherein each of said spacers is chamferred at its outer circumferential edge.
    4. An ornamental article according to claim 3, wherein said through hole of each said spacer is enlarged at its ends.
    5. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein two of said spacers are interposed side by side between said adjacent gem objects.
    6. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers is double-convex in shape.
    7. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers comprises a combination of conical and frustoconical layers having an outer profile inscribed in a reference surface of a double-convex-lens form.
    8. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers is double-convex in shape and is chamferred at its outer circumferential edge.
    9. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said gem objects is spherical in shape.
    10. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said gem objects is substantially cylindrical in shape and has an end surface as said spherical surface.
    11. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers has a thicker central portion and a thinner outer circumferential edge.
    12. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers is annular in shape.
    13. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein said string is nonstretchable.
    14. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein said string has opposite ends each folded back to form a ring, each of said folded ends being fixed to an intermediate portion of the string.
    15. An ornamental article according to claim 14, further including clamps fitted respectively over the folded ends to secure the latter.
    16. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein said string is coated with resin.
    17. An ornamental article according to claim 1, further including a tube through which said string is inserted.
    18. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein said string is colored.
    19. An ornamental article according to claim 1, wherein each of said spacers comprises at least one O ring.
    20. An ornamental article according to claim 1, further including at least one detachable annular member interposed between two adjacent gem objects.
    21. An ornamental article according to claim 20, wherein said annular member has a groove defined in a side wall thereof.
    22. An ornamental article according to claim 20, wherein said annular member is spreadable.
    23. A method of making an ornamental article of strung gem objects each having a spherical surface and a through hole substantially perpendicular to said spherical surface, the gem objects being interconnected by a nonstretchable string coated with resin which is inserted through the holes thereof, said method comprising the steps of:
       folding back one end of said string to form a ring;
       fixing said folded end of the string to an intermediate portion of said string;
       threading said string through the holes of the gem objects from the opposite end of said string with spacers of an elastomeric material being interposed between the gem objects, the spherical surface of each of said adjacent gem objects having a radius of curvature of r, said thicker central portion having a thickness of at most 0.15r, each said spacer having a diameter of at most 0.77r;
       thereafter folding back the opposite end of said string to form a ring;
       inserting said opposite end of the string into the hole of the gem object adjacent to said second-mentioned ring; and
       fixing said opposite end to an intermediate portion of said string.
    24. A method according to claim 23, wherein each of said ends of the string is fixed to the intermediate portion thereof by fusing the coated resin on the string.
    25. A method according to claim 23, wherein each of said ends of the string is fixed to the intermediate portion thereof by bonding the coated resin on the string.
    26. A method according to claim 23, wherein each of said ends of the string is fixed to the intermediate portion thereof by at least one clamp of synthetic resin attached by fusing to said string.
    27. A method according to claim 23, wherein each of said ends of the string is fixed to the intermediate portion thereof by at least one clamp of synthetic resin attached by bonding to said string.
    28. A method according to claim 23, wherein each of said ends of the string is fixed to the intermediate portion thereof by at least one clamp of metal attached by staking to said string.


