(11) EP 0 601 667 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
16.10.1996 Bulletin 1996/42

(21) Application number: 93203432.5

(22) Date of filing: 07.12.1993
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)6H01B 9/02


Electric cable

Elektrisches Kabel

Câble électrique

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 10.12.1992 NL 9202135

(43) Date of publication of application:
15.06.1994 Bulletin 1994/24

NL-7481 KJ Haaksbergen (NL)

(72) Inventors:
  • Van Deventer, Gijsbrecht Coenraad
    NL-7495 SB Ambt Delden (NL)
  • Achterbosch, Willibrordus Franciscus Jozef
    NL-7481 KV Haaksbergen (NL)

(74) Representative: Schumann, Bernard Herman Johan et al
Arnold & Siedsma, Advocaten en Octrooigemachtigden, Sweelinckplein 1
2517 GK Den Haag
2517 GK Den Haag (NL)

(56) References cited: : 
FR-A- 2 385 194
FR-A- 1 482 950
FR-A- 2 503 441
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The invention relates to an electric cable comprising:

    an electrically conducting core;

    a first semi-conducting jacket arranged around said electrically conducting core;

    an insulating jacket arranged around said first semi-conducting jacket;

    a second semi-conducting jacket arranged around said insulating jacket;

    an electrically conducting earthing jacket arranged around said second semi-conducting jacket.

    Such an electric cable is known from e.g. FR-A-2 385 194.

    [0002] Relative to this prior art reference the electric cable according to the invention is characterized by a sealing jacket arranged around said electrically conducting earthing jacket which sealing jacket expands under the influence of water;

    an electrically conducting outer jacket arranged around said sealing jacket; and

    electrical conducting means which place the earthing jacket and the outer jacket locally in mutual contact.

    [0003] The sealing jacket arranged around the electrically conducting earthing jacket serves the purpose of ensuring a tight sealing of the cable structure against the penetration of water. Under critical conditions, e.g. conditions under which the sealing jacket comes in contact with penetrating water the jacket builts up an additional barrier preventing the water from further penetrating into the cable structure due to the fact that the jacket expands under the influence of the penetrated water.

    [0004] The electrically conducting outer jacket which can be further covered by a mechanically protecting and electrically insulating protective jacket can for instance consist of aluminium foil. The outer jacket must assume the same electrical potential as the electrically conducting earthing jacket. The sealing jacket present between the two said jackets and expanding under the influence of water has in this respect more or less conducting properties. In conditions where short-circuiting occurs, a comparatively high voltage difference can occur between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket whereby breakdown can result. This can result in local charring or other degeneration of the expandable sealing jacket.

    [0005] It is desirable to improve the contact between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket, particularly in case of short-circuit, and nevertheless retain a physical separation between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket. The expandable sealing jacket has to be retained to ensure the longitudinal water-tightness of the electrical cable in certain conditions.

    [0006] Present for this purpose in the cable according to the invention are the electrical conducting means which place the earthing jacket and the outer jacket locally in mutual contact. These conducting means can be embodied in diverse ways, in particular as electrically conducting spacer elements between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket. A very simple embodiment is that in which the conducting means comprise a conducting wire extending through the sealing jacket. From a production technology viewpoint the most simple and best controllable embodiment is that wherein the wire is wound helically.

    [0007] In order to ensure a good contact with a more or less homogeneous distribution of the contact locations, a specific embodiment has the feature that the earthing jacket comprises at least one helically wound conductor and that the pitch of the conducting wire differs from the pitch of the at least one conductor of the earthing jacket.

    [0008] A preferred embodiment of this type has the special feature that the earthing jacket comprises a number of mutually adjacent helically wound conducting wires and that the pitch thereof is opposed to the pitch of the said conducting wire. This ensures in all conditions that the said conducting wire which must bring about the contact between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket can never be pressed inward and assume a position between the helically wound conducting wires of the earthing jacket.