    1. Article ornemental comprenant :
       une série d'objets en gemme dont chacun à une surface sphérique et un perçage traversant s'étendant sensiblement perpendiculairement à ladite surface sphérique ;
       un fil enfilé au travers desdits objets en gemme pour les interconnecter ; et
       une série d'écarteurs en un matériau élastomère interposés entre chacun desdits objets en gemme adjacents et ayant un perçage traversant au travers duquel passe ledit fil, la surface sphérique de chacun desdits objets en gemme adjacents ayant un rayon de courbure de r, lesdits écarteurs ayant une partie centrale plus épaisse ayant une épaisseur au maximum de 0,15 r, chacun desdits écarteurs ayant un diamètre au maximum de 0,77 r.
    2. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun des écarteurs a la forme d'une perle de boulier.
    3. Article ornemental selon la revendication 2, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs est biseauté le long de son bord circonférentiel externe.
    4. Article ornemental selon la revendication 3, dans lequel ledit perçage traversant de chaque écarteur est élargi à ses extrémités.
    5. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel deux desdits écarteurs sont interposés côte à côte entre lesdits objets en gemme adjacents.
    6. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs a une forme bi-convexe.
    7. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs est constitué d'une combinaison de couches coniques et tronconiques ayant un profil externe inscrit dans une surface de référence ayant une forme de lentille bi-convexe.
    8. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs a une forme bi-convexe et est biseauté sur son bord circonférentiel externe.
    9. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits objets en gemme est de forme sphérique.
    10. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits objets en gemme est de forme sensiblement cylindrique et a une surface d'extrémité comme ladite surface sphérique.
    11. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs a une partie centrale plus épaisse et un bord circonférentiel externe plus mince.
    12. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun desdits écarteurs est de forme annulaire.
    13. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit fil n'est pas étirable.
    14. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit fil a des extrémités opposées qui sont chacune repliées pour former une boucle, chacune desdites extrémités repliées étant fixée à une partie intermédiaire du fil.
    15. Article ornemental selon la revendication 14 comprenant en outre des pinces fixées respectivement sur les extrémités repliées pour les fixer.
    16. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit fil est revêtu de résine.
    17. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1 comprenant en outre un tube au travers duquel ledit fil est inséré.
    18. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ledit fil est coloré.
    19. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacun des écarteurs est constitué d'au moins une bague annulaire.
    20. Article ornemental selon la revendication 1 comprenant en outre au moins un élément annulaire détachable interposé entre deux objets en gemme adjacents.
    21. Article ornemental selon la revendication 20, dans lequel ledit élément annulaire comporte une rainure définie dans une paroi latérale de celui-ci.
    22. Article ornemental selon la revendication 20, dans lequel ledit élément annulaire est étirable.
    23. Procédé de fabrication d'un article ornemental d'objets en gemme enfilés dont chacun comporte une surface sphérique et un perçage traversant sensiblement perpendiculaire à ladite surface sphérique, lesdits objets en gemme étant interconnectés par un fil non étirable revêtu de résine qui est introduit dans les perçages de ceux-ci, ledit procédé comprenant les étapes de :
       repliage d'une extrémité dudit fil pour former une boucle ;
       fixation de ladite extrémité repliée du fil à une partie intermédiaire dudit fil ;
       enfilage dudit fil au travers des perçages des objets en gemme depuis l'extrémité opposée dudit fil avec des écarteurs en un matériau élastomère interposés entre les objets en gemme, la surface sphérique de chacun desdits objets en gemme voisins ayant un rayon de courbure de r, ladite partie centrale plus épaisse ayant une épaisseur d'au moins 0,15 r, chacun desdits écarteurs ayant un diamètre au maximum de 0,77 r ;
       puis repliage de l'extrémité opposée dudit fil pour former une boucle ;
       insertion de ladite extrémité opposée du fil dans le perçage de l'objet en gemme voisin de la boucle mentionnée en second lieu ; et
       fixation de ladite extrémité opposée à une partie intermédiaire dudit fil.
    24. Procédé selon la revendication 23, dans lequel chacune desdites extrémités du fil est fixée à une partie intermédiaire de celui-ci par fusion de la résine revêtant le fil.
    25. Procédé selon la revendication 23, dans lequel chacune desdites extrémités du fil est fixée à la partie intermédiaire de celui-ci en collant la résine appliquée sur le fil.
    26. Procédé selon la revendication 23, dans lequel chacune desdites extrémités du fil est fixée à la partie intermédiaire de celui-ci à l'aide d'au moins une pince de résine synthétique fixée par fusion audit fil.
    27. Procédé selon la revendication 23, dans lequel chacune des extrémités du fil est fixée à la partie intermédiaire de celui-ci par au moins une pince de résine synthétique fixée par collage audit fil.
    28. Procédé selon la revendication 23, dans lequel chacune des extrémités du fil est fixée à la partie intermédiaire de celui-ci par au moins une pince métallique fixée par serrage sur ledit fil.


    1. Ein Schmuckartikel, welcher umfaßt:

    eine Vielzahl von Edelsteinobjekten, von denen jedes eine sphärische Oberfläche und ein sich im wesentlichen senkrecht zu der sphärischen Oberfläche erstreckendes Durchgangsloch aufweist;

    eine Schnur, die durch die Edelsteinobjekte, um diese miteinander zu verbinden, geführt ist; und

    eine Vielzahl von Abztandselementen aus einem elastomeren Material, die zwischen aneinandergrenzenden der Edelsteinobjekte angeordnet sind und Durchgangslöcher aufweisen, durch welche sich die Schnur erstreckt, wobei die sphärischen Oberflächen von jedem der aneinandergrenzenden Edelsteinobjekte einen Krümmungsradius r, das Abstandselement einen dickeren zentralen Teil mit einer Dicke von höchstens 0,15r und jedes Abstandselement einen Durchmesser von höchstens 0,77r aufweist.
    2. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente die Form einer Rechenbrettkugel aufweist.
    3. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 2, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente an seinem äußeren Umfangsrand angefast ist.
    4. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 3, wobei das Durchgangsloch von jedem Abstandselement an seinen Enden vergrößert ist.
    5. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei zwei von den Anstandselementen Seite an Seite zwischen den aneinandergrenzenden Edelsteinobjekten angeordnet sind.
    6. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente in der Form doppelt konvex ist.
    7. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente einen Kombination von konischen und abgestumpft konischen Schichten umfaßt, welche ein äußeres Profil aufweisen, das in eine Referenzoberfläche in der Form einer doppelt konvexen Linse eingeschrieben ist.
    8. Ein Schmuckartikel, wobei jedes der Anstandselemente doppelt konvex in seiner Form und an seinem äußeren Umfangsrand angefast ist.
    9. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Edelsteinobjekte eine sphärische Form aufweist.
    10. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Edelsteinobjekte eine im wesentlichen zylindrische Form und eine Endoberfläche wie die genannte sphärische Oberfläche aufweist.
    11. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Anstandselemente einen dickeren zentralen Teil und einen dünneren äußeren Umfangsrand aufweist.
    12. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente eine ringförmige Form aufweist.
    13. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Schnur nicht dehnbar ist.
    14. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Schnur entgegengesetzte Enden aufweist, die beide eingeschlagen sind, um einen Ring zu bilden, wobei jedes der eingeschlagenen Enden an einem dazwischen liegenden Teil der Schnur befestigt ist.
    15. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 14, welcher ferner Klemmen enthält, die jeweils über die eingeschlagenen Enden geschoben sind, um letztere zu befestigen.
    16. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Schnur mit einem Harz überzogen ist.
    17. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, welcher ferner eine Röhre enthält, durch welche die Schnur geführt ist.
    18. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Schnur gefärbt ist.
    19. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, wobei jedes der Abstandselemente wenigsten einen O-Ring umfaßt.
    20. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 1, welcher ferner wenigstens ein abnehmbares Ringteil enthält, welches zwischen aneinandergrenzenden Edelsteinobjekten angeordnet ist.
    21. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 20, wobei das Ringteil eine Rille aufweist, die in einer Seitenwand davon gebildet ist.
    22. Ein Schmuckartikel nach Anspruch 20, wobei das Ringteil aufweitbar ist.
    23. Ein Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Schmuckgegenstandes aus aufgereihten Edelsteinobjekten, von denen jedes eine sphärische Oberfläche und ein sich im wesentlichen senkrecht zu der sphärischen Oberfläche erstreckendes Durchgangsloch aufweist, wobei die Edelsteinobjekte durch eine nicht dehnbare, mit Harz überzogene Schnur, welche durch ihr Durchgangsloch geführt ist, verbunden sind, wobei das Verfahren die Schritte umfaßt:

    Einschlagen eines Endes der Schnur, um einen Ring zu bilden;

    Befestigen des eingeschlagenen Endes der Schnur an einem dazwischen liegenden Teil der Schnur;

    Einfädeln der Schnur durch die Löcher der Edelsteinobjekte von dem entgegengesetzten Ende der Schnur, wobei Anstandselemente aus einem elastomeren Material zwischen den Edelsteinobjekten angeordnet werden, und wobei die sphärische Oberfläche von jedem der Edelsteinobjekte einen Krümmungsradius r das dickere zentrale Teil eine Dicke von höchstens 0,15r und jedes der Anstandselemente einen Durchmesser von höchstens 0,77r aufweist;

    danach Einschlagen des entgegengesetzten Endes der Schnur, um einen Ring zu bilden;

    Einführen des entgegengesetzten Endes der Schnur in das Loch des Edelsteinobjekts, das an den zweitgenannten Ring angrenzt; und

    Befestigen des entgegengesetzten Endes an einem dazwischen liegenden Teil der Schnur.
    24. Ein Verfahren nach Anspruch 23, wobei jedes der Enden der Schnur an dem dazwischen liegenden Teil davon durch Zerfließen des aufgetragenen Harzes auf der Schnur befestigt wird.
    25. Ein Verfahren nach Anspruch 23, wobei jedes der Enden der Schnur an dem dazwischen liegenden Teil davon durch Haftung des aufgetragenen Harzes auf der Schnur befestigt wird.
    26. Ein Verfahren nach Anspruch 23, wobei jedes der Enden der Schnur an dem dazwischen liegenden Teil davon durch wenigstens eine Klemmeinrichtung aus synthetischem Harz, die an der Schnur durch Aufschmelzen angebracht wird, befestigt wird.
    27. Ein Verfahren nach Anspruch 23, wobei jedes der Enden der Schnur an dem dazwischen liegenden Teil davon durch wenigstens eine Klemmeinrichtung aus synthetischem Harz, welche an der Schnur durch Haften befestigt ist, befestigt wird.
    28. Ein Verfahren nach Anspruch 23, wobei jedes der Enden der Schnur an dem dazwischen liegenden Teil davon durch wenigstens eine Klemmeinrichtung aus Metall, die an der Schnur durch Anbinden befestigt ist, befestigt wird.