    [0009] Very simple is the embodiment wherein the sealing jacket is arranged by extrusion. The conducting wire, in particular a copper wire, lies prior to the extrusion process against the outer surface of the earthing jacket. When the cable finished thus far is fed through the correspondingly dimensioned extrusion head the surface of the wire located radially the furthest outward remains at least locally exposed. When a strip of aluminium foil is then laid in lengthwise direction against the cable and closed with adhesive round the cable with a longitudinal seam with overlapping edge zones, a local contact between the earthing jacket and the outer jacket can be ensured due to the light pressure which is used in one movement for arranging the aluminium foil immediately after the extrusion process.

    [0010] After the extrusion treatment which takes place at increased temperature, the relevant material such as medium density polyethylene (MDPE) or high density polyethylene (HDPE) cools, whereby a certain shrinkage occurs which results in a desired increased contact pressure.

    [0011] As stated, the cable can be finished by arranging a protective jacket round the electrically conducting outer jacket.

    [0012] The invention will now be elucidated with reference to the annexed drawing which shows a partly broken away perspective view of a cable according to the invention.

    [0013] The cable according to the invention comprises an electrically conducting core 1, a first semi-conducting jacket 2 arranged therearound, an insulating jacket 3 arranged therearound, a second semi-conducting jacket 4 arranged therearound, an electrically conducting earthing jacket 5, 6 arranged therearound, a sealing jacket 8 arranged therearound which expands under the influence of water, an electrically conducting outer jacket 9 arranged therearound and a copper wire 7 which is embedded in the sealing jacket 8 and which with its inner surface makes contact with the earthing jacket 5, 6 and with its outer surface makes contact with the electrically conducting outer jacket 9 consisting of aluminium foil.

    [0014] The earthing jacket comprises a number of mutually adjacent, helically wound wires 10 together forming a cylindrical jacket and, arranged therearound, a strip 6 of copper foil wound with opposing pitch. It is noted that if desired this strip 6 of copper foil can be omitted. The copper wire 7 has a pitch opposed to that of the wires 10.

    [0015] The sealing jacket 8 expandable under the influence of water is arranged on the cable by extrusion during the production stage in which the cable still consists of the electrically conducting core 1 and the jackets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the conducting wire 7.


    1. Electric cable comprising:

    an electrically conducting core (1);

    a first semi-conducting jacket (2) arranged around said electrically conducting core (1);

    an insulating jacket (3) arranged around said first semi-conducting jacket (2);

    a second semi-conducting jacket (4) arranged around said insulating jacket (3);

    an electrically conducting earthing jacket (5, 6) arranged around said second semi-conducting jacket (4);

       characterized by

    a sealing jacket (8) arranged around said electrically conducting earthing jacket (5,6) which sealing jacket expands under the influence of water;

    an electrically conducting outer jacket (9) arranged around said sealing jacket (8); and

    electrical conducting means (7) which place the earthing jacket (5, 6) and the outer jacket (9) locally in mutual contact.

    2. Cable as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the conducting means comprise a conducting wire (7) extending through the sealing jacket (8).
    3. Cable as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the wire (7) is wound helically.
    4. Cable as claimed in claim 3,
       characterized in that
       the earthing jacket (5, 6) comprises at least one helically wound conductor (5, 6) and that the pitch of the conducting wire (7) differs from the pitch of the at least one conductor (6) of the earthing jacket (5, 6).
    5. Cable as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that the earthing jacket comprises a number of mutually adjacent helically wound conducting wires and that the pitch thereof is opposed to the pitch of the said conducting wire.
    6. Cable as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the sealing jacket (8) is arranged by extrusion.


    1. Elektrisches Kabel mit:

    einem elektrisch leitfähigen Kern (1),

    einem ersten halbleitenden Mantel (2), der drumherum angeordnet ist,

    einem Isoliermantel (3), der um den ersten halbleitenden Mantel (2) herum angeordnet ist,

    einem zweiten halbleitenden Mantel (4), der um den Isoliermantel (3) herum angeordnet ist,

    einem elektrisch leitfähigen Erdungsmantel (5, 6), der um den zweiten halbleitenden Mantel (4) herum angeordnet ist,

    gekennzeichnet durch

    einen Dichtungsmantel (8), der um den elektrisch leitfähigen Erdungsmantel (5, 6) herum angeordnet ist, wobei der Dichtungsmantel sich unter dem Einfluß von Wasser aufdehnt,

    einen elektrisch leitfähigen Außenmantel (9), der um den Dichtungsmantel (8) herum angeordnet ist, und

    elektrisch leitfähige Mittel (7), die den Erdungsmantel (5, 6) und den Außenmantel (9) lokal in gegenseitigen Kontakt bringt.

    2. Kabel nach Anspruch 1,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die leitfähigen Mittel einen leitenden Draht (7) aufweisen, der sich durch den Dichtungsmantel (8) erstreckt.
    3. Kabel nach Anspruch 2,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Draht (7) wendelförmig gewunden ist.
    4. Kabel nach Anspruch 3,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Erdungsmantel (5, 6) zumindest einen wendelförmig gewickelten Leiter (5, 6) aufweist und daß der Versatz des leitenden Drahtes (7) sich von dem Versatz des zumindest einen Leiters (6) des Erdungsmantels (5, 6) unterscheidet.
    5. Kabel nach Anspruch 3,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Erdungsmantel eine Anzahl von gegenseitig aneinandergrenzenden wendelförmig gewickelten Leitungsdrähten aufweist und daß ihr Versatz dem Versatz des Leitungsdrahtes entgegengesetzt ist.
    6. Kabel nach Anspruch 2,
    dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß der Dichtungsmantel (7) durch Extrusion angeordnet wird.


    1. Câble électrique comprenant:

    un noyau (1) conducteur électriquement;

    une première enveloppe (2) semi-conductrice agencée autour du noyau (1) conducteur électriquement;

    une enveloppe isolante (3) agencée autour de la première enveloppe (2) semi-conductrice;

    une seconde enveloppe (4) semi-conductrice agencée autour de l'enveloppe (3) isolante;

    une enveloppe (5,6) de mise à la terre conductrice électriquement agencée autour de la seconde enveloppe (4) semi-conductrice;

       caractérisé par:

    une enveloppe (8) d'étanchéité agencée autour de l'enveloppe (5,6) de mise à la terre conductrice électriquement, l'enveloppe d'étanchéité subissant une expansion sous l'influence de l'eau;

    une enveloppe (9) externe conductrice électriquement agencée autour de l'enveloppe (8) d'étanchéité; et

    des moyens (7) conducteurs électriquement plaçant l'enveloppe (5,6) de mise à la terre et l'enveloppe (9) externe en contact mutuel localement.

    2. Câble selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que les moyens conducteurs comprennent un fil métallique (7) conducteur s'étendant à travers l'enveloppe (8) d'étanchéité.
    3. Câble selon la revendication 2, caractérisé en ce que le fil métallique (7) est enroulé en hélice.
    4. Câble selon la revendication 3, caractérisé en ce que l'enveloppe (5,6) de mise à la terre comprend au-moins un conducteur (5,6) enroulé en hélice et en ce que le pas du fil métallique conducteur (7) diffère du pas dudit au moins un conducteur (6) de l'enveloppe (5,6) de mise à la terre.
    5. Câble selon la revendication 3, caractérisé en ce que l'enveloppe de mise à la terre comprend un nombre de fils métalliques conducteurs enroulés en hélice mutuellement adjacents et en ce que le pas de ceux-ci est opposé au pas dudit fil métallique conducteur.
    6. Câble selon la revendication 2, caractérisé en ce que l'enveloppe (8) d'étanchéité est agencée par extrusion.
